來源:網(wǎng)群國際    瀏覽:

Intelligent robotics,cybernetics

Evolution of mind and cognitive functions,animal communication


Computer engineering

Cognitive science,human computer interaction,natural language processing

Cognitive and experimental psychology:perception,action,and higher cognitive processes

Cognition (e.g.learning,memory,emotions,spee***


Artificial intelligence,intelligent systems,multi agent systems

Application of mathematics in sciences

Application of mathematics in industry and society

Algorithms,distributed,parallel and network algorithms,algorithmic game theory

Algorithms and complex***

Ozturk Cengizhan TR Bogazici University,Institute of Biomedical Engineering Cengelkoy - Istanbul Turkey

Ozyildirim Alime TR Aselsan Inc.Ankara Turkey

Paasch Kasper DK University of Southern Denmark Sønderborg Denmark

Paasikivi Riikka*irmeli FI Spinverse Oy Espoo Finland

Paavilainen Leena FI Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)

Vantaa Finland

Pace Gordon MT Prochrony Ltd Hamrun Malta

Pachet Francois FR Sony Europe Paris France

Padilla Frederic FR University of Michigan,Ann Arbor Ann Arbor United States Medical physics

Medical engineering,biomedical engineering and technology

Diagnostic tools (e.g.genetic,imaging)


Biomedical engineering


Pagello Enrico IT University of Padua Padova Italy Technological sciences

Robotics for entertainment

Robotics for education


Motion planning

Modelling and knowledge engineering

Man Machine interface

Human robot collaboration

Assistive robotics

Action planning

Pages-Zamora Alba ES Technical University of Catalonia (UPC)

Barcelona Spain Higher Education

Electrical and electronic engineering

Communication engineering and systems telecommunications

Communication engineer***

Paggetti Cristiano IT Ulster University Belfast United Kingdom

Pahl Claus* DE Free University of Bozen-Bolzano Bolzano Italy

Pain Laurent FR CEA-LETI Grenoble France

Paiva Maria Conceicao PT Clemson University Clemson United States

Paiva Ana PT Instituto Superior Técnico Lisboa Portugal Robotics and automatic control

Computer sciences,information science and bioinformatics

Pajala Antti*olavi FI Borea Co.Turku Finland

Palade Paula RO Jaguar Land Rover Gaydon,Warwick United Kingdom

Palamidessi Catuscia* IT INRIA Palaiseau France

Palau Carlos E.ES Universidad Politecnica de Valencia Valencia Spain

Paley Lynne UK University of Sunderland Sunderland United Kingdom

Palm Günther DE University of Ulm Ulm Germany

Palmerini Giovanni Battista IT UNIVERSITA' DI BOLOGNA FORLì Italy

Palmirani Monica IT University of Bologna Bologna Italy Private,public and social law

Legal systems,constitutions,foundations of law

Computer sciences,information science and bioinformatics

Palmquist Christine DE CAB Group Örebro Sweden

Pamme Nicole DE The University of Hull Hull United Kingdom Tomography


Physical sciences


Forensic chemistry

Diagnostic and implantable devices,environmental monitoring



Analytical chemistry

Panagiotidis Christos EL Aristotle University of Thessaloniki THESSALONIKI Greece


Pandyan Anand UK Keele University Keele United Kingdom

Panke Sven DE ETH Zurich Basel Switzerland Bioprocessing technologies (industrial processes relying on biological agents to drive the process)


Panou Chrysoula EL Dr C.Panou Dental Surgery Athens Greece

Pantilimon Oana RO Corvers Commercial and Legal Affairs 's-Hertogenbosch Netherlands

Pantle Iris DE Falquez,Pantle und Pritz GbR Karlsruhe Germany


Papadopoulos George Angelos EL University of Cyprus Nicosia Cyprus

Papadopoulos George EL Industrial Systems Institute Rion Patra Greece

Papadopoulou Despina EL GeoAnalysis SA ATHENS Greece

Papakostas Nikolaos EL Fugro Survey B.V.Leidschendam Netherlands

Papaleo Laura IT Città Metropolitana di Genova GENOVA Italy

Papangelis (Appeared As Papagelis In Scientific Publications)

Konstantinos (Or Kostas)

EL University of Patras Patras Greece

Papi Tiziano IT AGESS FORLI' Italy

Pappalardo Gelsomina IT Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto di Metodologie per l'Analisi Ambientale Tito Scalo Italy Water-climate interactions

Observation systems (Climate change)


