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生物飼料及添加劑綜合研發(fā)生產(chǎn)基地項目招商引資項目建設內(nèi)容和投資項目規(guī)模:該由項目固安昕大洋生物科技有限公司投資建設,總占地52畝,主要建設研發(fā)中心、生產(chǎn)車間、辦公樓等設施;主要生產(chǎn)生物動保產(chǎn)品、生物飼料、飼料添加劑微生態(tài)的技術研發(fā)、技術轉(zhuǎn)讓、生產(chǎn)和銷售。投資估算和資金來源:項目投資總額4474萬美元,全部由企業(yè)自籌。項目投資市場分析:本項目規(guī)劃產(chǎn)品,是國家多項政策鼓勵支持進一步發(fā)展的項目,20109月通過的《國務院關于加快培育和發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略性新興產(chǎn)業(yè)的決定》也將生物產(chǎn)業(yè)列入戰(zhàn)略性新興產(chǎn)業(yè)。本項目建成后企業(yè)的生產(chǎn)規(guī)模將再上新臺階。投資項目效益分析:預計年銷售收入925億元,可實現(xiàn)利潤15193億元,上繳稅收03591億元,可安排就業(yè)320人。招商引資建設條件:園區(qū)基礎設施、交通運輸可以滿足企業(yè)生產(chǎn)、生活需求。項目招商機構:公司創(chuàng)建以來,堅持“誠信為本,客戶至上”的宗旨,本著“品質(zhì)為本,精益求精”的經(jīng)營銷售理念,力求給客戶提供全方位優(yōu)質(zhì)服務的同時,也使企業(yè)得到長足的發(fā)展。期待與各位業(yè)界新老客戶攜手共進,共創(chuàng)輝煌。招商引資合作方式:獨資。投資機構聯(lián)系方式:招商引資聯(lián)系人:賈春喜招商引資電話:1390117*** 招商引資傳真:0086-10-8926*** 招商引資郵箱:stylejcx**[ta]**com 招商引資地址:北京市海淀區(qū)中關村南大街乙12號天作國際大廈1號樓B*** 招商引資郵編:10***


Biological feed additives and comprehensive research and development production base project

Content of projectthe project from the company xin ocean biological technology co., LTD Invest in the construction, the total cover an area of 52 acres, the main construction of research and development center, production workshop, office buildings and other facilities; Dynamic insurance products, mainly the production of livestock feed, feed additives, micro ecological technology development, technology transfer, production and sales .Investment estimation and financing sourcethe project total investment is 4474435 million dollars, all by the enterprise oneself, plans to use of foreign capital of $10 million .Market analysisthe project planning products, is supported by many national policies to encourage further development projects, in September 2010 by the "state council on accelerating the development of cultivation and the decision of the strategic emerging industries" biology industry will also be included in the strategic emerging industries. The scale of production of the enterprise after the completion of the project will to a new level .Analysis of economic benefitthe annual sales revenue of 925 million yuan, is expected to be realized profit of 15193 million yuan, pay tax 03591 million yuan, can arrange employment of 320 people .Construction termthe park infrastructure, transportation can meet the demand of enterprise production and living .Method of cooperationsole proprietorship .ContactJia Chunxi Tel1390117*** Fax0086-10-8926*** E-mailstylejcx**[ta]**com Addresshaidian district of Beijing zhongguancun south street B12 days for international building no.1 B 910 Postcode10***



年產(chǎn)3萬套功能寢具項目招商引資項目建設內(nèi)容和投資項目規(guī)模:項目位于燕郊高新區(qū)孤山南路南側(cè)、區(qū)間路東側(cè)新建廠房212825平方米,用于生產(chǎn)車間及辦公。新購置設備39臺套進行功能寢具項目生產(chǎn) 投資估算及占地:項目投資總額652萬美元。項目投資市場分析:功能寢具不僅提供了一款舒適衛(wèi)生的臥具,重要的是在改善家居“微環(huán)境”上可以發(fā)揮重要作用?梢哉f,功能寢具取代傳統(tǒng)寢具已經(jīng)是人心所向大勢所趨。投資項目效益分析:項目建成達產(chǎn)后,預計正常銷售收入1億元,實現(xiàn)利潤1700萬元,上繳稅金430萬元,可吸納就業(yè)人數(shù)80人。招商引資建設條件:項目建設區(qū)域基礎設施完善,廠房完整,交通便利項目招商機構:愛思康(三河)健康科技有限公司 招商引資聯(lián)絡人:何新宇 招商引資電話:0086-316-331***


