來源:網(wǎng)群國際    瀏覽:

zhengNameJurjen Groot


LocationUtrecht, The Netherlands


Jurjen GrooT advises European clients on corporate, commercial and intellectual property matters related to their business in China. He spenT over 3 years working in Shanghai and currently he works for CMS in The Netherlan***


Jurjen’s recenT IP related work includes advising a Dutch markeT leader in optical fiber on licensing and IP protection matters, assisting a world known Dutch innovative storm umbrella company on its IP protection and anti-counterfeiting strategy in China, and advising a winner oFthe Shell Livewire Young Business Award on protection oFits IP in China. Jurjen regularly publishes articles and was invited as a speaker and panellisT on several occasions. On 2 January 2011, Jurjen participated as a China experT in Dutch national TV discussion program "Buitenhof", commenting on legal matters in China, including IP protection. He speaks Dutch, English, German, French and Chinese.


NameBertram Huber


LocationBacknang, Germany


Bertram Huber, a principal oFIP*SEVA, is an international intellectual property experT based in Backnang (near Stuttgart), Germany. As former Senior Vice PresidenT oFRoberT Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany, and Head oFCorporate Intellectual Property he is known and recognised as an experT in the relevanT corners oFthe world. From 2000 until 2009 his responsibility included global intellectual property strategic developmenT and managemenT oFthe patenT portfolio and licensing activities oFthe Bosch Group. Before joining Bosch in 1995, Dr Huber headed the Legal and Patents DepartmenT oFthe telecommunications company ANT Nachrichtentechnik GmbH since 1983. He began his professional career in 1978 aT AEG-Telefunken AG. He is active in a number oFIntellectual Property organizationsAIPPI (Chairman Special Committee Q198 - IP and Environmental Technology/Climate Change (green technology), 2004 - 2010 Member oFthe Programme Committee), Munich Intellectual Property Law Centre (Chairman oFthe Board oFTrustees), PasT PresidenT oFLES (Licensing Executives Society) Germany, and othe***


NameHuang Hui


LocationBeijing, China


Dr Huang Hui is Senior Partner oFWanhuida. He is a scholar, lawyer, trademark attorney, Research Fellow oFIntellectual Property Centre oFChina Academy oFSocial Sciences and the Arbitrator oFDomain Name Dispute Resolution Centre oFCIETAC. Prior to joining Wanhuida, Dr Huang served 12 years aT the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC). He also studied international industrial property law and graduated from the Centre oFInternational Study oFIndustrial Property (CEIPI), RoberT Schuman University in France. After graduation, Dr Huang conducted academic research on the protection oFwell-known trademarks within the China Academy oFSocial Sciences ("Legal Protection oFWell-Known and Famous Marks") (Law Press, 2001), where he was awarded the degree oFdoctor aT law. Dr Huang is also an active practicing attorney who represents clients before the People's Courts oFChina in a wide variety oFlitigations, some oFwhich have become landmark decisions in the indust***


NameAaron Hurvitz

FirmKangxin Partners

LocationBeijing, China


Mr Hurvitz obtained his Bachelor oFArts degree in Political Science from the University oFArizona in 2003, and his Juris Doctorate from the University oFTulsa College oFLaw in 2007. He received his LL.M. in International Business and Trade Law from the John Marshall Law School in Chicago in 2008. Mr Hurvitz firsT started his Intellectual Property experience when he was hired as the sole law clerk on an antitrusT and illegal patenT tying case thaT was heard before the United States Supreme Court. He then drafted technology transfer agreements and worked on enforcemenTmatters for an international law firm in Beijing, China. AT Kangxin, Mr Hurvitz currently advises the firm's North American, European, Indian, and Australian clients on differenT aspects oFChinese Intellectual Property Law. He specifically focuses on how besT to introduce technology into China, and how to effectuate positive enforcemenT oFI***


