來源:網(wǎng)群國際    瀏覽:

Individual funding. Undergraduate students. PhD students. Academics and university lecturers(incl. postdocs)

total. students already (graduates, not including. PhD students)

Project funding EU mobility programme funding. law, economics,social sciences. language and. cultural studies. engineering. Mathematics and. natural sciences. human medicine. Art, music and sports science. Veterinary medicine, agronomy, forestry & nutritional sciences, ecology. Interdisciplinary / other***

Central and eastern. europe, CIs. IF PF eU­M

Chart 1: share of female scholarship holders by academic status(in %)

Chart 2: Funding by subject and funding area(number of individuals funded)

Chart 3: Funding by region*and funding area. 1***

stateless individuals funded. EU mobility programme funding. Project funding. Individual fundingtable 13: 2014 Financial statement. seCtIon II - InstItUtIonAl ADMInIstRAtIVe BUDget. Institutional administrative budget (operation incl. investmen***

Domestic income. Own income. City State of Berlin

Federal Foreign Office (AA)

sum - Domestic income. 2

Income from abroad. Own income. Federal Foreign Office (AA)

sum - Income from abroad. sum - section II. seCtIon III - InstItUtIonAl oPeRAtIng FUnDs. Institutional operating funds (Federal Foreign office programme budget)

Income - Institutional operating funds. Programme costs. Project-related administrative costs. sum - section III. seCtIon IV - PRoJeCt BUDget / PUBlIC DonoRs. Project budget / Public donors. 1

Federal government funding. Federal Foreign Office (AA)

Programme costs. Project-related administrative costs. sum - AA. Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Programme costs. Project-related administrative costs. sum - BMBF. Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

Programme costs. Project-related administrative costs. sum - BMZ. Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi)

Programme costs. Project-related administrative costs. sum - BMWi. 2

state funding. State Ministers of Cultural Affairs. Berlin Senate, Senate Chancellery - Cultural Affairs. State of Baden-Württemberg. Programme costs. Project-related administrative costs. sum - states. 3

european Union (eU) funding. Programme costs. Project-related administrative costs. sum - eU. total programme costs (1, 2 and 3)

total project­related administrative costs (1, 2 and 3)

sum - section IV. total programme costs (sections II-IV)

total project­related administrative costs (sections II-IV)

sum - sections II-IV. overall funds. eUR. overall expenditure. eUR

Financial statementseCtIon V - PRoJeCt BUDget / oWn FUnDs AnD thIRD­PARtY FUnDIng. A) own funds sector (Measuresinthe project and assets sector)

Measuresinthe project and assets sector. Programme costs. Investment and project-related administrative costs. sum a- own funds sector. B) third­party funding sector. 1

liaison and university offices. Programme costs. Project-related administrative costs. total. 2

german houses of science and Innovation (DWIh)

Programme costs. Project-related administrative costs. total. 3

gAte­germany - Consortium for higher education marketing. Programme costs. Project-related administrative costs. total. 4

International.daad.Academy (iDA)

Programme costs. Project-related administrative costs. total. 5

gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (gIZ)”. Programme costs. Project-related administrative costs. total. 6

Cooperation projects with german and foreign partners. Programme costs. Project-related administrative costs. total. 7

stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft”. Programme costs. Project-related administrative costs. total. 8

Dr. Mildred scheel Foundation for Cancer Research. Programme costs. Project-related administrative costs. total. 9

Various donors. Programme costs. Project-related administrative costs. total. sum B - third­party funding sector. total programme costs (A and B)

total project­related administrative costs (A and B)

sum - section V. total programme costs (sections II-V)

total administrative costs (sections II-V)

sum - sections II-V. overall funds. eUR. overall expenditure. eUR

DAAD bodies. executive.committee. term of office 2012-***

President: Prof. Dr. Margret Wintermantel Vice President: Prof. Dr. Joybrato Mukherjee University of Gießen. other elected members: Prof. Dr. Ali Müfit Bahadir Braunschweig University of Technology Dr. Birgit Barden University of Hanover Prof. Dr. Andreas Geiger Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences Dr. Ursula Hans Humboldt University. Berlin Prof. Dr. -Ing. Dieter Leonhard “Hochschule Mannheim” (University of Applied Sciences) Prof. Dr. Eva Neuland. University of Wuppertal Prof. Dr. Peter Scharff Ilmenau University of Technology Hon. -Prof. Baldur Harry Veit Reutlingen. University of Applied Sciences Prof. Dr. Walter Ch. Zimmerli Humboldt University Berlin student representatives(2014-20***

