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招商引資內(nèi)容及投資項目規(guī)模:本項目針對復雜海況環(huán)境,研發(fā)出智能防護涂料,在有外界刺激時,可自發(fā)在設備金屬表面形成防護涂層,同時進行涂層表面裂痕的自修復,可大幅提高海工裝備和船舶的防腐和耐磨性能,延長服役年限,具有重要的經(jīng)濟與社會效益。投資項目估算及投資資金來源:預計初期投資人民幣約800萬美元,企業(yè)自籌和銀行貸款等。投資項目市場分析:該技術(shù)可應用于海洋船舶及海洋工程設施,如防銹底漆、船殼漆、甲板漆、內(nèi)艙漆、集裝箱涂料、油罐涂料及海上輸油管道用涂料等,市場需求量巨大。投資項目效益分析:近年來,我國海洋環(huán)境防護涂料的年總需求量超過150萬噸,市場規(guī)模約600-700億元。招商引資建設條件:需滿足行業(yè)標準的廠房、場地。項目招商機構(gòu):中科廊坊過程工程研究院、中國科學院過程工程研究所廊坊分部 招商引資合作方式:技術(shù)轉(zhuǎn)讓、合作開發(fā)等投資機構(gòu)聯(lián)系方式 招商引資聯(lián)系人:**** 招商引資電話:0086-10-8254***招商引資電話:1364132***


Industrialization of Intelligent Protective Coating System for Marine Environm***

Content and Scale of ProjectIn this project, a type of intelligent protective coating has been developed with regard to complex marine environment. When the external stimuli occurs, a protection coating can be spontaneously formed on the metal surface of device, and meanwhile the crack on the coating surface begins self-repairing, which significantly improves the anticorrosion and wear-resisting properties, as well as the durability of ocean engineering equipments and ships, bringing important economic and social benefi***

Investment Estimation and Sources of FundsThe initial investment is expected to be 8 million dollars raised by enterprises themselves and bank loan .Market AnalysisThe technology can be applied to marine ships and marine engineering facilities, such as anti-corrosive primer, boat hull paint, deck paint, interior paint, container coating, paint for oil tank and coatings for offshore oil pine line, etc. The technology is in great demand in the market .Economic Benefit AnalysisIn recent years, the annual total demand of marine environmental protective coatings in China has exceeded15 million tons, and its market scale is approximately 60-70 billion yu***

Conditions for ConstructionWorkshops and venues that meet industrial standards are required .About OrganizerThe project is organized by LangFang Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Institute of Process Engineering of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Langfang Branch .Mode of CooperationTechnology Transfer, Cooperative Development, etc .ContactLi Peng, Tel.:0086-10-82544*** Tel.:1364132***



招商引資內(nèi)容和投資項目規(guī)模:碳纖維行業(yè)有實實在在的市場應用,且不斷擴大,完全有實力去擔當新一代先進制造業(yè),尤其是先進裝備制造業(yè)的創(chuàng)新基石。碳纖維的制造技術(shù)主要是根據(jù)航空航天應用去優(yōu)化發(fā)展的,其價值鏈與制造設施建設相當完善。建設以碳纖維復合材料為主的高分子功能材料研發(fā)生產(chǎn)基地項目,產(chǎn)品主要應用于火箭外殼、機翼、機動船、工業(yè)機器人及人工韌帶等重點領(lǐng)域。投資項目估算及投資資金來源:該項目擬投資32億美元投資項目效益分析:項目建成后,預計年產(chǎn)值可達3億美元,稅收3000萬美元。項目招商機構(gòu):中國宏泰產(chǎn)業(yè)市鎮(zhèn)發(fā)展有限公司(股票代碼06166HK)始創(chuàng)于19956月,是中國大型產(chǎn)業(yè)市鎮(zhèn)規(guī)劃、開發(fā)及運營服務供應商中的先行者之一,具備獨特的產(chǎn)業(yè)市鎮(zhèn)規(guī)劃、設計和產(chǎn)業(yè)定位能力,基礎(chǔ)設施投資建設能力,招商引資能力,產(chǎn)業(yè)市鎮(zhèn)的增值服務和運營能力四大業(yè)務核心能力。招商引資合作方式:為減少項目方前期投資成本壓力,除了直接購地的方式外,中國宏泰發(fā)展可以項目用地作價入股。投資機構(gòu)聯(lián)系方式 招商引資聯(lián)系人:趙志興招商引資電話:1513365***


