來源:網(wǎng)群國際    瀏覽:

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Switzerland Union for international cancer control (UICC) Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCHF 54.00 Sponsorship for City Cancer Challange by 2025 seed funding/UICC

Switzerland Union for international cancer control (UICC) Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCHF 96.47 One year Vanguard Partnership, Champions Programme

Switzerland Union for international cancer control (UICC) Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kEUR 135.20 Partial sponsorship of the 2016 World Cancer Congress in Paris

Switzerland Diabetes Treff Thurgau NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations CHF 250.00 Financial contribution to Diabetes Treff Thurgau

Switzerland ERFA Gruppe Matzendorf NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations CHF 250.00 Financial contribution to ERFA Group (Experience Exchange Group) Matzendorf

Switzerland ERFA Gruppe Ticino NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations CHF 250.00 Financial contribution to ERFA Group (Experience Exchange Group) Ticino

Switzerland Schweizerische Polyarthritiker-Vereinigung Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCHF 9.00

Grant for workshops and international events for patients suffering from rheumatoid

arthritis, publications and media activites as well as internet presence

Switzerland Association Valaisanne du Diabète Financial contributions to Patient Organisations CHF 100.00

Sponoring of a product presentation supplying the costs of the event room and


Switzerland ****sD Association Valaisanne du Diabète Financial contributions to Patient Organisations CHF 550.00

Sponsoring of the annual conference (informative) for patients in the canton of


Switzerland ****sD Association Valaisanne du Diabète Financial contributions to Patient Organisations CHF 1'000.00

Sponsoring of the "Project Cantonale", a diabetes awareness (information and

prevention) project of the diabetes society in the canton of valais.

Switzerland Association Valaisanne du Diabète ****sD Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCHF 1.50 Sponsoring of five of the organization's annual group meetings for patients

Switzerland diabètefribourg Financial contributions to Patient Organisations CHF 740.00

Sponsoring of the "Journée Fribourgoise du Diabète", 02.06.2016, a networking

and awareness raising event.

Switzerland diabètefribourg Financial contributions to Patient Organisations CHF 930.00 Sponsoring of the "World Diabetes Day", 14.11.2016

Switzerland Aargauer Diabetes-Gesellschaft Financial contributions to Patient Organisations CHF 380.00

Sponsoring of the Control and Cleaning Day of Blood Glucose Monitoring (BGM)


Switzerland Aargauer Diabetes-Gesellschaft Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCHF 2.20 Sponsoring of the annual program of the Aargauer Diabetes-Gesellschaft

Switzerland Financial contributions to Patient Organisations CHF 500.00 Sponsoring of the "Autumn Meeting 15-16.10.2016" of

Switzerland Ostschweiz. Diabetes-Gesellschaft Financial contributions to Patient Organisations CHF 500.00 Sponsoring of the "Diabetes Forum Switzerland East" (Workshop)

Switzerland Schweizer Diabetes-Gesellschaft Financial contributions to Patient Organisations CHF 800.00 Sponsoring for the organization SGD's annual conference

Switzerland ERFA Gruppe Berner Seeland Financial contributions to Patient Organisations CHF 250.00

Financial contribution to ERFA Group (Experience Exchange Group) Berner


Switzerland ERFA Gruppe Burgdorf Financial contributions to Patient Organisations CHF 250.00 Financial contribution to ERFA Group (Experience Exchange Group) Burgdorf

Switzerland Diabetessolothurn Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCHF 1.50 Sponsoring for world diabetes day 2016

Switzerland ERFA Gruppe Zürich Financial contributions to Patient Organisations CHF 250.00 Financial contribution to ERFA Group (Experience Exchange Group) Zürich

Switzerland Diabetesgesellschaft d.Kt. Zug Financial contributions to Patient Organisations CHF 250.00 Sponsoring of the "World Diabetes Day" in Zug

Switzerland ATD Associazione Ticinese per i Diabetici Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCHF 1.67 Frame Sponsoring contract for different patient events (booth) organized by ATD

Switzerland Association Vaudoise du Diabète ****D Financial contributions to Patient Organisations CHF 500.00 Sponsoring of the organization ****D's general meeting 30.04.2016

Switzerland Fondation pour la Recherche sur le Diabète Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCHF 3.25

Sponsoring of the "Journée Romande du Diabète", 26.11.2016, a networking and

awareness raising event.

Switzerland INRswiss Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCHF 2.00

Support for patient workshop to share best practice and experiences with the

disease and how to handle it.


