來源:網(wǎng)群國際    瀏覽:


Pharmaceutical chemistry

Food sciences

Food chemistry

Food and drink processing

Environmental chemistry

Chemical engineering (plants,products)


Analytical chemistry

Agricultural engineering,food safety

Neophytou Neophytos CY University of Warwick Coventry United Kingdom

Nespola Antonino IT Istituto Superiore Mario Boella Turin Italy Optoelectronics

Optical engineering,photonics,lasers

FIRE,Future Internet Research and Experimentation

Fiber optics and optical communications

Communication engineering and systems telecommunicati***

Nevalainen Timo FI University of Eastern Finland,Kuopio Campus Kuopio Finland Veterinary medicine

Laboratory animal science

Generic skills


Animal ethics

Newton Alice UK NILU - Norwegian Institute for Air Research- Norsk institutt for luftforskning Kjeller Norway

Neytcheva Maya BG Uppsala University Uppsala Sweden Numerical analysis and scientific computing

Mathematics for High-Performance Computing

High performance computing

Control theory and optimization

Application of mathematics in sciences

Ng Kia UK University of Leeds Leeds United Kingdom

Ngonga Ngomo Axel-Cyrille CM University of Leipzig Leipzig Germany

Nicolardot,nicolardot Bernard,bernard FR AgroSup Dijon Dijon cedex France Wastewater treatment

Soil science

Soil fertility



Nicolas Luc*daniel M BE Public Ferderal Service Public Health Bruxelles Belgium

Nicolella Cristiano IT Consorzio Polo Tecnologico Magona Cecina Italy Energy systems (production,distribution,application)


Energy efficient industry

Chemical process engineering

Chemical engineering (plants,products)

Nicolo' Vincenzo IT Consortium SPIKE Genova,Italy Italy

Niederberger Ralph DE Forschungszentrum Juelich Juelich Germany Narrow band tecnology

Broadband technology

Niederée Claudia DE Leibniz Univerität Hannover Hannover Germany Web and information systems,database systems,information retrieval and digital libraries,data fusion

Informatics and information systems

Algorithms,distributed,parallel and network algorithms,algorithmic game theory

Niederhofer Maximilian DE Sunstone Capital Copenhagen Denmark

Niehus Manfred DE Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa Lisboa Portugal

Nielsen Charlotte Hedemark DK SAP Copenhagen Denmark

Nielsen Lene

Lene K.Nielsen consultant Birkeroed Denmark

Nielsen Kristian Pagh DK Danish Meteorological Institute Copenhagen Denmark

Nielson Lise DK Lean Energy Cluster Sønderborg Denmark

Nieto Emilio ES Innceinnmat,S.L.Valencia Spain

Nikodem Maciej PL MT-Silesia Wroclaw Poland


Nikolopoulou Marialena EL University of Kent Canterbury United Kingdom

Nikoloski Zoran MK Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology Potsdam-Golm Germany

Nikolova Dessislava BG Columbia University New York United States

Nilsson Anders SE Lund University Lund Sweden Software engineering,operating systems,computer languages

Ontologies,neural networks,genetic programming,fuzzy logic

Computer systems,parallel/distributed systems,sensor networks,embedded systems,cyber-physical systems

Nilsson Carin SE Carin Climate and Culture Lund Sweden

Nissen Poul DK Aarhus University Aarhus Denmark Structural biology (crystallography and EM)


Structural biology


Natural sciences

Molecular design,de novo design

Molecular biology and interactions

Health sciences

Cell biology and molecular transport mechanisms

Noeckler Karsten DE Federal Institute for Risk Assessment Berlin Germany Zoonosis

Veterinary medicine

Parasite pathogens of animals

Nogueira Rogerio PT Watgrid Aveiro Portugal

Noll Stefan DE Hochschule Furtwangen University Furtwangen Germany Web and information systems,database systems,information retrieval and digital libraries,data fusion

Software engineering,operating systems,computer languages

Robotics and automatic control

Networks (communication networks,sensor networks,networks of robots,etc.)


Management and monitoring of large cooperation/partnership/network projects

Internet and semantic web,database systems and libraries

Informatics and information systems

Human computer interaction and interface,visualization and natural language processing

E-learning,user modelling,collaborative systems

Computer systems,parallel/distributed systems,sensor networks,embedded systems,cyber-physical systems

Computer systems,parallel/distributed systems,grid,cloud processing systems

Computer graphics,computer vision,multi media,computer games

Computer games,multi-media,augmented and virtual reality

Computer architecture,pervasive computing,ubiquitous computing

Communication networks,media,information society

Communication engineering and systems telecommunications

Cognitive science,human computer interaction,natural language processing

Automation and control systems

Artificial intelligence,intelligent systems,multi agent systems

Application assessm***

Noll Josef DE Movation AS Oslo Norway

Nölle Christoph DE Fraunhofer IWES Kassel Germany Systems engineering,sensorics,actorics,automation


Policy development

Networks (communication networks,sensor networks,networks of robots,etc.)