Carbon fiber composite research and development base project

the Project Construction Content and Scale

Carbon fiber industry has a real market application and continues to expand, and it has the strength to take on the new generation of advanced manufacturing industry, especially the foundation stone of the advanced equipment manufacturing industry. The manufacturing technology of carbon fiber is mainly based on the optimization and development of aerospace applications, and its value chain and manufacturing facilities construction is quite perfect. in the development and production base of carbon fiber composite material based polymer functional materials. The products are mainly used in key areas such as rocket shell, wing, mobile ship, industrial robot and artificial ligaments .the Investment Estimates and Funding Sources

The project is intended to invest 320 million dollarsthe Economic Analysis

After the completion of the project, the annual output value is up to 300 million dollars, and the tax revenue is 30 million dollars .the Chinese Undertaker Overview China VAST Industrial Urban Development Company Limited (stock code 06166HK), founded in June1995, is one of the pioneers in the planning, developing and operating service providers of large industrial towns in China. There are four core competencies of value-added services and operation capabilities in industrial towns. It has unique industrial town planning, design and industrial positioning capability, infrastructure investment and construction capacity, investment investment ability .Mode of cooperationIn order to reduce the investment cost pressure of the project owners in the early stage, besides the way of direct purchase,China VAST can buy into with the land for project .ContactZhao Zhixing Contact phone1513365***




招商引資內(nèi)容和投資項目規(guī)模:項目選址在河北香河新興產(chǎn)業(yè)示范區(qū)內(nèi),占地90畝,建設標準化鋼筋混凝土框架廠房,產(chǎn)品研發(fā)中心,綜合服務中心辦公樓,宿舍及附屬配套設施。投資項目估算及投資資金來源:項目投資總額7000萬美元. 投資項目市場分析:將建成華北地區(qū)最大的飛機零配件生產(chǎn)基地,供應首都機場、天津機場以及首都第二機場,該生產(chǎn)線的建成可以提供首都第二機場更多的飛機零配件,具有著廣闊的發(fā)展前景。投資項目效益分析:預期年產(chǎn)值可達7500萬美元,銷售收入達7300萬美元、利潤1500萬美元,稅收400萬美元。招商引資建設條件:河北香河新興產(chǎn)業(yè)示范區(qū)座落于京津冀腹地,緊鄰京哈高速公路出口處,起步區(qū)已經(jīng)全部實現(xiàn)“九通一平”,投資環(huán)境優(yōu)越。項目招商機構(gòu):河北香河新興產(chǎn)業(yè)示范區(qū)為河北省政府批準的省級園區(qū),堅持“政府推動、企業(yè)運營、市場運作”的發(fā)展模式,由廊坊瑞盛投資股份有限公司負責園區(qū)的整體開發(fā)、基礎(chǔ)設施建設、招商引資工作,目前園區(qū)已實現(xiàn)九通一平,基礎(chǔ)設施建設完備。招商引資合作方式:合資 招商引資聯(lián)系人:朱愛麗 招商引資郵編:06*** 招商引資電話:0086-316-833*** 招商引資傳真:0086-316-887*** 招商引資地址:河北香河新興產(chǎn)業(yè)示范區(qū)管理委員會 招商引資郵箱:mix**[ta]**fq.comcn


Aircraft parts production base

Project ContentLocated in the Xianghe emerging industry demonstration zone in Hebei,Covers an area of 6 Hectare,Construction of standardized workshop, product research and development center, comprehensive service center office building, dormitory and ancillary facilities .Investment Estimation and Fund SourceThe total investment is 70 million dollars, all use of foreign capital .Market AnalysisThe largest aircraft parts production base in North China will be built to supply the capital airport, Tianjin airport and the capital second airport. The production line will provide more aircraft accessories for the capital second airport, and has a broad prospect for development .Benefit AnalysisThe yearly output value can reach 75 million dollars, sales revenue can reach 73 million dollars with the profit of 15 million dollars and the tax revenue of 4 million dollars .Construction ConditionsXianghe emerging industry demonstration zone is located in the hinterland of the beijing-tianjin-hebei region, close to the jingha expressway exit, the zone already all implementation "nine connections and one leveling", the investment environment is superior .General Description of Chinese SponsorThe zone for the approval of the government of Hebei province provincial park, adhere to the "government, business, market operation" model of development, the Langfang ruisheng investment co., Ltd. is responsible for the park's overall development, infrastructure construction, investment promotion and capital introduction work, at present, the park has implementation of nine on a flat, infrastructure construction is complete .Cooperative Formjoint venture ContactWayContact PersonGao Yanbin Tel0086-316-833*** Fax0086-316-8871*** Post Code06*** E-mailzal**[ta]**fq.comcn AddressHebei Xianghe Emerging industry demonstration zone