NameHe Jing

FirmAnJie Law Firm

LocationBeijing, China


He Jing is a senior consultanT aT AnJie Law Firm and has extensive experience in IP litigations and IP advisory matters. He regularly advises clients on IP licensing and negotiation related to transactions and IP disputes. He Jing is lead counsel and has handled a number oFhigh profile cases. He Jing also advises corporate clients and industry associations on regulatory and governmenT policy issues. He is a fellow affiliated with the School oFIntellectual Property oFRenmin University. He graduated from Peking University with B.Sc in Physics and obtained his law degree from the University oFNotre Dame in 2000. He passed the State Bar oFCalifornia in 2000 and the USPTO patenT exam in April 2***


KangNameCindy Kang




Cindy joined Rouse in 2011 as a trade mark attorney, based in Beijing. She qualified as a lawyer oFChina after firsT obtaining a masters degree in foreign language and applied linguistics aT Tsinghua University. Before joining Rouse, Cindy practised in the field oFIP aT Liu Shen & Associates and Lehman, Lee & Xu for over ten years. Her expertise lies in advising brand owners on all aspects oFtrade mark clearance, protection, administrative enforcemenT and litigation. She has a vasT amounT oFexperience representing international clients on a wide range oFIP matters, as well as domain name and copyrighT registration. Cindy's clients include leading companies in diverse industries. She is a member oFthe China Trademark Association and International Trademark Association (INTA). A native speaker oFMandarin Chinese, Cindy is also fluenT in English.


NameMichal Klaczynski

FirmKlaczynski Legal Consulting

LocationWarsaw, Poland


Michal Klaczynski has over ten years experience in both Polish and international practices and now runs his own consulting firm specialising in international transactions and regulatory matters, including assistance in Chinese business and IP related matters. His experience includes assisting companies establishing business in China, advising on foreign direcT investmenT regulations and negotiating joinT venture agreements. He also advises on various aspects oFChinese copyrighT law, trade secrets, trademarks, as well as negotiating licensing, manufacturing and distribution agreements related to operations in China. Michal graduated from Harvard Law School (LL.M.) and Jagiellonian University; Poland. He studied aT Sichuan United University (Chengdu, China), and is currently working on his doctoral degree in international law.


NameHorace Lam

FirmDLA Piper

LocationBeijing, China


Horace Lam is the Head oFDLA Piper's Intellectual Property (IP) team in China, leading a strong team oFdedicated IP lawyers with full Greater China coverage across Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong. He advises multinational companies on all types oFIP issues in China, and regularly assists Fortune 500 companies in developing and executing their IP strategies tailored to their Asian busine***


Horace has extensive experience advising on complex IP matters, including pan-Asia brand protection strategies, cross-border IP litigations, infringement, enforcement, and multi-jurisdictional technology and know-how transfer and licensing matters. He has managed numerous IP disputes in China and other parts oFAsia, including licensing, trademark, copyright, patent, confidential information, trade secrets and design rights matters. Horace also advises clients on IP issues relating to R&D collaborations including technology and know-how licensing and transfer, and inventor remuneration issues.


zhengNameYuqing Lin


LocationBeijing, China

Emaillinyuqing0508**[ta]**.com; yuqing.lin**[ta]**

Yuqing Lin is senior partner in SINOFAITH IP GROUP in Beijing. With more than 13 years experience as a Chinese IP lawyer, Chinese PatenT Attorney and Judicial IP ExperT oFMinistry oFJustice oFChina, he has been involved in various aspects oFIP, focusing on patenT in domestic and international matters, includingprosecutions, litigations, licensing, invention disclosures and evaluations for patentability for many major companies. He is also a regularly speaker in China and other international IP conferences and seminars, and has published a number oFIP related articles for IP focused magazines, such as Landslide Magazine oFIP Law Section oFthe American Bar Association(ABA).


NameToby Mak

FirmTee & Howe

LocationBeijing, China


Dr. Toby Mak is a registered Chinese PatenT Attorney and has a PhD degree in Chemistry. Toby has over 10 years oFexperience in the patents and designs industry, with substantial exposure to the handling oFboth contentious and non-contentious matters. Before joining Tee & Howe, he worked aT one oFlargesT Hong Kong law firm on IP matters for more than 8 years. His clients include investors, local and overseas research institutes, multinational power tool company, manufacturer oFadhesives and elastomers, universities, video-on-demand company, and companies specialized in gene detection and pharmaceutical compositions development. He is a member oFthe All-China PatenT Agents Association and AIPPI, and a foreign member oFthe UK Chartered Institute oFPatenT Attorneys.