Project of Manufacturing 30,000 Sets of Functional Bedding Per Year

Project Content and ScaleThe project is located on the south side of Gu Shan South Road, Yanjiao High-Tech Zone. 212825 square meters of new plants (used for manufacturing shop and office building) will be built on the east side of Qv Jian Road. 39 sets of new equipment will be used for the project production of functional bedding .Investment EstimationThe total investment on this project is $652 million .Market AnalysisFunctional bedding not only provides a kind of comfortable and healthy bedding but also plays a crucial part in improving home micro-environment. In other words, it is an irresistible trend that functional bedding will replace the traditional bedding .Economic Benefit AnalysisIt is anticipated that the annual sales revenue of this project will be 01 billion yuan (with a profit of17 million yuan) and 43 million yuan will be paid for the tax. The project will provide 80 persons with job opportunities .Construction ConditionsThe project construction area possesses complete infrastructure, complete plant and convenient traffic condition .General Description of Chinese SponsorAi Si Kang (Sanhe) Health and Technology Co., Ltd. ContactPersonHe Xinyu Tel0086-316-331***



招商引資內(nèi)容:項目擬占地面積152畝,年產(chǎn)80萬臺變徑密排太陽能熱水器。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:項目投資總額6000萬美元,擬利用外資2000萬美元。項目投資市場分析:目前的太陽能銷售主要靠零售家用機為主,隨著城市的小高層的興起和地產(chǎn)業(yè)對產(chǎn)品的要求,目前市場上的產(chǎn)品不能滿足建筑配套的需求,公司經(jīng)過近十年的研究開發(fā),并已經(jīng)在市場上大量應用,從使用效果上看非常理想,能夠滿足建筑配套的需求,市場前景廣闊。投資項目效益分析:項目建成達產(chǎn)后,預計年可實現(xiàn)產(chǎn)值11000萬美元,利潤3500萬美元,上繳稅金1000萬美元。招商引資建設條件:項目擬建區(qū)域基礎設施完善,土地平整,交通便利。項目招商機構:三河華隆新能源有限公司,法人代表:王秀華。招商引資合作方式:合資或合作。招商引資聯(lián)系人:王戎 招商引資電話:0086-316-332*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-332*** 招商引資地址:北京東燕郊開發(fā)區(qū)行宮東大街1 招商引資郵編:10*** 招商引資郵箱:jwq**[ta]**


Diameter-transformed, Close-packed Solar Water Heater Production Project

Product contentIt is proposed to cover an area of 152 mu, with an annual production of 800,000 diameter-transformed, close packed solar water heater .Investment estimation and sources of fundsTotal investment is 358 million yuan (about 5265 million dollars, exchange rate168, the same as below.), among which 20 million dollars are proposed to be foreign capital .\Economic benefit analysisAfter production, annual output value of 680 million yuan, profit 208 million yuan, taxes 52 million yuan .Market analysisNow the solar energy sales mainly rely on the retail console. With the development of small-high level buildings, products in the market cant meet the growing demand of real estate industry. After ten years of research and application in the market, our company’s products prove perfect and have a broad market .Construction conditionThe area in which the project is to be constructed has good infrastructure, leveled land and convenient transportation .Product undertaking organizationSanhe Hualong New Energy Co.,Ltd.. Legal representativeWang Xiuhua .Cooperation formJoint venture or Cooperation. ContactusContact PersonWang Rong. Tel0086-316-332*** Fax0086-316-332*** Address1 Xinggong East Street, Yanjiao, East of Beijing, China Zip code06*** E-mailvrabbit**[ta]**