Electricity Transmission/Distribution

Noort Harmannus NL HCP international Amsterdam Netherlands

Nordeng Hedvig NO University of Oslo Oslo Norway

Nordeste Paulo PT MINDSTORM - Inovação e Tecnologia,Lda Ílhavo Portugal

Nordström Lars SE KTH - Royal Insitute of Technology Stockholm Sweden

Noreikat Karl Universtät Stuttgart Stuttgart Germany Regulatory framework for innovation

Energy systems (production,distribution,application)

Normie Lawrence IL Lawrence Normie Consulting Jerusalem Israel

Norp Toon NL TNO Delft Netherlands Wireless communications,communication,high frequency,mobile technology

Terrestrial mobile technology

Technology assessment

Standardisation of technologies


Nortmann Uwe DE U****DACH e.V.Salem Germany Technology transfer



Manufacturing of UMV

HFI Human Factors Integration,Man-machine Interface

BTT5 Unmanned aircraft

Assembly,Integration and Verification /Testing (AIV /AIT)

Nothnagel Axel DE University of Bonn Bonn Germany

Nourshargh Noori UK The Open University Cambridge United Kingdom

Novak Peter SI Energotech,do.o.Ljubljana Slovenia Fluid mechanics,hydraulic-,turbo-,and piston engines

Energy systems (production,distribution,application)


Energy,fuels and petroleum engineering

Nowak Sławomir PL Proximetry Poland Katowice Poland

Nowak Maciej PL Jagiellonian University Cracow Poland Technological sciences

Physical sciences

Nowakowski Piotr PL ACC CYFRONET AGH Krakow Poland Computer hardware and architecture

Nowicka Katarzyna PL Warsaw School of Economics Warsaw Poland

Nunes Vitor PT Portugal Telecom Lisboa Portugal Terrestrial mobile technology


Broadband technology

Nuñez Ruy ES JRS Iberica SL Barcelona Spain

Nyberg Timo FI Moduco Ltd (Nokia&CGI external consultant)

Espoo Finland

Nykänen Pirkko FI University of Tampere Tampere Finland

Oberg Jonas SE Shuttleworth Foundation Gnesta Sweden

Oberle Karsten DE Nokia Stuttgart Germany Telecommunications engineering

Systems technology

Systems engineering

Standardisation of technologies

Network tecnology

Communication technology

Communication engineering and systems telecommunications

Communication engineer***

Obermaisser Roman AT University of Siegen Siegen Germany

Obraztsova Elena RU

a.M.Prokhorov General Physics Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow Russian Federation

Occhipinti Luigi Giuseppe IT University of Cambridge Cambridge United Kingdom

O'connor Noel IE Dublin City University Dublin Ireland

O'connor Ian UK Ecole Centrale de Lyon Ecully France

O'dwyer Dermot IE Trinity College Dublin Dublin Ireland

Oertel Britta DE IZT - Institute for Futures Studies and Technology Assessment Berlin Germ***

Oesterreicher Doris AT University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna Austria

Offe Claus DE Hertie School of Governance Berlin Germany Violence,conflict and conflict resolution

Transformation of societies,democratization,social movements

Political theory

Political systems and institutions,governance

Political science

New participatory democracy models

Offenhäusser Andreas DE Forschungszentrum Jülich Jülich Germany Neurobiology


Biomedical engineering

Biomaterial engineering

Offrein Bert Jan NL IBM Research GmbH Rueschlikon Switzerland Signal processing

Optical components


Applied optics

O'flaherty John IE University of Limerick Limerick Ireland

Oh Paul US Drexel University Philadelphia United States Robotics


Computer science

O'higgins Tim IE Scottish Association for Marine Science Oban United Kingdom

Ohm Jens-Rainer DE RWTH Aachen University Aachen Germany

Oikonomou Maria* EL University of Glasgow Glasgow United Kingdom

Okyay Ali Kemal TR Bilkent University Ankara Turkey

Olarte Enrique ES Zabala Innovation Consulting,S.A.Madrid Spain

Oliveira Jose PT National Authority for Civil Protection Carnaxide Portugal

Oliver Riera Miquel ES Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona Spain Types of innovation