Melanie Fröhlich University of Mainz Johannes Glembek University of Ulm Andreas Hanka University of Freiburg Peixin Xian University of Bielefeld guest Members: Dr. Andreas Görgen Head of Directorate-General for Cultureand.communication, Federal Foreign Office Ulrich Schüller Head of Science System Department, Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Ingrid-Gabriela Hoven Head of Directorate General for Global Issues, Sector Policies and. Programmes, Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Udo Michallik, State Secretary (retired). Secretary General, Standing Conference ofthe Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs ofthe Länderinthe Federal. Republic of Germany (KMK) Prof. Dr. Andreas Schlüter Secretary General, Donors’ Association forthe Promotion of Scienceandthe Humanitiesin Germany Permanent guests: Prof. Dr. Helmut Schwarz President, Alexander von Humboldt. Foundation Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Lehmann President, Goethe-Institut Prof. Dr. Horst Hippler President, German Rectors’. Conference (HRK)

Board of trustees. term of office 2012-***

President: Prof. Dr. Margret Wintermantel Vice President: Prof. Dr. Joybrato Mukherjee Appointed members: Federal. Ministry representatives Dr. Andreas Görgen Federal Foreign Office Ulrich Schüller Federal Ministry of Education and. Research Ingrid-Gabriela Hoven Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development Vera Bade Federal Ministry. of Labour and Social Affairs Johanna Bittner-Kelber Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology Dr. Stephanie. Schulz-Hombach Federal Government Representative for Culture andthe Media Standing Conference of the Ministers of. Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany Udo Michallik, State Secretary (retired). Secretary General, Standing Conference ofthe Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs ofthe Länderinthe Federal. Republic of Germany (KMK) Dr. Rolf Bernhardt Hessian Ministry of Higher Education, Research andthe Arts Harald Dierl. Bavarian State Ministry of Science, Research andthe Arts German Rectors’ Conference Prof. Dr. Horst Hippler President,German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) Prof. Dr. Karl-Dieter Grüske President ofthe University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. Prof. Dr. Ursula Lehmkuhl University of Trier Prof. Dr. Dieter Lenzen President ofthe University of Hamburg Prof. Dr. Joachim. Metzner Cologne University of Applied Sciences Institutions Dr. Enno Aufderheide Secretary General, Alexander von. Humboldt Foundation Dorothee Dzwonnek Secretary General, German Research Foundation (DFG) Achim Meyer auf der. Heyde Secretary General, German National Association for Student Affairs Prof. Dr. Christoph Wulf German UNESCO..commission Johannes Ebert Secretary General, Goethe-Institut Dr. Michael Hartmer Executive Director, German Association. of University Professors and Lecturers Dr. Volker Meyer-Guckel Deputy Secretary General, Donors’ Association for thePromotion of Science andthe Humanitiesin Germany Dr. Annette Julius Secretary General, German National Academic. Foundation Prof. Dr. Gerald Gerlach German Federation of Technical and Scientific.organisations elected members:Prof. Dr. Klaus Landfried † former President, German Rectors’ Conference Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart Dean ofthe Leipzig. Graduate School of Management student representatives (term of office 2014-20***

Florian Pranghe University of Cologne Stanislaw Bondarew TU Dresden Pierre Vicky Sonkeng Tegouffo University of Potsdam. Members. As per 31 12 ***

Member higher education institutions: 238 Member student bodies: 10***

selection.committees. Members ofthe selection.committees. appointed bythe executive.committee. As per 31 12 ***

scholarship and lektor programmes: Prof. Dr. Awudu Abdulai University of Kiel, Nutrition Economics, Consumer Studiesand Food Security Prof. Dr. -Ing. Martin Achmus University of Hanover, Foundation Engineering, Soil Mechanics and. Hydraulic Energy Engineering Prof. Dr. Karin Aguado University of Kassel, German as aForeign Language Prof. Dr. Hermann. van Ahlen University of Osnabrück, Medicine Prof. Dr..ruth Albert University of Marburg, German as aForeign Language,Linguistics Prof. Dr. Tilman Allert University of Frankfurt aM, Sociology and Social Psychology Prof. Dr. Björn Alpermann. University of Würzburg, Sinology Prof. Dr. Claus Altmayer University of Leipzig, German as aForeign Language Prof. Dr. jur