新能源汽車生產(chǎn)項目招商引資項目建設內(nèi)容和投資項目規(guī)模:擬建在河北香河環(huán)保產(chǎn)業(yè)園區(qū)。項目規(guī)劃用地總面積為520,其中廠房占地400畝,辦公樓占地100畝。投資估算與資金來源:總投資2億美元,資金來源為企業(yè)自籌 項目投資市場分析:新能源汽車項目是香河第一家鋰電高速新能源汽車項目,項目投資總額2億美元,設計年產(chǎn)5-10萬輛高速新能源汽車,項目全部建成后,年可實現(xiàn)主營業(yè)務收入100億元,實際上繳稅金2-3億元。項目的順利推進,對完善香河縣新能源汽車產(chǎn)業(yè)集群、促進地方經(jīng)濟發(fā)展有著重要意義。投資項目經(jīng)濟效益:提高企業(yè)的經(jīng)濟效益,更可以創(chuàng)造可觀的社會效益,增加就業(yè)崗位,緩解就業(yè)壓力。招商引資建設條件:項目建設地點位于香河環(huán)保產(chǎn)業(yè)園內(nèi),香河環(huán)保產(chǎn)業(yè)園已實現(xiàn)九通一平,基礎設施完備、交通便利。項目招商機構:河北香河環(huán)保產(chǎn)業(yè)園為河北省政府批準的省級園區(qū),堅持“政府推動、企業(yè)運營、市場運作”的發(fā)展模式,由國興投資股份有限公司負責園區(qū)的整體開發(fā)、基礎設施建設、招商引資工作,目前園區(qū)已實現(xiàn)九通一平,基礎設施建設完備。招商引資合作方式:獨資 招商引資聯(lián)系人:劉彬 胡序光 招商引資電話:0086-316-826*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-826*** 招商引資地址:河北香河環(huán)保產(chǎn)業(yè)園區(qū)管理委員會 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:xhjjgyy**[ta]**


New energy vehicle production project

Project content and scaleproposed in Hebei Xianghe Environmental Protection Industrial Park. Project planning land area of 520 acres, of which plant covers an area of 400 acres, the office covers an area of100 acres .Investment estimates and sources of fundsa total investment of 200 million US dollars, the source of funds for the enterprise self

Market AnalysisThe new energy vehicle project is Xianghe first lithium high-speed new energy vehicle project, the total investment of 200 million US dollars, with an annual output of 5-10 million high-speed new energy vehicles, the project is completed, Business income of10 billion yuan, in fact, taxes 2-3 billion. The smooth progress of the project is of great significance to perfect the new energy automobile industry cluster in Xianghe County and promote the local economic development .Economic benefitsto improve the economic efficiency of enterprises, but also can create considerable social benefits, increase jobs, ease employment pressure .Construction conditionsThe project construction site is located in Xianghe Environmental Protection Industrial Park, Xianghe Environmental Protection Industrial Park has achieved nine straight, complete infrastructure, convenient transportation .Chinese contractors OverviewHebei Xianghe Environmental Protection Industrial Park for the provincial government approved the provincial park, adhere to the "government to promote, business operations, market operation," the development model, by the State Investment Co., Ltd. is responsible for the overall development of the park, Infrastructure construction, investment work, the park has achieved nine straight, the infrastructure is complete .Mode of CooperationSole proprietorship

ContactContactLiu Bin Hu Xuguang Tel0086-316-826*** Fax0086-316-826*** AddressHebei Xianghe Environmental Protection Industrial Park Management Committee Post Code06*** E-mailxhjjgyy**[ta]**


廣陽汽車零部件加工基地項目招商引資項目建設內(nèi)容和投資項目規(guī)模:位于廊坊廣陽經(jīng)濟開發(fā)區(qū)內(nèi),項目占地650畝,總建筑面積346320平方米,建設原料配件區(qū)、生產(chǎn)區(qū)、物流配送區(qū)、裝配區(qū)、成品區(qū)、研發(fā)中心、辦公大樓以及輔助設施和公用設施。投資估算與資金來源:本項目投資總額估算為39億美元,其中建設資金29億美元,流動資金1億美元。項目投資市場分析:京津地區(qū)是我國汽車整車及零部件生產(chǎn)較為集聚的區(qū)域之一。我區(qū)憑借地處京津冀三大中心位置這一獨特的區(qū)位優(yōu)勢,依托地區(qū)龐大的汽車整車及零部件生產(chǎn)和消費市場,在廊坊廣陽開發(fā)區(qū)打造汽車零部件生產(chǎn)加工基地發(fā)展空間巨大。投資項目效益分析:該項目建成后年可實現(xiàn)銷售收入30億元人民幣,可實現(xiàn)銷售利潤675億元人民幣,投資利潤率25%,投資回收期5年。招商引資建設條件:廊坊廣陽經(jīng)濟開發(fā)區(qū)位于廊坊市區(qū)東南隅,北接廊坊開發(fā)區(qū),南至富士康工業(yè)園,西起廊坊市區(qū),東臨天津界,京滬高鐵廊坊貨運場。形成了依托中心城市和空港、海港發(fā)展經(jīng)濟的獨特區(qū)位優(yōu)勢。投資環(huán)境:廊坊廣陽經(jīng)濟開發(fā)區(qū)位于廊坊是主城區(qū)東南部,規(guī)劃面積28平方公里,納入本輪廊坊市城市總體規(guī)劃和土地利用總體規(guī)劃,是目前京津冀腹地僅留成片工業(yè)用地。開發(fā)區(qū)現(xiàn)有兩縱五橫七條主干道,總長15公里,具備“九通一平”的建設條件。招商引資合作方式:合資、合作、獨資 招商引資聯(lián)系人:王偉 項目招商機構:河北廊坊廣陽經(jīng)濟開發(fā)區(qū)招商部 招商引資地址:廊坊市東大外環(huán)路中段 招商引資電話:0086-316-283*** 招商引資電話:0086-316-283*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-283*** E-maillfgica**[ta]**com招商機構網(wǎng)址