NameJo?o Miranda Sousa


LocationMadrid, Spain


Jo?o Miranda de Sousa is Head oFGarrigues' worldwide Intellectual Property practice. Before joining Garrigues, Mr. Miranda de Sousa was Director oFGeneral Affairs and External Relations aT the European Trademark & Design Office (OHIM), where he coordinated OHIM's relations with its counterparts in other countries, other EU institutions, the press, the business community and the world oFindustrial property professiona***


During his 12-year long career aT the OHIM, the agency saw its international standing improve dramatically. Only in 2007, the agency received some 90,000 trademark registration applications, making iT the EU's largesT Registry Office. In recognition oFhis work, he received the Business Outstanding AchievemenT Award lasT year in London aT the Managing Intellectual Property (MIP) Awar***


NameThomas Pattloch

FirmTaylor Wessing

LocationMunich, Germany


Thomas Pattloch specialises in industrial property rights and technology transfer with a particular focus on China. He provides comprehensive assistance and advice with regard to all aspects oFChinese industrial property law, covering inter alia strategic establishmenT oFindustrial and intellectual property rights in China, enforcemenT oFrights and assisting clients in particularly sensitive fields oFtechnology, competition-related aspects oFlicense agreements, drafting oFsoftware and technology license agreements, designing R&D projects as well as IP transactions. His remiT also comprises assistance in fighting producT piracy in China and Asia. Thomas wenT to law school in Munich. Afterwards, he did his doctorate aT the University oFPassau, with a thesis on Chinese IP rights, and was a research assistanT with the Asia departmenT oFthe Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Patent, CopyrighT and Competition Law. After obtaining his doctorate degree, he practised law in Shanghai. Before joining Taylor Wessing he was the European Commission's IP Officer in Beijing, Chi***


NamePaul Ranjard


LocationBeijing, China


Paul Ranjard is a seasoned IPR lawyer from France with extensive experience dealing with IPR infringements in China. He has spenTmore than 10 years working with China IPR issues. He is the chair oFthe IPR Working Group oFthe EU chamber oFcommerce in China and represents UniFab (Union des Fabricants). He is also the vice chair for the quality brands protection committee and is lawyer oFcounsel for the Wanhuida intellectual property agency. He has represented large companies such as Lacoste in carrying ouT IPR enforcemenT in China. Paul Ranjard is an active speaker aT academic seminars and international conferenc***


NameMaarten Roos

FirmR&P China Lawyers

LocationShanghai, China


Maarten Roos is Managing Director oFR&P China Lawyers, a PRC law firm under foreign management. For over 10 years, he has been advising and representing Western companies with business interests in China, mainly relating to investmenT projects, corporate and commercial transactions, IPR protection, employmenT issues, and dispute resolution. He advises international businesses on how to protecT their IPR in China, together with his team oFChinese litigation lawyers. Maarten is frequently involved in trade secrets under Chinese law, trade marks and patents, IP licensing, know-how and technology transfer, and manufacturing contracts (OEM).


Maarten regularly speaks on topics oFChinese law and has been widely published. He is also the author oFChinese Commercial LawA Practical Guide published by Kluwer Law International. Maarten has been in China since 1999, is fluenT in English, Dutch and Mandarin, and has been listed as one oFAsialaw's Leading lawyers since 2***


NameValentina Salmoiraghi

FirmChina IPR SME Helpdesk

LocationBeijing, China


Valentina Salmoiraghi holds a Master Degree in Law - International Institutions - from Bocconi University, Milan (Italy), and a Master Degree in Law from University oFBarcelona. After working for one year for a leading international Law Firm in Milan she started her practice on Chinese Law in 2007 working in Beijing with an Italian Law Firm advising Italian and European companies on Chinese Foreign DirecT Investments and IP matters.

She was in charge oFthe coordination oFthe law firm's China Desk and has also been appointed Chair oFthe SMEs Focus Group oFthe European Chamber oFCommerce in China - Beijing Chapter - before joining the CHINA IPR SME Helpdesk as IP ExperT in AugusT 2013. Valentina specializes in Europe - China cross border investments including IP rights, corporate, contracts and alternative dispute resolutions for companies engaged in several industries. She focuses on IP protection, licensing and franchising, as well as IP enforcement.


