來源:網(wǎng)群國際    瀏覽:

Meeting, 09-14/09/2016 Paris (France)


Association for Quality Assurance Laboratory

Medicine NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUAH 120.00

Organizing and participation in the training- workshop "Basics of quality control and

statistical methods of data processing", 07-10/06/2016 Kiev (Ukraine)

Ukraine Charity Fund "For Safe Medicine" NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUAH 202.67

Participation in the European Society for Medical Oncology Congress, 07-

11/10/2016 Copenhagen (Denmark)

Ukraine Charity Fund "For Safe Medicine" NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUAH 338.91

Participation in the 2nd International Conference on New Concepts in B-Cell

Malignancies, 9-11/09/2016 Estoril (Portugal)

Ukraine Charity Fund "For Safe Medicine" NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUAH 500.07 Participation in the 9th Paris Hepatitis Conference, 10-13/01/2016 Paris (France)

Ukraine Charity Fund "For Safe Medicine" NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUAH 1'023.22

Participation in the 16th Biennial meeting of the International Gyneologic cancer

Society (IGCS), 29-31/10/2016 Lisbon (Portugal)

Ukraine Public Organization "Equal Rights for Life" Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUAH 9.27

Edition of guides about prevention and early diagnostics breast cancer selfexamination

for parents

Ukraine Public Organization "Equal Rights for Life" Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUAH 9.80

Purchase of reagents for the diagnostics optimisations in patients with the BC for

Chernigiv Oncology Dispanser

Ukraine Public Organization "Equal Rights for Life" Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUAH 506.40

Participation in the European Breast Cancer Conference (EBCC-10), 9-11/03/2016

Amsterdam (Netherlands)

Ukraine Public Organization "Equal Rights for Life" Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUAH 799.17

Participation in the American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting, 3-

7/06/2016 Chicago (USA)


Public Organization "Association of help to disabled

people and patients with chronic lymphoproliferative

disorders" Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kUAH 6.75

Printing of informational materials (guide of oncology departments structure of

NCI), quantity - 300 pieces


Public Organization "Association of help to disabled

people and patients with chronic lymphoproliferative

disorders" Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kUAH 15.00

Edition guides about healthy food as the cancer prevention method and a diet after

chemotherapy for the patients


Public Organization "Association of help to disabled

people and patients with chronic lymphoproliferative

disorders" Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kUAH 30.25

Purchase of reagents for the diagnostics optimisation in patients with the chronic

lymphoproliferative disorders for the Institute of Experimental pathology, oncology

and radiobiology NAN of Ukraine


Public Organization "Association of help to disabled

people and patients with chronic lymphoproliferative

disorders" Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kUAH 58.28

Participation in 27th International Congress on Anti-Cancer Treatment, 2-4/02/2016

Paris (France )


Public Organization "Association of help to disabled

people and patients with chronic lymphoproliferative

disorders" Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kUAH 68.86

Participation in the Roma Breast Surgery Symposium, 08-10/06/2016 Roma (Italy)


Public Organization "Association of help to disabled

people and patients with chronic lymphoproliferative

disorders" Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kUAH 107.32

Participation in the 27th Annual Meeting of the International BFM Study Group and

10th Biennial Childhood Leukemia Symposium, 23-26/04/2016 Athens (Greece)


Public Organization "Association of help to disabled

people and patients with chronic lymphoproliferative

disorders" Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kUAH 455.70

Participation in the 21th Annual Congress of the European Hematology Association,

9-12/06/2016 in Copenhagen (Denmark)

United Arab Emirates Positive Cancer NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kMAD 3.36

Accommodation for the attendance at the Experience Exchange for Patient

Organizations in Casablanca, Morocco

United Arab Emirates Saqr Hospital NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kMAD 3.36

Accommodation for the attendance at the Experience Exchange for Patient

Organizations in Casablanca, Morocco

United Kingdom Action Bladder Cancer UK Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 4.10

Financial donation to ABC to develop new materials for support groups and for all

bladder cancer patients.