Lungenliga Schweiz Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen


Lungenliga Schweiz Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

CHF 380.00

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Switzerland Verein Lunge Zürich Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCHF 5.56

Grant for patient's event on pulmonary fibrosis in collaboration with Klinik für

Pneumologie (USZ) "Publikumsanlass Lungenfibrose", December 2016

Switzerland Verein Lunge Zürich Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCHF 12.04

Grant to support the costs of the production of patient brochures on Idiopathic

Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF)

Switzerland Multiple Sclerosis Association Switzerland Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCHF 6.33

Financial support of Multiple Sclerosis Association Switzerland magazine "FORTE"

Switzerland Multiple Sclerosis Association Switzerland Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCHF 20.00 Grant for 19.Multiple Sclerosis "State of Art"-Symposium, Luzern

Switzerland Rheumaliga Schweiz Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCHF 18.00

Grant for annual projects focused on rheumatism: Publications, internet presence,

ForumR, and patient brochures for daily help

Switzerland Ronald Mc Donald Haus Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCHF 5.48 Grant for room sponsorship at Ronald McDonald house Basel

Switzerland Swiss Diabetes Kids Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCHF 5.00

Partial sponsoring of the "Family Weekend 23-25.09.2016" in Unterwasser for

children with diabetes and their families.

Switzerland ZDG Zürcher Diabetes-Gesellschaft Financial contributions to Patient Organisations CHF 300.00

Sponsoring of the Control and Cleaning Day of Blood Glucose Monitoring (BGM)


Switzerland ZDG Zürcher Diabetes-Gesellschaft Financial contributions to Patient Organisations CHF 540.00

Sponsoring of the Control and Cleaning Day of Blood Glucose Monitoring (BGM)


Taiwan Hope Society of Cancer Care Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kTWD 180.00 Support for the production of Patient Education Brochures

Taiwan Hope Society of Cancer Care Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kTWD 380.00 Support to provide education on Lymphoma-Related Disease

Taiwan Arthritis Foundation Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kTWD 200.00 Support for Continuing Medical Education


Foundation of Breast cancer Prevention and

Treatment Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kTWD 300.00

Support for a serial of patient education programs on breast cancer

Taiwan The Infectious Diseases Society of Taiwan Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kTWD 15.00 Sponsor the education on infectious diseases to patients

Taiwan Taiwan Breast Cancer Alliance Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kTWD 100.00 Pathology brochure printing for breast cancer awareness

Taiwan Taiwan Breast Cancer Alliance Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kTWD 200.00

Generall support for the activities of the Breast Cancer Alliance patient organisation


Taiwan Association of Cancer Patients

NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen


Taiwan Active Aging Association (AAA)

NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 7.77

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Trinidad and Tobago


TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 440.00

Support for patients education in the World Kidney Day

Tunisia Association Karama pour la lutte contre le cance NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kMAD 3.36

Accommodation for the attendance at the Experience Exchange for Patient

Organizations in Casablanca, Morocco


Association Malades du cancer

NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 3.88

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Tunisia Association Malades du Cancer NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kMAD 6.72

Accommodation for the attendance at the Experience Exchange for Patient

Organizations in Casablanca, Morocco

Turkey Umut ve Yaşam Derneği Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kTRY 8.80

The donation is for the organisation to attend the Civil Society Capacity Building

Program which is run by the consulting company Sosyal İnovasyon Merkezi.

Turkey Umut ve Yaşam Derneği Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kTRY 20.65

The donation is for the organisation to attend the Civil Society Capacity Building

Program which is run by the consulting company Sosyal İnovasyon Merkezi.


Umut ve Yaşam Derneği Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kTRY 50.86

The donation is to support the Female Cancers Project, a project aimed to raise

awareness on screening, diagnosis and treatment options for female cancers

(breast, cervical and ovarian cancer)

Turkey Trabzon Umut ve Yaşam Derneği Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kTRY 50.80

The donation is for the organisation to attend the Civil Society Capacity Building

Program which is run by the consulting company Sosyal İnovasyon Merkezi.


Trabzon Umut ve Yaşam Derneği Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

TRY 160.00

The donation is for the organisation to attend the Civil Society Capacity Building

Program which is run by the consulting company Sosyal İnovasyon Merkezi.

Turkey Trabzon Umut ve Yaşam Derneği Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kTRY 5.11

The donation is for the organisation to attend the Civil Society Capacity Building

Program which is run by the consulting company Sosyal İnovasyon Merkezi.

Turkey Trabzon Umut ve Yaşam Derneği Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kTRY 8.40

The donation is for the organisation to attend the Civil Society Capacity Building

Program which is run by the consulting company Sosyal İnovasyon Merkezi.

Turkey Akciğer Hastalıkları Dayanışma Derneği Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kTRY 4.24

The donation was for a one-day capacity building program delivered to the

organisation, and for meals and snacks provided during this training.

Turkey Diyabetli Çocuklar Vakfı Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kTRY 8.00 Donation for the Diabetes Summer Camp

Turkey Bursa Tip 1 Diyabetliler Derneği Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kTRY 2.50 Donation to Diabetes Festival

Turkey Diyabetle Yasam Dernegi Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kTRY 5.00 Donation for the education meeting which was held in Cyprus.