NameEdouard SchmitT zur Hohe

FirmSchmitT& Orlov Intellectual Prope***

LocationBeijing, China


Edouard SchmitT zur Hohe has been advising on intellectual property rights in Asia for over 12 years. He has worked on a wide range oFcases throughouT Asia including both contentious and non-contentious work. Edouard specialises in providing clients with comprehensive IP strategies throughouT the region based on their needs and IP issues. He speaks English, French, Russian, Chinese and Itali***


Martin_smallNameMartin Seybold

FirmSeybold Associates

LocationBeijing, China


Martin is head oFhis own consultancy firm in Beijing. He has over ten years oFexperience advising European SMEs and scientific institutions on China IP issues. His specialties are enforcemenT oFIP rights and hands-on IP strategies for foreign enterprises, as well as licensing and IP registrations in China.


Martin is a German qualified lawyer, holding a doctor's degree in constitutional law and a LL.M. degree in international and European economic law. He has in-depth experience on differenT IP approaches between China and Europe, and resulting conflicts. He is fluenT in written and spoken Chinese. Examples oFhis daily business areIP enforcemenT through Chinese authorities, coordination oFIP litigations, representation in arbitration (CIETAC, BAC) and mediation, drafting oFIP related contracts (licensing, technology transfer, cooperation), and managemenT oFIP portfolios in China.


NameJannik Skou

FirmThomsen Trampedach

LocationCopenhagen, Denmark


Jannik Skou has ten years oFexperience within the domain name and brand protection industry. He has worked with a number oFFortune500 and Europe Top 500 companies in the areas oFdomain name strategy, domain name management, brand protection, investigation, domain name audits and business process optimization.


Mr. Skou is a partner aT the Swiss consulting company, Thomsen Trampedach GmbH, who work with large international corporate clients to implemenT either besT practice or clienT specific strategies and solutions. He holds a Master oFarT from Copenhagen University and an executive MBA from Copenhagen Business School. He is on the InterneT Committee aT INTA, and is engaged aT the IP Constituency aT ICANN.


NameTim Smith


LocationBeijing, China


Tim is Deputy Head oFRouse's Dispute Resolution Team in China. Tim advises international companies on IP protection and enforcemenT in China, and has particular experience in copyrighT and IP litigation in China.


Tim trained aT AshursT in London, qualifying into the IP litigation team where he handled trade mark, design, copyrighT and patenT work, including copyrighT enforcemenT programmes for retail and media-owning clients. Before joining Rouse in 2008, he was Senior Legal Adviser aT IFPI, the international trade body for the recording industry. AT IFPI he was responsible for a number oFhigh-profile litigation cases, including the groundbreaking action for the industry againsT Yahoo! China. Tim has managed litigation in more than 20 jurisdictions in Europe, South America and Asia.


NameSerena Tierney

FirmWragge & Co

LocationLondon, UK


Serena Tierney is a consultanT for Wragge & Co LLP as well as the director oFPandion IP, her own Intellectual Property consultancy firm. She specializes in IP rights related to international business and focuses on IP developmenT strategies for topics such as capture oFinnovation, risk management, tax planning, portfolio prosecution, participation in standards organisations (SDOs), licensing oFIPR and judicial enforcement. Serena practices internationally, having conducted litigation, patent, trade mark and design prosecution globally. From 2006 - 2010, she was the Vice Chair oFthe Intellectual Property Committee oFthe European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), is a founder and board member oFthe International IP Strategists' Association (INTIPSA) and was named one oFthe Intellectual AsseTManagemenTMagazine's top 250 leading IP Strategists in 2***


Elio de TullioNameEmanuela Verrecchia


LocationShanghai, China


Emanuela Verrecchia is an Italian lawyer and qualified Italian and European Trademark Attorney, based in Rouses Shanghai office, where she assists clients in designing and implementing IPR enforcemenT strategies in China and SE Asia. After practising intellectual property in Italy for ten years, she moved to Asia in 2007, believing - as mosT people do - thaT iT was jusT for a few months. Before joining Rouse in 2010, Emanuela worked for Allen & Overy and two leading Italian IP firms. She has also worked as a visiting lawyer in several firms in Europe, specialising in IP and entertainmenT l***