Guangyang Automobile Parts Processing Base

Project contentProject covers an area of 650mu with the total building area being 034632 million square meters used for the construction of raw materials and accessories area, production area, logistics distribution region, assembly area, finished product area, research and development center, office buildings, auxiliary facilities and public facilities .Investment Estimation and Funding SourcesThe total estimated investment of this project 390 million dollars .Market AnalysisThe Beijing-Tianjin region is one of the relatively collective production areas of vehicles and their components and parts in China. By virtue of the unique regional advantage of locating in the central position of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and the enormous production and consumption markets of the whole units and components of automobiles in the area, the development space of our district to set up a production and processing base of auto parts in Guangyang Development Zone of Langfang can be very large .Economic Effectiveness AnalysisAfter the completion of the project, the annual sales revenue can reach 3 billion yuan and a sales profit of 675 million yuan can be realized annually with the profit rate of investment being 25% and the investment payoff period being 5 years .Construction ConditionGuangyang Economic Development Zone of Langfang lies in the southeast corner of Langfang. It is bounded on the north by Langfang Economic Development Zone, on the south by Foxconn Industrial Park, on the west by the downtown area of Langfang and on the east by the boundary of Tianjin and the Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Rail Freight Yard of Langfang. A unique location advantage depending on the central city, airports and seaports to develop the economy is formed .Investment EnvironmentThe Guangyang Economic Development Zone of Langfang lies in the southeast of Langfang's main urban area with the planning area being 28 square kilometers. It is included in the present round of overall urban planning and overall planning for land utilization in Langfang, and this area is the only remaining piece of industrial land in the back-land of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region currently .Cooperative FormsJoint capital, collaboration and sole proprietorship ContactPersonsWang Wei Company NameInvestment Promotion Department of Guangyang Economic Development Zone, Langfang, Hebei Contact AddressMidpiece, East Ring Road, Langfang ContactNumber0086-316-2833888, 283*** Fax0086-316-283***


汽車零部件項目招商引資項目建設內(nèi)容和投資項目規(guī)模:該項目占地70畝,總建筑面積50000平米,項目建設年產(chǎn)乘用車觸控、電子儀表、車載閉路電視系統(tǒng)、倒車監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)等車身電子100萬臺(),并配備建設電子器件監(jiān)測實驗室,購置全自動光學檢測機、印刷機、自動點膠機、中型高速貼片機、中型多功能貼片機、高速跳線插件機、高速軸向組件插件機、高速徑向組件插件機等生產(chǎn)設備。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:該項目投資總額4000萬美元,企業(yè)自籌2500萬美元,擬利用資金1500萬美元。項目投資市場分析:隨著消費者對于汽車安全、舒適、娛樂等性能的要求日益提高,政府對汽車安全、節(jié)能、環(huán)保等性能要求的法規(guī)和標準日益嚴格,電子信息技術的進步及其向汽車制造過程滲透的進程不斷加快,電子化、信息化和智能化將成為汽車工業(yè)發(fā)展的主要方向,并成為全球汽車工業(yè)中最引人注目的新興增長點。未來5年,我國汽車電子市場規(guī)模的年均復合增長率將超過20%,到2015年達到近4000億元,根據(jù)市場發(fā)展方向特建設此項目。投資項目效益分析:該項目投資總額4000萬美元,年銷售收入預計可達3500萬美元,利潤1100萬美元。招商引資建設條件:項目擬選址于龍河高新技術產(chǎn)業(yè)區(qū),該區(qū)位于廊坊市南城區(qū),總規(guī)劃面積375平方公里,其中一期28平方公里,距北京和天津市中心分別為40公里和60公里,區(qū)位優(yōu)勢突出,園區(qū)基礎設施完善,能夠滿足本項目各方面的建設需要。項目招商機構:龍河高新技術產(chǎn)業(yè)區(qū)先后被評為“國家火炬計劃廊坊信息產(chǎn)業(yè)基地”、“省級高新技術產(chǎn)業(yè)示范區(qū)”及首批“省級產(chǎn)業(yè)聚集區(qū)”。高新區(qū)位于北京和天津兩大直轄市的黃金分割點,享有環(huán)渤海、環(huán)京津、環(huán)首都的“三環(huán)”優(yōu)勢,周邊產(chǎn)業(yè)資源高度密集,市場容量巨大,高速鐵路、高速公路、鐵路貨運、機場港口構成的立體化交通網(wǎng)絡發(fā)達,物流通暢。招商引資合作方式:合資、合作 招商引資聯(lián)系人:孫文昕 招商引資電話:0086-316-267*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-267*** 招商引資地址:河北省廊坊市安次區(qū)南龍道39號創(chuàng)業(yè)大廈 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:wenxinsun**[ta]**com