招商引資內(nèi)容和投資項目規(guī)模:商業(yè)運載火箭總體設計及生產(chǎn)、運載火箭總裝及測試、運載火箭力熱環(huán)境試驗等,年產(chǎn)火箭數(shù)量2發(fā)以上,發(fā)射商業(yè)火箭1發(fā)以上。投資項目估算及投資資金來源:項目投資1600萬美元,資金來源為企業(yè)自籌或合作 投資項目市場分析:全球整體商業(yè)航天規(guī)模2000多億元人民幣,其中中國預計2022年能達到14萬億元人民幣,其中運載火箭將占據(jù)30%以上的市場份額,而且中國商業(yè)運載火箭尚處于起步階段,后續(xù)市場空間巨大。投資項目效益分析:項目建成后,年產(chǎn)值1億元人民幣以上,可實現(xiàn)年納稅1000萬人民幣以上。招商引資建設條件:需要火箭總體研發(fā)辦公區(qū)及火箭總裝測試廠房,占地面積在100畝以內(nèi)。項目招商機構(gòu):固安新興產(chǎn)業(yè)示范區(qū)于20117月經(jīng)省政府批準成立,規(guī)劃總面積486平方公里,起步區(qū)面積257平方公里,地處大北京經(jīng)濟圈重要位置,周邊40公里范圍內(nèi)擁有十條高速公路、五條國家級鐵路,100公里范圍內(nèi)擁有三大國際機場和兩大天然良港,符合國際上最佳的“1小時工業(yè)區(qū)”區(qū)位交通條件。招商引資合作方式:企業(yè)獨資。投資機構(gòu)聯(lián)系方式 招商引資聯(lián)系人:李洋招商引資電話:1390108***


Commercial launch vehicle R & D, Design and Manufacturing projects

Project namecommercial launch vehicle R & D, Design and manufacture Project

the content and scale of the projectthe overall design and production of commercial launch vehicle, the assembly and test of carrier rocket, the test of thermal environment of launch vehicle, etc., the number of rockets per year is more than 2 and the number of commercial rockets launched is more than1. Investment estimation and capital sourcethe project investment is more than USD16 million, and the capital source is self-financing or cooperation of the enterprise .market analysisthe global commercial space scale is more than 200 billion yuan, of which China is expected to reach14 trillion by 2022 RMB, of which carrier rocket will occupy more than 30% of the market share, and China's commercial launch vehicle is still in its infancy, the follow-up market space is huge .Economic benefit analysisafter the project is completed, the annual output value is more than100 million RMB, and the annual tax payment is more than10 million RMB .construction conditionsneed rocket general research and development office area and rocket assembly test plant, covers an area of less than100 mu.General introduction of Chinese contractorsGuan Xinxing Industrial demonstration Zone was approved by the provincial government in July 2011, with a total planning area of 486 square kilometers and a starting area of 25. It is located in an important position in the Great Beijing Economic Circle. Within 40 kilometers of the surrounding area, there are10 expressways, and within100 kilometers of five state-level railways, there are three major international airports and two major natural harbors.In line with the best international "1 hour industrial zone" location traffic conditions .Mode of cooperationsole proprietorship .ContactLi Yang; Tel1390108***




招商引資內(nèi)容和投資項目規(guī)模:運載火箭固體發(fā)動機研制、運載火箭液體發(fā)動機研制、衛(wèi)星動力系統(tǒng)研制、衛(wèi)星電推進系統(tǒng)研制等。投資項目估算及投資資金來源:項目投資3200萬美元,資金來源企業(yè)自籌或合作。投資項目市場分析:全球整體商業(yè)航天規(guī)模2000多億元人民幣,其中中國預計2022年能達到14萬億元人民幣,其中航天器動力系統(tǒng)占全系統(tǒng)的30%以上,未來市場需求量大。投資項目效益分析:項目建成后,年產(chǎn)值2億元人民幣以上,可實現(xiàn)年納稅2000萬人民幣以上。招商引資建設條件:需要動力系統(tǒng)研發(fā)辦公區(qū)及發(fā)動機總裝測試廠房,需占地面積在100畝以內(nèi)。項目招商機構(gòu):固安新興產(chǎn)業(yè)示范區(qū)于20117月經(jīng)省政府批準成立,規(guī)劃總面積486平方公里,起步區(qū)面積257平方公里,地處大北京經(jīng)濟圈重要位置,周邊40公里范圍內(nèi)擁有十條高速公路、五條國家級鐵路,100公里范圍內(nèi)擁有三大國際機場和兩大天然良港,符合國際上最佳的“1小時工業(yè)區(qū)”區(qū)位交通條件。招商引資合作方式:企業(yè)獨資。投資機構(gòu)聯(lián)系方式 招商引資聯(lián)系人:李洋招商引資電話:1390108***