NameCarol Wang


LocationShanghai, China


Carol Wang is a senior associate oFRouse. She joined Rouse in 2002 and has abundanT experience advising on intellectual property (IP) protection strategies in China. She has particular expertise in copyrighT and design protection, well known trade mark application and unfair competition, among others. Carol has developed and managed anti-counterfeiting programmes for several enterprises operating in Chi***


NameNicolai Wiegand

FirmTaylor Wessing

LocationMunich, Germany


Nicolai Wiegand specializes in IT/E-commerce, data protection, and Media & Entertainment. He also advises on competition law, advertising law and sponsoring, copyrighT law, publishing law, the registration oFindustrial property rights, and the resolution oFindustrial property rights conflicts in China. Dr Wiegand studied law in Munich where he passed both state examinations, before receiving an LL.M. degree aT New York University School oFLaw. He then obtained a doctor's degree in copyrighT law in Germany and worked as a scholarship holder aT the Max Planck Institute for foreign and international patent, copyrighT and competition law. He regularly publishes articles on topics oFsoftware law and is a co-author oFan IT law handbook for specialised lawyers. He is a lecturer aT the IT course for specialising lawyers and a member oFDGRI, the German Computer Law Association.


YangNameAmanda Yang




Amanda joined Rouse in 2010 as an associate with the Trade Marks Group and is a practicing Chinese attorney-at-law. Before joining Rouse, she worked for renowned local IP law firms for six years. Her practice focuses on trade mark prosecution, protection and related administrative litigation, as well as investigation and evidence collection oFbad faith oFtrade mark squatters. She also provides counseling on trade mark portfolio management, including filing, assignment, opposition and appeal amongsT others. Her main expertise lies in the acquisition oFwell- known trade marks recognition, advising on the registerability oFnon-traditional trade marks, and scheming, building and implementing integrated IPR protection strategies.


NameChristine Yiu

FirmBird & Bird

LocationShanghai, China


Christine is an associate in the Intellectual Property Group and is based in Bird & Bird's Shanghai office. Owing to her science background, Christine has specialised in technology-related work in China since 2004. She has handled a number oFcontentious patent, copyright, registered design, and trade mark cases, with considerable experience in the mobile telecommunications field. She has also advised clients on non-contentious matters such as brand managemenT and technology transfer. Christine has been a member oFthe experT panel oFthe China IPR SME Helpdesk since May 2***


Stacy_Yuan_smallNameStacy Yuan

FirmDLA Piper

LocationBeijing, China


Stacy Yuan is an OFCounsel aT DLA Piper in the specialisT Intellectual Property and Technology Group, based in Beijing. Stacy is experienced across the full spectrum oFIntellectual Property (IP), both non-contentious and contentious. Her range oFexperience gained during 8 years working for international law firms in Beijing, allows her to balance the global and local perspectives to gain the besT results for clients, whether they be multinational or local Chinese clien***


Stacy is aT the forefronT oFIP related litigations in China, having led many litigation cases there, including representing clients in Chinese courts on trademark infringement, administrative review and domain name dispute cases. Additionally, she has advised multinational companies on anti-counterfeiting strategies, civil and criminal actions, conducted IP audits, and negotiated trademark and patenT assignments and licensing agreements in commercial transactions.


zhengNameJiancheng Zeng

FirmTee & Howe

LocationHannover, Germany


Jiancheng Zeng is a Chinese patenT attorney with over 5 years oFexperience in patenT prosecution and litigation in China. He studied aT the University oFTechnology Darmstadt, Germany and started his career as a patenT engineer in a local German company and later in a IP law firm. AT presenT Jiancheng Zeng is a partner heading Tee & Howe's European Office in Hannover, Germany where he advises on IP matters both in Europe and in China. He is a member oFthe All-China PatenT Agents Association and Association oFPatenT Professionals in Industry in Germany (VPP).


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