Atmospheric physics (Climate change)


Aerosols (Climate change)

Parac-Vogt Tatjana RS Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,Department of Chemistry Leuven Belgium

Pardo Jose ES International Computer Science Institute Berkeley United States Machine learning,statistical data processing and applications using signal processing (e.g.speech,image,video)


Cognition (e.g.learning,memory,emotions,speech)

Pardon Marie-Christine FR University of Nottingham Nottingham United Kingdom

Paredes Díaz Irene ES Eurizon Madrid Spain

Parent Michel FR INRIA Le Chesnay France Urban design

Technological sciences


Electric vehicles

Active safety of vehicles

Park Jaeheung KR Seoul National University Seoul Korea (Republic of)

Robotics,Tele-Robotics & Autonomous Systems (RTA)


Robotics and automatic Control Parmeggiani Andrea IT Margherita Inventions srl modena Italy

Parmeggiani Andrea IT University of Montpellier Montpellier France

Parodi Sara IT D'Appolonia S.p.A.Genova Italy Water resources engineering


Remote sensing

Mining and mineral processing

Civil engineering,maritime/hydraulic engineering,geotechnics,waste treatment

Chemical engineering,technical chemistry

Chemical engineering

Párraga Niebla Cristina ES German Aerospace Center (DLR)

Wessling Germany

Parsons Sarah UK University of Southampton Southampton United Kingdom

Parsons Mark UK The University of Edinburgh Edinburgh United Kingdom Technology


Electrical and electronic engineering

Computer sciences,information science and bioinformatics

Computer science

Computer hardware and architecture

Pasanen Pirjo FI Spinverse Oy Espoo Finland

Pascoal António PT Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST)

Lisbon Portugal Robotics

Control networks


Pascual Avila Victor ES Oracle Barcelona Spain

Pascual Cid Victor ES SIRIS Academic Barcelona Spain Visual techniques /Visual analytics /Intelligent data understanding

Human computer interaction

Data visualizat***

Pasparakis Manolis EL University of Cologne Cologne Germany Organ physiology and pathophysiology

Molecular genetics

Molecular biology

Innate immunity and inflammation




Biological basis of immunity related disorders

Passani Antonella IT London School of Economics and Political sciences London United Kingdom

Passarella Andrea IT Italian Research Council (CNR)

Pisa Italy

Pastore Serena IT University of Padova Padova Italy


Patino-Martinez Marta ES Universidad Politecnica de Madrid Boadilla del Monte-Madrid Spain

Patras Ioannis NL Queen Mary University of London London United Kingdom

Pau Louis-Francois DK University of Pretoria Johannesburg South Africa

Paul Tomillo Ana Maria ES Fundación CTAG Porriño Spain Robotics and automatic control

Electrical and electronic engineering

Communication engineering and systems telecommunications

Automation and control syst***

Paun Costin Mihai RO ENTSO-E BRUSSELS Belgium

Pautasso Cesare IT University of Lugano Lugano Switzerland Technology-enhanced learning

Software Architectures

Service oriented architectures

Service Engineering

Modelling tools

Informatics and information systems

Distributed computing

Cloud Architectures

Autonomic computing

Pavlidou Foteini-Niovi EL Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki Greece

Pavlinkova Gabriela CZ Biotechnology Institute CAS Prague Czech Republic

Pavlov Nikolay BG Ministry of Education and Science Sofia Bulgaria

Pavlova Irena BG I-SOFT OOD Sofia Bulgaria

Pavon Juan ES Universidad Complutense de Madrid Madrid Spain

Pawlak Bartlomiej PL Globalfoundries Leuven (BE)/Albany (USA)


Pearce David UK Universidad Politecnica de Madrid Madrid Spain Technological sciences

Philosophy,History and philosophy of science and technology


Computer sciences,information science and bioinformatics

Pecastaing Laurent FR University of Pau Pau France

Peggs Stephen UK BNL Upton United States Particles and fields physics


Pegman Geoff UK R U Robots Limited Manchester United Kingdom

Peiffer Patrick LU Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Research


Cultural studies,cultural diversity


Peisino Michela IT Ziemer Ophthalmic Systems AG Port (BE)

Switzerland Surface science and nanostructures

Micro- and nanoelectronics,optoelectronics

Medical devices

Electrical and electronic engineering

Pejić Bach Mirjana HR Society for Advancing Business & Information Technology (BIT)

Zagreb Croatia

Pelachaud Catherine FR CNRS - TELECOM ParisTech Paris France Intelligent interfaces