Research and Development Project of Aerospace Power system

Project namethe development project of the space power system .The contents and scale of the projectthe development of solid rocket motor, liquid rocket engine, satellite power system, satellite electric propulsion system and so ***

Investment estimate and fund sourcethe project investment is more than USD32 million, the capital source enterprise raises oneself or cooperates .market analysisthe global commercial space scale is more than 200 billion yuan, of which China is expected to reach14 trillion yuan in 2022, of which the spacecraft power system accounts for more than 30% of the system. The market is in great demand .economic benefit analysisafter the completion of the project, the annual output value of more than 200 million yuan, can achieve annual tax payment of more than 20 million yuan .construction conditionspower system research and development office area and engine assembly test plant, need to cover an area of less than100 mu .General situation of Chinese contractorsGuan Xinxing Industrial demonstration Zone was approved by the provincial government in July 2011, with a total planning area of 486 square kilometers and a starting area of 257 square kilometers. It is located in an important position in the Great Beijing Economic Circle.Within 40 km of the perimeter, there are ten highways and five state-level highways. Within100 km of railway, there are three international airports and two good natural ports, which accord with the best transportation conditions of "1 hour Industrial Zone" in the world .Mode of cooperationsole proprietorship .ContactLi Yang; Tel1390108***




招商引資內(nèi)容和投資項目規(guī)模:國際上從事商業(yè)運載火箭、商業(yè)衛(wèi)星的研發(fā)、設計、生產(chǎn)及制造相關(guān)項目以及從事商業(yè)航天活動的相關(guān)項目等。投資項目估算及投資資金來源:項目投資3200萬美元以上,資金來源為企業(yè)自籌或合作。投資項目市場分析:全球整體商業(yè)航天規(guī)模2000多億元人民幣,未來市場空間巨大。投資項目效益分析:項目建成后,年產(chǎn)值2億元人民幣以上,可實現(xiàn)年納稅3000人民幣萬以上。招商引資建設條件:需要航天器研發(fā)辦公區(qū)及總裝測試廠房,需占地面積在100畝以內(nèi)。項目招商機構(gòu):固安新興產(chǎn)業(yè)示范區(qū)于20117月經(jīng)省政府批準成立,規(guī)劃總面積486平方公里,起步區(qū)面積257平方公里,地處大北京經(jīng)濟圈重要位置,周邊40公里范圍內(nèi)擁有十條高速公路、五條國家級鐵路,100公里范圍內(nèi)擁有三大國際機場和兩大天然良港,符合國際上最佳的“1小時工業(yè)區(qū)”區(qū)位交通條件。招商引資合作方式:企業(yè)獨資。投資機構(gòu)聯(lián)系方式 招商引資聯(lián)系人:李洋招商引資電話:1390108***


International Commercial Space Program

Project titleinternational Commercial Space Program .the content and scale of the projectinternational research and development projects related to commercial launch vehicles, commercial satellites, related projects such as design, production and manufacture, and related projects engaged in commercial aerospace activiti***

Investment estimate and fund sourcethe project investment is more than USD32 million, the capital source is enterprise self-financing or cooperation .market analysisthe global overall commercial space scale is about 200000000000 RMB, and the future market space is huge .economic benefit analysisafter the completion of the project, the annual output value of more than 200 million yuan, can achieve annual tax payment of more than 3000 yuan .construction conditionsneed spacecraft R & D office area and assembly test plant, need to cover an area of less than100 mu .General situation of Chinese contractorsGuan Xinxing Industrial demonstration Zone was approved by the provincial government in July 2011, with a total planning area of 486 square kilometers and a starting area of 257 square kilometers. It is located in an important position in the Great Beijing Economic Circle.There are ten expressways in the surrounding 40 km range, and three international airports and two good natural harbors within100 km of five state-level railways, which are in line with the best transportation conditions of the "1 hour Industrial Zone" in the world .Mode of cooperationsole proprietorship .ContactLi Yang; Tel1390108***