Kai Ambos University of Göttingen, Criminal Law, Constitutional Law Prof. Dr. Iwo Amelung University of Frankfurt aM ,Sinology Prof. Dr. Jürgen Appell University of Würzburg, Mathematics Prof. Dr. Hans-Dieter Arndt University of Jena,Organic Chemistry Prof. Dr. Judit Arokay University of Heidelberg, Japanese Studies Prof. Dr. Kai Arzheimer University of Mainz, Political Sciences Prof. Dr. Christoph Asmuth Berlin University of Technology, Philosophy Prof. Dr. Burak Atakan. University of Duisburg-Essen, Thermodynamics Prof. Dr. Achim Aurnhammer University of Freiburg, German Language and. Literature Prof. Dr. Raphaela Averkorn University of Siegen, Medieval History Prof. Dr. Rafig Azzam RWTH Aachen,Engineering Geology, Hydrogeology Prof. Dr. Christoph Barmeyer University of Passau, Romance Cultural Studies Prof. Dr Christopher Barner-Kowollik Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Macromolecular Chemistry and Polymer Chemistry. Prof. Dr. Peter P. Baron “Bayerische Vereinsbank AG”, Tokyo Branch, Macroeconomics Prof. Dr. Andreas Bartels University of Bonn, Natural and Science Philosophy Dr. Matthias Basedau GIGA-Leibniz Institute, Political Sciences Prof. Dr. Siegfried. Bauer University of Giessen, Agriculture, Project and Regional.planningin.rural Areas Prof. Dr. Petra Bauer University of Düsseldorf, Botany Prof. Dr. Cerstin Bauer-Funke University of Müns***

French Literature and Cultural Studies Prof. Dr

Mathias Becker University of Bonn,.plant Nourishment Prof. Dr. Lale Behzadi University of Bamberg, Arabic Literature and. Intellectual History Prof. Dr. Katja Bender Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Economic and Social Development. Prof. Henning Berg “Hochschule für Musik ***

Tanz Köln”, Jazz/Trombone Prof. Dr. Annette Berndt Dresden University of Technology, German Language and Literature, German as aForeign Language Prof. Christine Bernhardt University of Applied. Sciences of Wiesbaden, design, writing, typography Prof. Pepe Berns University for Music and Theatre of Leipzig, Jazz/Double. Bass Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Betzel University of Hamburg, Chemistry Prof. Dr. -Ing. Franz Bischof University of Applied. Sciences Amberg-Weiden, Water and Wastewater Treatment Prof. Dr. Gerhard Blechinger Salzburg University of Applied. Science, Art History Prof. Dr. Andreas Blätte University of Duisburg-Essen, Political Sciences Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bode BonnRhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Business Administration Prof. Andreas Boettger Hanover University for Music,Theatre and Media, Drums/Percussion Prof. Dr. Andrea Bogner University of Göttingen, Intercultural Linguistics Prof. Dr

Michael Bollig University of Cologne, Ethnology Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bolten University of Jena, Intercultural Business..communication Prof. Dr. Thorsten Bonacker University of Marburg, Sociology Prof. Clemens Bonnen Bremen University of Applied Sciences, Architecture Prof. Dr. Georg University Bochum, Law Prof. Dr. Kristian Bosselmann-Cyran. Koblenz University of Applied Sciences, German Language and Literature Prof. Dr. Frank Brand Berlin School of Economicsand Law, Business Mathematics Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Brauweiler Zwickau University of Applied Sciences, Economics Prof