Turkey Meme Hastalıkları Koalisyonu Derneği Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) CHF 510.00

Attendance of one representative at the Oncology (breast cancer) and hematology

Patient Group Advisory Board meeting, November 2016 in Zurich

Turkey Meme Hastalıkları Koalisyonu Derneği Financial contributions to Patient Organisations TRY 1'130.00

The donation was to cover the accommodation costs of the organisation to the

Roche organised Breast Cancer Patient Forum in Milan, Italy.


Meme Hastalıkları Koalisyonu Derneği Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kTRY 1.27

The donation was to cover the travel and accommodation costs of the

oreganisation to attend the Roche organised International Experience Exchange for

Patient Organisations (IEEPO) 2016 conference.

Turkey Meme Hastalıkları Koalisyonu Derneği Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kTRY 1.30

The donation was to cover the travels costs of the organisation to the Roche

organised Breast Cancer Patient Forum in Milan, Italy.


Kanser Savaşçıları Derneği Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

TRY 150.00

The donation is for the organisation to attend the Civil Society Capacity Building

Program which is run by the consulting company Sosyal İnovasyon Merkezi.

Turkey KİFDER Financial contributions to Patient Organisations TRY 150.00

The donation is for the organisation to attend the Civil Society Capacity Building

Program which is run by the consulting company Sosyal İnovasyon Merkezi.

Turkey KİFDER Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kTRY 8.07

The donation is for the organisation to attend the Civil Society Capacity Building

Program which is run by the consulting company Sosyal İnovasyon Merkezi.


Kistik Fibrozis Yardımlaşma ve Dayanışma Derneği

(KifDer) Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kTRY 10.20

The organisation supplies nebulisers for the use of cytic fibrosis patients to different

medical centres in Turkey. The donation was for the purchase of 60 nebulisers.


Kistik Fibrozis Yardımlaşma ve Dayanışma Derneği

(KifDer) Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kTRY 18.36

The donation is for the organisation to attend the Civil Society Capacity Building

Program which is run by the consulting company Sosyal İnovasyon Merkezi.


Kistik Fibrozis Yardımlaşma ve Dayanışma Derneği

(KifDer) Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kTRY 19.07

The organisation supplies nebulisers for the use of cystic fibrosis patients to

different medical centres in Turkey. The donation was for the purchase of 120



Kistik Fibrozis Yardımlaşma ve Dayanışma Derneği

(KifDer) Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kTRY 36.70

The donation is to support the development and implementation of an online

application called KİFİ, which aims to improve the adherence of cystic fibrosis


Turkey LOSEV (Foundation for Children with Leukemia) Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kTRY 16.00

Donation of Bloodgas&Electrolytes, Clinical Chemistry, Hematology Reagents to

LOSEV for their free usage in favour of children with Leukemia.


MEME SAĞLIĞI DERNEĞİ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

TRY 100.00

The donation is for the organisation to attend the Civil Society Capacity Building

Program which is run by the consulting company Sosyal İnovasyon Merkezi.

Turkey MEME SAĞLIĞI DERNEĞİ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kTRY 2.83 Donation to support the publication of the PO's book on breast cancer

Turkey Meme Sağlığı Derneği Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kTRY 7.83

The donation is for the organisation to attend the Civil Society Capacity Building

Program which is run by the consulting company Sosyal İnovasyon Merkezi.

Turkey MEME SAĞLIĞI DERNEĞİ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kTRY 11.68 Donation to support the publication of the PO's book on breast cancer

Turkey Meme Sağlığı Derneği Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kTRY 18.23

The donation is for the organisation to attend the Civil Society Capacity Building

Program which is run by the consulting company Sosyal İnovasyon Merkezi.

Turkey Pembe İzler Derneği Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kMAD 3.36

Accommodation for the attendance at the Experience Exchange for Patient

Organizations in Casablanca, Morocco

Turkey Sosyal Güvenlik Uzmanları Derneği Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kTRY 9.44

The donation was to support the publication of a magazine on social security and

health related matters in Turkey.

Turkey Türkiye Multipl Skleroz Derneği Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kTRY 1.38

The donation was to cover the travel cost of the orgnanisation to attend the regional

EEMEA-EEPO meeting

Turkey Türkiye Multipl Skleroz Derneği Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kTRY 2.00

The donation was to for the preparation of a multiple sclerosis awareness raising

day by the organisation.

Turkey Türkiye Multipl Skleroz Derneği Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kTRY 10.00

The donation was to support the organisation in their annual multiple sclerosis



European Society of Gynaecological Oncology

(ESGO)*Nakdi Bağış Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kTRY 11.69

The donation was for the organisation of a patient side-meeting at the ESGO

conference held in Antalya in October

Turkey İstanbul Caddebostan Rotary Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kTRY 8.85

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