United Kingdom Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance (ARMA) Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 10.00 Support for the ARMA annual lecture

United Kingdom Breast Cancer Now Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 3.00 Agency support for television media relations

United Kingdom Breast Cancer Now Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 5.80 Agency support for radio media relations

United Kingdom NMO-UK Rare Illness Research Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 80'000.00 Support for NMO-UK Rare Illness Research

United Kingdom NMO-UK Rare Illness Research Financial contributions to Patient Organisations JPY 160'000.00 Support for NMO-UK Rare Illness Research

United Kingdom International Brain Tumor Alliance (IBTA) Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 35.00

Work programme sponsorship towards the Sub-Saharan Africa Brain Tumor

Consultative Conference

United Kingdom Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 3.00 Agency support for provision of communication materials

United Kingdom Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 4.00 Agency support for radio media relations

United Kingdom Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 4.00 Agency support for television media relations

United Kingdom Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 8.20 Financial donation to fund the support of an agency

United Kingdom Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 22.00 Agency support in helping to compile a report on Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

United Kingdom Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 23.00 Agency support for joint parliamentary event on Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

United Kingdom

Cancer Campainging Group Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kGBP 15.00

Financial grant to fund the rolling out a Cancer Data Toolkit which will drive

Members of Parliament scrutiny of cancer outcomes and help to shape the national

cancer policy environment.

United Kingdom

CLL Support Association Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kGBP 5.00

To ensure that patients are provided with the latest up-to-date information on the

chronic lymphocytic leukemia patient journey and latest developments in research.

United Kingdom SB Communications Group Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 2.60 Sponsorhsip for the Welsh Primary Care Diabetes Society

United Kingdom Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 10.00

Donation towards development of Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust helpline and annual

cancer patient event.

United Kingdom Leukaemia Care Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 10.00

To provide support for the Patient and Carer conference in London on 11 June

2016 and for the Nurse conference in Birmingham on 18 November 2016

United Kingdom The Myfanwy Townsend Melanoma Research Fund Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 7.00

Project to raise awareness of sun protection and educate on the importance of early

detection of melanoma

United Kingdom

Melanoma UK Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kGBP 10.00

Donation towards development of website “add on” facility to help patients navigate

their way through the dermatology and ultimately melanoma services throughout

the UK

United Kingdom Multiple Sclerosis Society Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 15.00

Financial donation to allow the Multiple SclerosisS Society to undertake their

research project ensuring that MS patients have access to effective treatments.

United Kingdom National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society Financial contributions to Patient Organisations GBP 400.00 Funding the cost for hosting Remission Mission photo wall on the NRAS website

United Kingdom National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 70.00 Agency support for completion and launch of 'Know your DAS' app

United Kingdom Rare Disease UK Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 10.00 Support for Rare Disease Day 2016.

United Kingdom World Cancer Research Fund UK Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 5.00

Project for providing attendees with the required training they need to advise their

patients on how they can reduce their risk of developing cancer.

United Kingdom Pink Ribbon Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 10.00 Support for the Pink Ribbon Breast Cancer Forum

United Kingdom shiftMS Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 88.00 Grant to SHIFT for six short films "Invisible Symptoms"

United Kingdom World Dementia Council Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 100.00 Partial support to the organisation's "action against dementia" programme 2016

United Kingdom Alzheimer's Disease International Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 10.00 World Alzheimer's Month 2016

United Kingdom Alzheimer's Disease International Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 40.00 Sponsorship of the Alzheimer's Disease International project on health economics

United Kingdom Alzheimer's Disease International Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 65.00

Gold Sponsor to partially support the 31st Conference of ADI, 21-24 April 2016,


United Kingdom Alzheimer's Society UK Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 70.00 Support towards the World Dementia Council

United Kingdom Athritis Care Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 12.00

Financial donation to help Arthritis Care to deliver a programme of support

activities for those affected by juvenile arthritis

United Kingdom

Asthma UK Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kEUR 65.00

Transforming asthma outcomes through co-ordinated and well-funded research &

development: campaign partnership opportunities with Asthma UK and EU partners

United Kingdom Asthma UK Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 10.00

Production of a patient prospectus for effective technology enabled asthma selfmanagement.