Dr. Burkhard Breig Free University of Berlin, Private Law Prof. Dr. Michael Brenner University of Jena, Law Prof. Dr. KaiThomas Brinkmann University of Giessen, Radiation Physics Prof. Dr. Inge Broer University of Rostock, Agrobiotechnology. Prof. Dr. Alexander Bruns, LL. M. University of Freiburg, German and Foreign Law of Civil Procedure Prof. Dr. Thorsten Buch. Munich University of Technology, Molecular Microbiology and Infection Immunology Prof. Dr. Peter Buchholz Dortmund. University of Technology,.computer Science Prof. Dr. Dirk Burdinski Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Material Sciences. Prof. Dr. Nicolai Burzlaff University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Inorganic Chemistry Prof. Dr. Andreas Busch University of Göttingen, Political Sciences Prof. Dr. Rainer Busch Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences, Business Administration. Prof. Dr. Holger Butenschön University of Hanover,.organic Chemistry Dr. Gabriele Bä University Bochum,Development Research Prof. Dr. Moritz Bälz, LL. M. University of Frankfurt aM, Law Prof. Dr. Astrid Böger University of Hamburg, American Studies Prof. Dr. -Ing. Peter Böhm Trier University of Applied Sciences, Mechanical Engineering Prof. Dr

Petra Böhnke University of Hamburg, Sociology of Social Changes Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Bömelburg University of Giessen,History Prof. Dr. Claudia Büchel University of Frankfurt aM ,.plant Cytophysiology Privatdozentin Dr. med. vet. Bianca. Carstanjen Free University of Berlin, Veterinary Medicine/Horses Prof. Dr. Thomas Cleff Hochschule Pforzheim University,Economics Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Conrad Braunschweig University of Technology, German Literature and its Didactics Prof. Dr

Sérgio Costa Free University of Berlin, Sociology Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Cremer University of Mannheim, Human Rights. Prof. Dr. Dittmar Dahlmann University of Bonn, Eastern European History Prof. Dr. Wim Damen University of Jena,Biosciences Prof. Dr. Philipp Dann, LL. M. University of Giessen, Public Law Prof. Dr. Frank Decker University of Bonn, Political. Sciences Prof. Dr. Thomas Demmelhuber University of Hildesheim, Political Sciences Dr. Manfred Denich University of Bonn, Ecology Prof. Dr. Claudia Derichs University of Marburg, Political Sciences Prof. Dr. Thomas Martin Deserno RWTH. Aachen, Medical Information Systems Prof. Olivia Dibelius “Evangelische Hochschule Berlin”, Nurse Management Prof

Dr. Uta Dickhöfer University of Hohenheim, Animal Productioninthe Tropics and Subtropics Prof. Dr. Heinrich J. Dingeldein. University of Marburg, German Language and Literature Prof. Dr. Andreas Dittmann University of Giessen, Geography Prof

Dr. Carsten Doerfert Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, Law Prof. Dr. Rolf Drechsler University of Bremen, Sciences Prof. Dr. Martin Dressel University of Stuttgart, Experimental Physics Prof. Dr. Heinz Drügh

University of Frankfurt aM, Literary History Privatdozent Dr. Roman Duelli University of Heidelberg, Medicine Prof

Dr. Jörg Dünne University of Erfurt, Romance Languages and Literatures Prof. Dr. Andreas Ebbinghaus University of Würzburg, Slavonic Studies Prof. Dr. Alexander Ebner University of Frankfurt aM, Social Studies Prof. Dr. Andreas Eckart. University of Cologne, Physics Prof. Dr. Alfred Effenberg University of Hanover, Sports Sciences Prof. Dr. Thomas. Eggermann RWTH Aachen, Human Genetics Prof. Dr. Arno Ehresmann University of Kassel, Experimental Physics Prof

Dr. Ludwig Eichinger “Institut für Deutsche Sprache” (IDS), German Linguistics Prof. Dr. Daniela Eisele Hamburg School of Business Administration, Human Resources Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Elsäßer Darmstadt University of Technology, Applied Physics. Prof. Dr. Gerhard von der Emde University of Bonn, Zoology Prof. Dr. Jens Ivo Engels Darmstadt University of Technology,History Prof. Dr. Matthias Epple University of Duisburg-Essen, Inorganic Chemistry Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Erb University ofthe Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, Social Psychology Prof. Dipl. -Ing. Mathias Essig Berlin University of Applied Sciences,Architecture Prof. Dr. Christian Fandrych University of Leipzig, Linguistics of German as aForeign Language Prof. Dr. Ursel. Fantz University of Augsburg, Experimental.plasma Physics Prof. Dr. Astrid Fellner University ofthe Saar, American and. English Language and Literature Prof. Dr. Ute Fendler University of Bayreuth, Romance Languages and Literature Prof

