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Building BridgesThe Business Case for Indigenous Peoples Rights

20 May

New York, USA

Michelle Lau


Hosted by the Global Compact, First Peoples Worldwide, and Future500, this workshop is designed to provide corporate participants with tools to reduce risk and strengthen genuine engagement with indigenous peoples.Attendees may also have the opportunity to attend a side event of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) (21 May) where the Business Guide to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples will be presented.Visit the registration site.



Global Compact XII Annual Local Network Forum and UN System Private Sector Focal Points Meeting 9 - 13 June

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Melissa Powell


Walid Nagi


UN-Business Partnerships

Local Networks

 The UN System Private Sector Focal Points (PSFP) Meeting and the Annual Local Networks Forum (ALNF) will be convened alongside one another reflecting the Global Compact’s goal to better engage the private sector in taking action in pursuit of UN goals and issues[ta]** country level.Held each year, the PSFP Meeting aims to enhance communication, strengthen learning and improve coordination among UN staff working with the private sector, and the ALNF brings together representatives from Local Networks and companies to share their experiences and network.


14th Meeting of the UN Global Compact Working Group on the 10th Principle against Corruption

23-24 June

Geneva, Switzerland

Neha Das


Anti-Corruption The 14th meeting of the Working Group on the 10th Principle will bring together Global Compact business participants, investors, banks, local Swiss companies, as well as representatives from civil society, business associations, Global Compact Local Networks and international organizations to discuss the implementation of the 10th Principle, share best practices and explore concrete actions to leverage the work of the group.



CEO Water Mandate Multi-Stakeholder Conference[ta]**ld Water Week

August (TBC)

Stockholm, Sweden


Gavin Power



CEO Water Mandate This event -- featuring leaders from business, civil society, the UN and public sector -- will focus on the CEO Water Mandate's three work areasi) corporate water disclosure; ii) collective action; and iii) water and human rights.Participation is by invitation only.



Global Compact Consultative Meeting with Industry and Trade Associations

9 September

New York, USA

Da Woon Chung


Margaret Fenwick


Industry groups and trade associations play an important role in advancing sustainable development by promoting corporate sustainability among members and supporting policies that further sustainable development objectives.The Global Compact Consultative Meeting with Industry Associations will provide a venue for global and national industry associations to come together to review industry progress on the promotion of corporate sustainability and discuss emerging sustainable development issues that are relevant to business and industry sector.


United Nations Private Sector Forum

23 September

New York, USA


Since 2008, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has convened the UN Private Sector Forum during the opening session of the General Assembly in order to bring the voice of the private sector to inter-governmental negotiations on key topics.The UN Private Sector Forum will convene approximately 300 Heads of State and Government, Chief Executive Officers, Civil Society Leaders and Heads of UN Agencies during the UN Climate Summit.Participation is by invitation on***



2014 Sustainable Stock Exchange Global Dialogue and UNCTAD World Investment Forum

13-16 October

Geneva, Switzerland


Sarah Bostwick


Financial Markets

 The Sustainable Stock Exchanges 2014 Global Dialogue (SSE 2014) on 14 October, will be held during the UNCTAD World Investment Forum (13-16 October).SSE 2014 provides a unique, high-level platform to explore how the world’s exchanges can work together with investors and companies, regulators and policy makers to enhance corporate transparency and performance on ESG practices, and encourage responsible long-term approaches to investment.A limited number of seats[ta]** central roundtable are available to C-suite representatives of Global Compact business participants.There is no fee to participate in the World Investment Forum, but registration is required and spaces are limited.Register here.For more information, please contact



Social Enterprise Collaboration Lab

October (TBC)

Location (TBC)


Rosedel Davies-Adewebi



 Through a series of action-oriented sessions the Collaboration Lab will convene representatives of the social enterprise, investor, corporate, civil society and policymaker communities to identify opportunities for cooperation and take action to advance corporate sustainability.

Local Network Regional Meeting Europe

28-30 October

Skopje, Macedonia


Walid Nagi


Local Networks

 Global Compact Local Network representatives and contact persons from Europe will meet to discuss the implementation of the Global Compact ten principles in the region.The aim of the meeting is to build the capacities of the Local Networks with an emphasis on the Post-2015 Development Agenda.



Local Network Regional Meeting Americas and IV Business Forum for Latin America and the Caribbean

3-6 November

Buenos Aires, Argentina


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