Human computer interaction

Computer games,multi-media,augmented and virtual reality

Cognitive science,human computer interaction,natural language process***

Pelekanos Nikolaos EL University of Crete HERAKLION Greece Semiconductors


Photonic devices

Optoelectronics,semiconductor photonics and photonic integration



III-V photonics

Pelgrom Marcel NL Pelgrom Consult Helmond Netherlands Technological sciences

Electrical technology

Pentcheva Evdokia BG INTU Norwich United Kingdom Technologies involving the manipulation of cells,tissues,organs or the whole organism (assisted reproduction)


Technologies involving identifying the functioning of DNA,proteins and enzymes and how they influence the onset of disease and maintenance of well-being (gene-based diagnostics and therapeutic interv

Renewable energy sources

New business opportunities

Nano-materials (production and properties)


Marine biotechnology incl.marine biofuels

Knowledge and Technology transfer

Innovation Management Consulting

Infectious diseases

Industrial innovation policy

Industrial biotechnology

Food and beverages

Ethics in natural sciences


Bioproducts (products that are manufactured using biological material as feedstock)

biomaterials,bioplastics,biofuels,bioderived bulk and fine chemicals,bio-derived novel materials

Biological engineering

Bioinformatics,biocomputing,and DNA and molecular computation

Biochemistry and molecular biology

Antimicrobial resistance

Agricultural biotechnology and food biotechnology

Penttinen Merja FI VTT Espoo Finland Transport telematics

Traffic telematics

Socio-economic research

Social shaping of technology

Road transport technology

Organization psychology


Perakis Konstantinos EL SINGULAR LOGIC S.A.Athens Greece Wireless systems


Information technology

Health telematics

Computer engineering

Bioinformatics,e-Health,medical informat***

Perassi Arianna IT Cargolux Italia Vizzola Ticino Italy

Perc Matjaz SI University of Maribor,Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Maribor Slovenia

Perdereau Véronique FR University Pierre et Marie Curie Paris France Robotics and automatic control

Higher Education

Event moderation

Automation and control systems

Application assessment

Pereira Dora PT University of Cambridge Cambridge United Kingdom

Pereira De Carvalho Paulo Fernando PT IFMBE - Int.Fed.for Medical and Biological Engineering --- United States Technological sciences

Software technology

Signal processing

Medical instrumentation

Medical engineering,biomedical engineering and technology

Medical engineering and technology

Pereira Klen Alexandra Augusta BR Axia Value Chain São Paulo Brazil

Pereira Neves Hercules* BR Unitec Semiconductors Belo Horizonte Brazil


Perez Moreno Ruben*francisco ES GMV Aerospace and Defence (GMV Group)

Madrid Spain

Perez-Amaral Teodosio ES UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID MADRID Spain Economics,Econometrics

Econometrics,statistical methods


Consumer studies

Applied economics

Peric Lidija RS University of Novi Sad Novi Sad Serbia Poultry breeding

Feed products

Feed additives

Egg production


Animal welfare

Animal nutrition

Animal housing

Animal behaviour

Agriculture related to animal husbandry,dairying,livestock raising

Perkis Andrew UK Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU Trondheim Norway

Perrott Ron UK University of Oxford Oxford United Kingdom

Persson Jc SE JC Persson AB Gothenburg Sweden Technological sciences

Persson Jan-Gunnar SE Royal Institute of Technology - KTH Stockholm Sweden Thermodynamics

Mechanical engineering

Electromechanical engineering


Applied mechanics

Pescapè Antonio IT University of Napoli Federico II Napoli Italy

Pesole Annarosa IT University of Bari Bari Italy

Petcu Dana RO Institute e-Austria Timisoara Timisoara Romania

Péter Mária NL TMC Nanotechnology B.V.Eindhoven Netherlands

Petermann Klaus DE Technische Universität Berlin Berlin Germany 0

Peters Frans NL Frans Peters Wetenschappelijk Adviseur EINDHOVEN Netherlands

Peters Isabella DE ZBW Leibniz Information Centre for Economics Kiel Germany

Peters Annette DE Helmholtz Zentrum München Neuherberg Germany

Petersen Rasmus UK University of Manchester Manchester United Kingdom Systems neuroscience

Sensory systems (e.g.visual system,auditory system)


Neuroimaging and computational neuroscience

Petkov Petko UK Cardiff University Cardiff United Kingdom Nano-processes (applications on nano-scale)


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