Dr. Andreas Feuerborn University of Düsseldorf, Civil Law, Labour Law,.comparative Law Prof. Dr. Sonja Fielitz University of Marburg, English Language and Literature Prof. Dr. Maria R. Finckh University of Kassel,.organic Agricultural Sciences Sarah. Finke ESA, Paris, History, German, Educational Sciences Prof. Eckhard Fischer Detmold University of Music, Violin Prof

Dr. Bernhard Fleischer University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Parasitology Prof. Dr. Nicola Fohrer University of Kiel,Water Management Prof. Dr. Richard Frensch University of Regensburg, Economics Prof. Dr. Christian University. Bochum, Catholic Theology Prof. Ph. D. Johann-Christoph Freytag Humboldt University Berlin, Databases and Information. Systems Prof. Dipl. -Ing. Nicolas Fritz Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design, Architecture Prof. Dr. Manuel Fröhlich. University of Jena, Political Sciences Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Fuchs University of Mainz, Geography Prof. Dr. Karl Gademann. University of Basel,.organic Chemistry Prof. Dr. Hartmut Gaese University of Applied Sciences Cologne, Technologyin theTropics Prof. Michael Gais Cologne International School of Design Prof. Dr. Carsten Gansel University of Giessen, literary. studies, literature and didactics Prof. Ph. D. Crister S. Garrett University of Leipzig, International Studies Prof. Dr. Stefan. Garsztecki Chemnitz University of Technology, Political Sciences Prof. Dr. Jens Geelhaar “Bauhaus-Universität Weimar”, Prof. Dr. Winand Gellner University of Passau, Political Sciences Frank George World Health.organisation, Economics. Prof. Dr. Ulrike Gerhard University of Heidelberg, Geography of North America Prof. Dr. Jessica Gienow-Hecht Free University. of Berlin, International History Dipl. -Ing. Gisela Glass “Beuth Hochschule für Technik” Berlin, Urban Development Design,Urban Development, Urban and Regional.planning Design Prof. Dr. Hartmut Gnuschke Coburg University of Applied Sciencesand Arts, Mechanical Engineering, Internal.combustion Engine, Automotive Engineering, Thermodynamics Prof. Dr. Ingrid. Gogolin University of Hamburg, Educational Sciences Prof. Dr. Frank Golczewski University of Hamburg, Eastern European. History Prof. Sabine Golde University of Art and Design Halle, Book Art Prof. Dr. Constantin University. Bochum, Contemporary History Prof. Dr. Daniel Gossel University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, International Studies (Englishlanguage cultures) Prof. Dr. Tim Goydke Bremen University of Applied Sciences, Applied Business Languages Prof. Dr. Michael. Grings University of Halle-Wittenberg, Agricultural Economics Prof. Dr. -Ing. Ulrich Gross University of Technology. Bergakademie Freiberg, Technical Thermodynamics Prof. Dr. Nikolai Grube University of Bonn, Ethnology Prof. Dr. Regina. Grundmann University of Münster

Jewish Studies Prof. Jean-François Guiton Bremen University ofthe Arts, Free Art, New. Media (Video Art) Prof. Dr. Marjaana Gunkel University of Magdeburg, Economics Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Gursky Clausthal. University of Technology, Sedimentary Geology Prof. Dr. Ortrud Gutjahr University of Hamburg, Modern German Literature. Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich University of Bonn, English Language, Literature and Cultural Studies Prof. Dr. Michael Göke. University of Applied Sciences for Economics und