招商引資內(nèi)容和投資項目規(guī)模:為運載火箭、衛(wèi)星、導彈武器等配套使用的伺服系統(tǒng)研發(fā)和生產(chǎn)的項目,包括液壓伺服及電動伺服系統(tǒng)。投資項目估算及投資資金來源:項目投資3200萬美元以上,資金來源為企業(yè)自籌或合作。投資項目市場分析:全球整體商業(yè)航天規(guī)模2000多億元人民幣,其中中國預計2022年能達到14萬億元人民幣,其中航天器伺服系統(tǒng)占全系統(tǒng)的20%以上,未來市場需求量大。投資項目效益分析:項目建成后,年產(chǎn)值2億元人民幣以上,可實現(xiàn)年納稅2000萬人民幣以上。招商引資建設條件:需要伺服系統(tǒng)研發(fā)辦公區(qū)及總裝測試廠房,需占地面積在50畝以內(nèi)。項目招商機構(gòu):固安新興產(chǎn)業(yè)示范區(qū)于20117月經(jīng)省政府批準成立,規(guī)劃總面積486平方公里,起步區(qū)面積257平方公里,地處大北京經(jīng)濟圈重要位置,周邊40公里范圍內(nèi)擁有十條高速公路、五條國家級鐵路,100公里范圍內(nèi)擁有三大國際機場和兩大天然良港,符合國際上最佳的“1小時工業(yè)區(qū)”區(qū)位交通條件。招商引資合作方式:企業(yè)獨資。投資機構(gòu)聯(lián)系方式 招商引資聯(lián)系人:李洋招商引資電話:1390108***


Development Project of spacecraft Servo Mechanism

Project namespacecraft servo mechanism development project .Project content and scaleresearch, development and production of servo system for carrier rocket, satellite and missile weapon, including hydraulic servo system and electric servo syst***

Investment estimate and fund sourcethe project investment is more than USD32 million, the capital source is enterprise self-financing or cooperation .market analysisthe global commercial space scale is more than 200 billion RMB, of which China is expected to reach14 trillion RMB in 2022, in which spacecraft servo system accounts for more than 20% of the whole system, and the future market demand is large .economic benefit analysisafter the completion of the project, the annual output value of more than 200 million yuan, can achieve annual tax payment of more than 20 million yuan .construction conditionsservo system research and development office area and assembly test plant, covering less than 50 mu .General situation of Chinese contractorsGuan Xinxing Industrial demonstration Zone was approved by the provincial government in July 2011, with a total planning area of 486 square kilometers and a starting area of 257 square kilometers. It is located in an important position in the Great Beijing Economic Circle.There are ten expressways in the surrounding 40 km range, and three international airports and two good natural harbors within100 km of five state-level railways, which are in line with the best transportation conditions of the "1 hour Industrial Zone" in the world .Mode of cooperationsole proprietorship .ContactLi Yang; Tel1390108***




招商引資內(nèi)容和投資項目規(guī)模:為運載火箭、衛(wèi)星、導彈武器等配套使用的計算機以及控制系統(tǒng)的研發(fā)和生產(chǎn)的項目,包括控制器、程序配電器等。投資項目估算及投資資金來源:項目投資3200萬美元以上,資金來源為企業(yè)自籌或合作。投資項目市場分析:全球整體商業(yè)航天規(guī)模2000多億元人民幣,其中中國預計2022年能達到14萬億元人民幣,其中航天器控制系統(tǒng)占全系統(tǒng)的30%以上,未來市場需求量大。投資項目效益分析:項目建成后,年產(chǎn)值2億元人民幣以上,可實現(xiàn)年納稅2000萬人民幣以上。招商引資建設條件:需要控制系統(tǒng)研發(fā)辦公區(qū)及總裝測試廠房,需占地面積在60畝以內(nèi)。項目招商機構(gòu):固安新興產(chǎn)業(yè)示范區(qū)于20117月經(jīng)省政府批準成立,規(guī)劃總面積486平方公里,起步區(qū)面積257平方公里,地處大北京經(jīng)濟圈重要位置,周邊40公里范圍內(nèi)擁有十條高速公路、五條國家級鐵路,100公里范圍內(nèi)擁有三大國際機場和兩大天然良港,符合國際上最佳的“1小時工業(yè)區(qū)”區(qū)位交通條件。招商引資合作方式:企業(yè)獨資。投資機構(gòu)聯(lián)系方式 招商引資聯(lián)系人:李洋招商引資電話:1390108***