The project of Auto Parts System

Project ContentCovering an area of 70 mu and gross building area of 50,000m2, this project is designed to realize annual output of1million pieces (or sets) vehicle electronic devices (such as touch and electronic instruments, closed circuit TV systems, reverse monitoring system and so on) and to construct a monitoring laboratory of electronic devises. It is also to be equipped with production equipment such as full automatic optical inspection machines, printing machines, automatic dispensers, midsized high-speed chip mounters, midsized multiple-use chip mounters, high-speed skipped stitching, axial and radial component inserters and so on .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceTotal investment of this project is USD 40 million, including USD 25 million of self-raised funds and USD15 million to be raised .Market AnalysisNowadays, consumers requests to performances of automobiles like safety, comfort and entertainment, etc. are increasing, while the government is requiring more and more strict regulations and standards on vehicles safety, energy saving and eco-friendly performance. At the meantime, the progress of electronic information technology and its penetration towards vehicle manufacture process are speeding up. Therefore, electronizaion, informatization and intellectualization will become new development directions of automobile industry, and soon they will be the most striking emerging growth in global automobile industry. In the next 5 years, CAGR (compound average growth rate) of China’s market size of automobile electronics will be over 20%, reaching RMB 400 billion Yuan by 2015 Therefore, this project is designed to construct in accordance with the developing direction of the mark***

Benefit AnalysisThis project has a total investment of USD 40 million. By estimation, it can reach the annual sales revenue of USD 35 million and profit of USD11 million .Construction ConditionsThis Project is planned to be located in Longhe High-tech Industry Zone. South Langfang, The total planned area of 375 square kilometers, of which a 28 kilometers, It is 40 kilometers and 60 kilometers distant from the downtown Beijing and Tianjin, respectively.Under the premise of remarkable geographic advantage, well-established infrastructure can be used to meet construction needs of this Project at various aspects .General Description of Chinese SponsorIt is successively appraised asLangfang Information Industry Base of National Plan for Medium- and Long-term Scientific and Technological Development, Provincial-level High-tech Industry Demonstration Zone and the first batch of “Provincial-level Industry Clustering Zone”. High-tech Industry Zone is located in Beijing and Tianjin municipalities, two golden point, a "three-ring" advantage Bohai Sea, around Beijing and Tianjin, Our park have intensive industries and wide horizo of development in the market.The traffic network made up of High-speed railway,expressway,railway transport,airport and port is very convenient .Cooperative Formjoint venture or cooperation ContactWay ContactPersonSun Wenxin Tel0086-316-267*** Fax0086-316-267*** AddressAnci District Office Building,No.39,Nanlong Road,Anci District,Langfang City,Hebei Province Post Code06*** E-mailwenxinsun**[ta]**com