Management Essen, Macroeconomics Prof. Dr. Jürgen Haase University of Leipzig, Physics Prof. Dr. med. Roman Haberl University of Munich, Medicine Bernhard Hackstette University Göttingen,“Alumni Göttingen e V” Prof. Dr. Harald Hagemann University of Hohenheim, Macroeconomics Prof. Dr. -Ing. Michael Hahn. “Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart”,.computer Sciences/Surveying Prof. Dr. med. Hermann Haller Hannover Medical School,Medicine Prof. Dr. -Ing. Manfred Hampe Darmstadt University of Technology, Thermic Process Engineering Prof. Dr. -Ing. Uwe. D. Hanebeck Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Sciences Prof. Dr. Hendrik Hansen University of Budapest (AUB), Political Sciences Prof. Dr. Cilja Harders Free University of Berlin, Middle Eastern Politics Prof. Dr. Jan Harff. Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Marine and Coastal Geology Prof. Dr. Philipp Harms University of Mainz, Economics. Prof. Dr. med. Gundel Harms-Zwingenberger Charité Berlin, Tropical Medicine Prof. Dr. Dorothee Haroske University of Jena,Mathematics Prof. Dr. Christof Hartmann University of Duisburg-Essen, International Politics Prof. Wally Hase University of Music Franz Liszt Weimar, Flute Prof. Dr. Andreas Hasenclever University of Tübingen, Peace Research Dr. Ursula Hassel. Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Language Teaching Research Prof. Dr. Eva Haverkamp University of Munich, Jewish. History and Culture Dipl. -Ing. Rüdiger Heidebrecht German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste (DWA), Water. Management Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Heiden Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences,.computer Sciences, Sciences Privatdozent Dr. Matthias Heinz University of Tübingen, Romance Languages and Literature Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Hell. University of Heidelberg, Molecular.plant Biology Prof. Dr. Gunther Hellmann University of Frankfurt aM, Political Sciences. Prof. Christoph Henkel Freiburg University of Music, Violoncello Prof. Dr. Angelika Hennecke Cologne University of Applied. Sciences, Translation Prof. Dr. Bertram Hentschel University of Technology Bergakademie Freiberg, Mechanical Engineering. Prof. Sabine Herken Berlin University ofthe Arts, Acting Prof. Dr. Stefan Herlitze University of Bochum, Zoology and. Neurobiology Prof. Dr. Carsten Herrmann-Pillath Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, East Asian Economics/Chin***

Prof. Dr. Dietmar Herz University of Erfurt, International Politics/Comparative Government Prof. Dr. Evamarie Hey-Hawkins. University of Leipzig, Inorganic Chemistry Prof. Dr. Michael Hietschold Chemnitz University of Technology, Analytics on. Solid-State Surfaces Prof. Dr. Almut Hille University of Göttingen, German as aForeign Language Prof. Dr. Gerhard Hilt. University of Marburg, Chemistry Prof. Dr. Wolfram Hilz University of Bonn, Political Sciences Prof. Dr. Thomas Hintermaier. University of Bonn, Economics and Business Administration Prof. Dr. Heribert Hirte, LL. M. University of Hamburg, Law Prof

Dr. med. Achim Hoerauf University of Bonn, Medical Microbiology Prof. Dr. Ralf Hofestädt University of Bielefeld, BioInformatics Prof. Dr. Dagmar von Hoff University of Mainz, German Literature and Language Privatdozent Dr. Heide Hoffmann. Humboldt University Berlin, Crop and Animal Sciences Prof. Dr. Norbert P. Hoffmann Hamburg-Harburg University of Technology, Offshore Engineering Prof. Dr. Dieter Hogrefe University of Göttingen,.computer Sciences Prof. Albrecht Holder. University of Music Würzburg, Musicology/Bassoon Prof. Dr. Karin Holm-Müller University of Bonn, Resource and. Environmental Economics Prof. Dr. Christoph Horn University of Bonn, Philosophy Prof. Dr. Hans-Detlef Horn University of Marburg, Public Law Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Huneke Freiburg University of Education, Linguistics and Didactics Prof. Dr. Axel. Hunger University of Duisburg-Essen, Electrical Engineering Prof. Dr. -Ing. Rüdiger Hö University Bochum, Civil. Engineering Prof. Dr. -Ing. Robert Hönl Furtwangen University of Applied Sciences, Measurement Engineering and Control. Engineering Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Höpken University of Leipzig, Eastern and South-Eastern European History Prof. Dr. Michael. Hörner University of Göttingen, Cytobiology, Neurobiology Prof. Dr. Bernd Hümmer Nuremberg University of Applied. Sciences, Business Administration Prof. Dr. Pierre Ibisch Eberswalde University of Sustainable Development, Biodiversity. Prof. Tjark Ihmels University of Applied Sciences Mainz, Interactive Design Prof. Dr. Stephan Jacobs University of Applied. Sciences Aachen, Business.computing Prof. Alfred Jacoby Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Architecture and Civil. Engineering rof Dr. Wolfram Jaegermann University of Darmstadt, Materials Science/Physics Prof. Dr. med. Albrecht Jahn. University of Heidelberg, Gynecology Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Jahnen-Dechent RWTH Aachen, Biosciences Prof. Dr. Georg Jansen. University of Duisburg-Essen, Chemistry Prof. Dr. Florian Jarre University of Düsseldorf, Mathematical Optimization Prof