United Kingdom Beating Bowel Cancer Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 3.00 Agency support for television media relations

United Kingdom Beating Bowel Cancer Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 3.80 Agency support for radio media relations

United Kingdom Beating Bowel Cancer Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 11.10 Agency support for a video news release + B-Roll interview

United Kingdom Beating Bowel Cancer Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 15.00

Project to enable Beating Bowel Cancer to continue to provide digital support for


United Kingdom British Lung Foundation Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 13.80

Support for the networking day for pulmonary fibrosis support groups across the

UK in April/May 2016.

United Kingdom Breast Cancer Care Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 1.70

Agency support for development of course materials for Breast Cancer Care’s

Moving Forward Services in Scotland and Wales

United Kingdom Breast Cancer Care Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 4.10

Agency support for development of a video for patients and healthcare

professionals to be hosted on Breast Cancer Care’s website

United Kingdom Breast Cancer Care Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 15.60

Agency support for development of course materials for Breast Cancer Care’s

Moving Forward Services

United Kingdom Breast Cancer Care Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 20.40

Financial donation to allow BCC to deliver support groups across the country for

women living with secondary breast cancer

United Kingdom Crohn’s and Colitis UK Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 10.00 Support for patient Information pack distribution

United Kingdom International Alliance of Patient Organizations (IAPO) Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 20.00

Partial sponsorship of the 7th Global Patiens Congress

United Kingdom Lymphoma Association Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 9.00 Support for campaigning and educational events

United Kingdom

Macmillian Cancer Support Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kGBP 6.90

Contribution towards funding costs of Britain Against Cancer conference held by

the All Party Parliamentary Group on Cancer, for which Macmillan act as the


United Kingdom Maggie’s Cancer Centre

Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 30.00

Funding for Maggie's Breast Cancer patient care pilot

United Kingdom Multiple Sclerosis International Federation Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 105.00

Grant for 2016 Activities: Worldwide Capacity Building, World MS Day, Principles

of Quality of Life and Kiss Goodbye to Multiple Sclerosis

United Kingdom

Multiple Sclerosis Trust

Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kGBP 5.00

Donation to facilitate access to specialist training for health professionals working

with people with Multiple Sclerosis

United Kingdom St Georges Hospital Charity NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 10.00

Financial support to the development of the St George’s Hospital Charity project to

support Young Onset Dementia patients.

United Kingdom Alzheimer Europe Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) CHF 540.00

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Dementia Forum, Frankfurt, 4-5 Feb.2016

United Kingdom Anticoagulation Europe Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 3.00 Support for the organisation's Achievement Awards

United Kingdom Anticoagulation Europe Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 15.00 Sponsorship to produce and distribute the publication 'In Review'

United Kingdom

European Brain Council Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of one representative at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

United Kingdom Debbie's Dream Foundation, Inc. Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.50 Charitable contribution towards the 7th Annual Dream Makers Gala fundraiser

United Kingdom

Europacolon Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

GBP 40.00

Reimbursed expenses for the attendance at the Roche Real World Data patient

group meeting, to improve patient outcomes in cancer, October 2016 Copenhagen

United Kingdom MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY GROUP OF GB & NI Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kCHF 7.10

Grant for UK Neuromuscular Translationala Research Conference 22 & 23 March,


United Kingdom Stroke Association Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 3.00

Support annual educational meeting on Anticoagulation for key opinion leaders in

Northern Ireland

United Kingdom Thrombosis UK Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kGBP 1.25 Support for National Thrombosis Week 2016

United States Candlelighters For Children With Cancer Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 1'000.00 Charitable contribution towards Harvest of Hope

United States American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 20.00

Charitable contribution towards the "What Every American Needs to Know About

Autoimmune Disease" program

United States American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 70.00

Charitable contribution towards the "Linking Together for A Cure" National

Awareness Campaign

United States Alaska Kidney Patients Association, Inc. Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 2.00 Charitable contribution towards the 11th Annual Kidney Education Symposium

United States Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.50 Charitable contribution towards the Client Financial Assistance

United States Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 2.50 Charitable contribution towards the BCFO Free Screening Mammogram Program

United States Boston International Turner Syndrome Summit Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.50

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