Innovation policy

Industrial sectoral change

Electrical and electronic engineering

Communication engineering and systems telecommunications

Business and Managem***

Olivo-Marin Jean-Christophe FR Institut Pasteur Paris France Technological sciences


Engineering mathematics

Cell biology

Biomedical engineering


Olsson Fredrik SE BAE Systems Bofors Karlskoga Sweden

Omar Yasser PT University of Lisbon Lisbon Portugal

O'neill Mary IE University of Hull Hull United Kingdom

Oner Funda* TR SONACA (Société Nationale de Construction Aerospatiale SA)

Gosselies Belgium

Opara Krašovec Urša SI University of Ljubljana,Faculty of electrical engineering Ljubljana Slovenia

Oppenheim Helmut AT Ministry of Defence Vienna Austria

Oquendo Flavio FR University of Brittany/IRISA Research Institute,France Vannes France Web and information systems,database systems,information retrieval and digital libraries,data fusion

Theoretical computer science,formal methods,quantum computing

Systems Engineering and Integrated Systems Design

Systems Engineering and Design Management

Systems engineering

Systems analysis and models development

System Design & verification

Software engineering,operating systems,computer languages

Software design validation and maintenance

Secure software engineering

Ontologies,neural networks,genetic programming,fuzzy logic

Internet and semantic web,database systems and libraries

Information systems

Informatics and information systems

Computer systems,parallel/distributed systems,sensor networks,embedded systems,cyber-physical systems

Computer systems,parallel/distributed systems,grid,cloud processing systems

Computer architecture,pervasive computing,ubiquitous computing

Artificial intelligence,intelligent systems,multi agent systems

Architecture,smart buildings,smart cities,urban engineer***

Orejas Fernando ES Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Barcelona Spain Theoretical computer science,formal methods,quantum computing

Software engineering,operating systems,computer languages

Computer science

Computational geometry,theorem proving,symbolic,algebraic computations

Orleanski Piotr PL FHNW Windish Switzerland

Ornelas-Soares Antonio PT FASTinov Porto Portugal Types of innovation

Technologies involving identifying the functioning of DNA,proteins and enzymes and how they influence the onset of disease and maintenance of well-being (gene-based diagnostics and therapeutic interv

SME support

Research integrity and research misconduct

Quantitative genetics

Molecular genetics,reverse genetics and RNAi

Medical laboratory technology (including laboratory samples analysis diagnostic technologies)


Medical devices

Innovation policy

Innovation Management Consulting

Genomics,comparative genomics,functional genomics

Gender in engineering and technology

Epigenetics and gene regulation

Disruptive innovation

Diagnostic tools (e.g.genetic,imaging)


Diagnostic and implantable devices,environmental monitoring

Business coaching and mentoring

Bioremediation,diagnostic biotechnologies (DNA chips and biosensing devices)

in environmental management

Biomaterials (as related to medical implants,devices,sensors)


Applied biotechnology (non-medical),bioreactors,applied microbiology

Ortega Beatriz ES Universitat Politecnica de Valencia Valencia Spain Communication engineering and systems telecommunicati***

Orue-Echevarria Leire ES Tecnalia (Fundacion Tecnalia Research & innovation)

Zamudio Spain

Osann Anna ES Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Albacete Spain Natural resources management

Ostergaard Soren Duus DK Duus.Partners PS Hørsholm Denmark Technological sciences


Cryptology,security,privacy,quantum crypto

Computer technology

Cloud trust & security

Oswald Maria Elisabeth AT University of Bristol Bristol United Kingdom Trust technology

Security technology

Security systems

Information Security Technologies

Computing Technologies

Complexity and cryptography,electronic security,privacy,biometrics

Otero Ana ES University of Santiago de Compostela Santiago de Compostela Sp***

Ott Stephan DE TU München München Germany

Oudeyer Pierre-Yves FR INRIA Bordeaux-Sud-Ouest Talence France

Ovtcharova Jivka DE FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik Karlsruhe Germany Mechanical and manufacturing engineering (shaping,mounting,joining,separation)


Innovation systems

Innovation strategies

özalp-Yaman Seniz TR Atilim University Ankara Turkey

Ozbek Berna TR CNAM Paris France Wireless systems

Terrestrial mobile technology

Telecommunications technology

Telecommunications engineering

Communication engineering and systems telecommunications

Broadband technol***

Oztop Erhan TR Ozyegin University Istanbul Turkey Theoretical computer science,formal methods,quantum computing

Robotics and automatic control


Neuropsychology and cognitive psychology

Neuroimaging and computational neuroscience

Mathematical aspects of computer science


Machine learning,statistical data processing and applications using signal processing (e.g.speech,image,video)


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