Dr. Kurt Jax Helmholz Centre Leipzig, Biodiversity and Terrestrial Ecosystems Prof. Dr. Jürgen Jerger University of Regensburg,Economics Prof. Diethelm Jonas University of Music Lübeck, Oboe Prof. Dr. Uwe Jun University of Trier, Political Sciences. Prof. Dr. Susanne Junker “Beuth Hochschule für Technik” Berlin, Design, Interior Design, Visualisation Prof. Dr. Marja. Järventausta University of Cologne, Finno-Ugrian Prof. Dr. Klaus Jürgens University of Rostock, Marine Biology Prof

Dr. Annette Kaiser University of Duisburg-Essen, Biochemistry Prof. Dr. Manfred Kammer University of Halle-Wittenberg,Media Sciences Prof. Dr. Rainer Kampling Free University of Berlin, Catholic Theology Prof. Dr. Katja Kanzler Dresden

University of Technology, North American Literature Prof. Dr. Axel Karenberg University of Cologne, History of Medicineand Medical Ethics Prof. Dr. Raimund Kastenholz University of Mainz, African Studies Dr. René Kegelmann University of Munich, German Studies Prof. Dr. Ralph Kehlenbach University of Göttingen, Biochemistry Prof. Dr. Annette Kehnel. University of Mannheim, Medieval History Prof. Dr. Heidi Keller University of Osnabrück, Development and Culture Prof

Dr. Dr. Andreas F. Kelletat University of Mainz, Intercultural German Studies Prof. Dr. -Ing. Heinrich Kern Ilmenau University. of Technology,.computer Sciences and Mechanical Engineering Prof. Dr. Gabriele Kern-Isberner Dortmund University of Technology,.computer Science Prof. Dr. Holger Kersten University of Magdeburg, American Studies Prof. Dr. Oliver Kessler. University of Erfurt, Political Sciences Prof. Dr. Dres. hC. Urs Kindhäuser University of Bonn, Criminal Law and Procedure. Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Kistemann University of Bonn, Public Health Prof. Dr. Tobias Klass University of Wuppertal,Philosophy Prof. Dr. Hans-Henning Klauß Dresden University of Technology, Solid State Physics Prof. Dr. Arno Kleber. Dresden University of Technology, Earth Sciences Prof. Dr. Wolf Peter Klein University of Würzburg, German Language and. Literature/Linguistics Prof. Dr. Axel Klein University of Cologne, Inorganic Chemistry Prof. Ulrich Klieber University of Artand Design Halle, Basics of Sculpturing Prof. Dr. -Ing. Ludger Klinkenbusch University of Kiel, Electrical Engineering Prof

Karin Kneffel “Akademie der Bildenden Künste München”, Free Art, Painting Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch University of Oldenburg, Biochemistry of Signal Transduction Prof. Dr. Ursula Kocher University of Wuppertal, Modern German Literature. Prof. Dr. Matthias Koenig University of Göttingen, Sociology Prof. Hans Kornacher University of Applied Sciences Cologne,Production and Design of audiovisual Media Prof. Dr. Frank Kostrzewa Karlsruhe University of Education, Linguistics Prof

Dr. Helga Kotthoff University of Freiburg, Linguistics, Didactics, Gender Studies Prof. Dr. Manfred Krafczyk Braunschweig. University of Technology,.computingin Construction Prof. Dr. Gerhard Kraft University of Halle-Wittenberg, Business. Taxation Prof. Dr. Johannes Kramer University of Trier, Romance Languages and Literature Prof. Dr. Stefan Kramer University. of Cologne, East Asian Studies Prof. Dr. -Ing. Wolfgang Krautschneider Hamburg-Harburg University of Technology,Engineering Prof. Dr. Michael Krawinkel University of Giessen, Medicine, Dietetics Prof. Dr. Hermann Kreutzmann Free. University of Berlin, Geography Prof. Dr. Alexander Kreuzer University of Hamburg, Mathematics Prof. Dr. Ulrich Krohs. University of Münster

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