液壓系統(tǒng)項目招商引資項目建設內(nèi)容和投資項目規(guī)模:該項目占地90畝,總建筑面積48000㎡,采用先進的液壓元件開發(fā)技術,建設高壓油缸生產(chǎn)線16條,高壓油管生產(chǎn)線2,工程機械油箱4條及產(chǎn)品研發(fā)中心,計劃年生產(chǎn)能力為40萬臺。項目投資估算及投資資金來源:該項目投資總額4800萬美元。項目投資市場分析:液壓元件是工程機械產(chǎn)品關鍵的部件之一,它既能體現(xiàn)工程機械產(chǎn)品的整機作業(yè)效率、操作的簡捷與舒適性,又是整機工作的主要故障源。長期以來,在高壓大流量液壓裝置方面,國內(nèi)零部件企業(yè)的產(chǎn)品還難以滿足主機企業(yè)的配套要求,尤其是挖掘機液壓系統(tǒng)主要采用日系和韓系的產(chǎn)品系統(tǒng)。按有關部門的統(tǒng)計,2012年液壓工業(yè)產(chǎn)值達到200多億元。進口額很大,進口替代空間巨大。因此,該項目的發(fā)展前景良好。投資項目效益分析:該項目投資總額4800萬元,年銷售收入預計可達6400萬美元,利潤1600萬美元。招商引資建設條件:項目擬選址于龍河高新技術產(chǎn)業(yè)區(qū),該區(qū)位于廊坊市南城區(qū),總規(guī)劃面積375平方公里,其中一期28平方公里,距北京和天津市中心分別為40公里和60公里,區(qū)位優(yōu)勢突出,園區(qū)基礎設施完善,能夠滿足本項目各方面的建設需要。項目招商機構:龍河高新技術產(chǎn)業(yè)區(qū)先后被評為“國家火炬計劃廊坊信息產(chǎn)業(yè)基地”、“省級高新技術產(chǎn)業(yè)示范區(qū)”及首批“省級產(chǎn)業(yè)聚集區(qū)”。高新區(qū)位于北京和天津兩大直轄市的黃金分割點,享有環(huán)渤海、環(huán)京津、環(huán)首都的“三環(huán)”優(yōu)勢,周邊產(chǎn)業(yè)資源高度密集,市場容量巨大,高速鐵路、高速公路、鐵路貨運、機場港口構成的立體化交通網(wǎng)絡發(fā)達,物流通暢。招商引資合作方式:獨資 招商引資聯(lián)系人:孫文昕 招商引資電話:0086-316-267*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-267*** 招商引資地址:河北省廊坊市安次區(qū)南龍道39號創(chuàng)業(yè)大廈 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資郵箱:wenxinsun**[ta]**com


The project of Hydraulic System

Project ContentThis project covers an area of 90 mu and has gross building area of 48,000 m2 It takes advanced development technology of hydraulic elements to build16 high-pressure fuel tank production lines, 2 high-pressure pipeline production lines, four engineering machinery tank production lines. Yearly capacity is 400,000 by plan .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceTotal investment of this project is USD 48 million .Market AnalysisAs one of the key component of engineering machinery products, hydraulic elements can present overall operation performance and the overall efficiency of machines, but also they can be the main fault sources of the whole machines. For a long time, in the field of high-pressure high-flow hydraulic devices, products from domestic factories are still difficult to meet machinery factories’ requirements; especially for hydraulic system of excavators, manufacturers mainly use products made in Japan or Korea. According to statistics by the department concerned, the production value of hydraulic industry reached more than RMB 20 billion Yuan in 2012 The large amount of import also means alternative space. Therefore, this project has a great development prospect .Benefit AnalysisThis project has a total investment of USD 48 million. By estimation, it can reach the annual sales revenue of USD 64 million and profit of USD16 million .Construction ConditionsThis Project is planned to be located in Longhe High-tech Industry Zone. South Langfang, The total planned area of 375 square kilometers, of which a 28 kilometers, It is 40 kilometers and 60 kilometers distant from the downtown Beijing and Tianjin, respectively. Under the premise of remarkable geographic advantage, well-established infrastructure can be used to meet construction needs of this Project at various aspects .General Description of Chinese SponsorIt is successively appraised asLangfang Information Industry Base of National Plan for Medium- and Long-term Scientific and Technological Development, Provincial-level High-tech Industry Demonstration Zone and the first batch of “Provincial-level Industry Clustering Zone”. High-tech Industry Zone is located in Beijing and Tianjin municipalities, two golden point, a "three-ring" advantage Bohai Sea, around Beijing and Tianjin, Our park have intensive industries and wide horizon of development in the market. The traffic network made up of High-speed railway, expressway, railway transport, airport and port is very convenient .Cooperative Formsolely-funded ContactWay ContactPersonSun Wenxin Tel0086-316-267*** Fax0086-316-267*** AddressAnci District Office Building,No.39,Nanlong Road,Anci District,Langfang City,Hebei Province Post Code06*** E-mailwenxinsun**[ta]**com


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