Computer research and development project for spacecraft

Project nameresearch and Development of spacecraft computer .Project content and scaledevelopment and production of computer and control system for launch vehicle, satellite, missile weapon, etc., including controller, program distributor, e***

The project investment is more than 200 million .Investment estimate and fund sourcethe project investment is more than USD32 million, the capital source is enterprise self-financing or cooperation .market analysisthe global commercial space scale is more than 200 billion RMB, of which China is expected to reach14 trillion RMB in 2022, in which spacecraft control system accounts for more than 30% of the whole system, and the future market demand is large .economic benefit analysisafter the completion of the project, the annual output value of more than 200 million yuan, can achieve annual tax payment of more than 20 million yuan .Construction conditionsneed control system R & D office area and assembly test plant, covering less than 60 mu .General situation of Chinese contractorsGuan Xinxing Industrial demonstration Zone was approved by the provincial government in July 2011, with a total planning area of 486 square kilometers and a starting area of 257 square kilometers. It is located in an important position in the Great Beijing Economic Circle.There are ten expressways in the surrounding 40 km range, and three international airports and two good natural harbors within100 km of five state-level railways, which are in line with the best transportation conditions of the "1 hour Industrial Zone" in the world .Mode of cooperationsole proprietorship .ContactLi Yang; Tel1390108***




招商引資內(nèi)容和投資項目規(guī)模:為運載火箭、衛(wèi)星、導彈武器等配套使用的慣性器件研發(fā)和生產(chǎn)的項目,包括慣組、加速度計、平臺等。投資項目估算及投資資金來源:項目投資4800萬美元以上,資金來源為企業(yè)自籌或合作。投資項目市場分析:全球整體商業(yè)航天規(guī)模2000多億元人民幣,其中中國預計2022年能達到14萬億元人民幣,其中慣性系統(tǒng)占全系統(tǒng)的20%附近,未來市場需求量大。投資項目效益分析:項目建成后,年產(chǎn)值3億元人民幣以上,可實現(xiàn)年納稅2500萬元人民幣以上。招商引資建設條件:需要控制系統(tǒng)研發(fā)辦公區(qū)及總裝測試廠房,需占地面積在80畝以內(nèi)。項目招商機構(gòu):固安新興產(chǎn)業(yè)示范區(qū)于20117月經(jīng)省政府批準成立,規(guī)劃總面積486平方公里,起步區(qū)面積257平方公里,地處大北京經(jīng)濟圈重要位置,周邊40公里范圍內(nèi)擁有十條高速公路、五條國家級鐵路,100公里范圍內(nèi)擁有三大國際機場和兩大天然良港,符合國際上最佳的“1小時工業(yè)區(qū)”區(qū)位交通條件。招商引資合作方式:企業(yè)獨資。投資機構(gòu)聯(lián)系方式 招商引資聯(lián)系人:李洋招商引資電話:1390108***


Research and Development of Inertial Devices

Project nameinertial device R & D project .Project content and scaledevelopment and production of inertial devices for launch vehicles, satellites, missile weapons and so on, including inertial units, accelerometers, platforms, e***

Investment estimate and fund sourcethe project investment is more than USD48 million, the capital source is enterprise self-financing or cooperation .market analysisthe global commercial space scale is more than 200 billion yuan, of which China is expected to reach14 trillion yuan in 2022, in which inertial system accounts for around 20% of the whole system, and the future market demand is large .Economic benefit analysisafter the project is completed, the annual output value is more than 300 million, and the annual tax payment is more than 25 million .construction conditionsneed control system research and development office area and assembly test plant, need to occupy an area of less than 80 mu .General situation of Chinese contractorsGuan Xinxing Industrial demonstration Zone was approved by the provincial government in July 2011, with a total planning area of 486 square kilometers and a starting area of 257 square kilometers. It is located in an important position in the Great Beijing Economic Circle.There are ten expressways in the surrounding 40 km range, and three international airports and two good natural harbors within100 km of five state-level railways, which are in line with the best transportation conditions of the "1 hour Industrial Zone" in the world .Mode of cooperationsole proprietorship .ContactLi Yang; Tel1390108***


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