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Construction of the 5th process line for crushed stone production the GRANIT RUME 5

Construction of the Sitnitsa Ore Mining and Processing Enterprise 7


Starting the production of cardan shafts for cars equipped with the joints of equal angular velocity and driveshafts 9

The Investment project 2006-2011 on mastering of manufacture of perspective hydraulics of steering control for automobile technical equipment with use of new and high tech at the RUIE «Borisov plant «Autogydrousilitel***

Reequipment of starters and alternators manufacture of JSC «BATE» on the period of 2006-201***

Technical modernization of the drawing shop and the wire and cable manufacturing shop at JSC «Shchuchin plant «Autoprovod***

Creation of a new building hoist’s productio***

Technical reequipment for the purpose of production of hydraulic units for the dump-trucks «BelAZ***

Reconstruction of a melting site of the foundry sho***

Organization of assembling production of «Belarus-2103» track-type tractor and its modification***

Technical re-equipment of RUPE «BELAZ» and RUPE «BELAZ» subsidiary in Mogilev for 2008-2012 year***


Organization of the production of new import-substituting veterinarian medications and medications adequate

to GMP at UE «Vitebskaya Biofabrika***

Organization of the production of the packaging made of laminated and foil-clad paper for food products OF «Tetra-Pak»- type in RUPE «BEREZATARA***

Reconstruction of the Fish Processing Smoking and conservation JSC «Rybhoz «Krasnaj Zorka***

Reconstruction of the Fish Processing Plant at the RPCUE «Rybhoz «Novoselki***

Organization of bacterial concentration products production for dairy industr***

Construction of a pig-breeding complex for 24 000 heads on the basis of Bereza Feed Mill OJS***

Construction of a metal grain-elevator with a capacity of 20 thousand tons at Bereza Feed Mill OJS***

Construction of a department for processing of oil crops and manufacturing of mill-cakes and oil

at Slutsk Grain Products Plant OJS***

Construction of a compound feeds workshop (mill) of Khodosy Feed Mill PPU***

Construction of a mini heat power plant at Borisov Grain Products Plant U***

Creation of Pedigree Herds of Gerford and Aberdin-Anguss Breeds in the Area of Belarusian Polessy***

The trading-logistical complex with the potato-vegetable terminal on 20000 ton***

Complex for cleaning crop seeds (cereals - 10 000 tons, perennial grasses - 10 000 tons, vegetables - 200 tons***


Organization of production of metal goods of access restriction and elements of interior of trade organization***

Setting-up of the wholesale-and-logistic centre on the basis of the facility, located in the town of Orsh***

Setting-up of the wholesale-and-logistic centre on the basis of the facility of JSC Belstroymaterialy,located in the town of Smolevich***

Setting-up of the wholesale-and-logistic centre on the basis of the facility, located in the town of Bres***

Setting-up of the wholesale-and-logistic centre on the basis of the facility, located in the town of Mogile***

Setting-up of the wholesale-and-logistic centre on the basis of the facility, located in the town of Gome***

«Business Center on Zagorodnyj***


Purchase of vessel by CJSC «Belarusian Shipping Company***


Introduction of steam and gas technologies at Mozyr HP***

Reconstruction of the substation 330/110/10 kV «Minsk-Severnaya» in Mins***

Reconstruction of Substation 330/220/110/35 kV «Miradino» in Bobruisk district, Mogilev regio***

Construction of Vitebsk hydro-electric power station on the Western Dvina rive***

Сonstruction of 660 MW Coal Condensation Electric Power Station Zelvenskay***

Mogilev Heat Power Plant. Reconstruction of turbines № 2 and 3, Automatic Control Syste***

Bereza State District Power Plant. Installation of 450 MW power generating unit on a new site***


Reconstruction of the production areas for manufacture of medicinal preparations by «Dialek»

Unitary Enterprise in Mins***

Build-up of new production of solid dosage forms at Borisov Factory of Healthcare Products

Republican Unitary Enterprise (RUE***


The organisation of manufacture of bioethanol on OJSC «Zhabinka Sugar Plant»***

The building «Minsk juice plant»***

Building of Logistics center in Minsk region***


Transposition of the Spinning-Mill of Minsk Sukno Open Joint Stock Company***

Creation of a production of chrome and yuft leather goods for work footwear at Grodno Republican unitary enterprise «Grodno Industrial Leather Association»***

Modernisation of sections on discharge of imitation leathers and oilcloths of a dining room OF Joint Stock Company***

Partial re-profiling of Brest Carpets JSC for upholstery and furniture fabrics production and technical modernization of carpet-weaving production***


Organization of production of weaving and clothing manufacture of home textile at JSC «Rechitsa textiles»***

Reconstruction of nylon industrial and cord yarn production at JSC «Grodno Khimvolokno»***

Construction of the heavy oil residue hydrocracking plant at JSC «Mozyr Oil Refinery»***

Construction of a delayed coking unit at JSC «Naftan»***

Construction of Paraxylene Production Complex at JSC «Mozyr Oil Refinery»***

Construction of new petrochemical plants at JSC «Polymir»***


The reconstruction of Chervensky market in Minsk***

Shopping centre (hypermarket) of Belcoopsoyuz in the area of Mogilyov highway - Minsk Encircling Highway (MEH) in Minsk***


Technical re-equipment of coffee drinks technological line at «Baranovichy plant of food products»***

Technical re-equipment of manufacture of the JSC «Linovskiy starch plant»***

Tourist complex «The Star of the East»***


Enlargement of the industrial base for production Of Purification complexes***

Reconstruction of the «Agros» company to the factory «Plastbau» of producing of the building designs

under the license «Plastedil International Ltd»***

Manufacture on release of the hoisting-and-transport and special equipment***

Construction of administrative - shopping center and multilevel parking at the address: Vitebsk,crossroad of Stroitelei and Pobedy avenues***

Construction of a hotel complex in the central historical part of the city of Vitebsk***

Construction of the youth center of leisure in the city of Vitebsk***

Expansion of manufacture of wood fuel granules (pellets)***

Оrganization of production of porous ceramic wall materials (blocks, bricks) at Obol ceramic plant***

Modernization of museum of Mark Shagal in Vitebsk***


Town of entertainments in Gomel, the Republic of Belarus***

Opening of international business tourist center in Gomel***

Development of road metal production in Lelchitsa region***


Creations of a multifunctional hotel and entertainment complex, construction of a working museum OF beer on the territory of the Unitary Branch Establishment «Grodno Brewery»***

Construction of a factory on manufacture of cars in Lida***

Reconstruction of the part of the Avgustovskiy Canal. The object of infrastructure «Open-air cafe near sluice «Dmisevichi»***


Creation of local networks of data transmission in territory of microdistricts of Minsk for connection OF new users to operating services of Joint-Stock Company «SOLO»***

Carrying out of the enterprise, as city of Minsk inappropriate to rules***

Reconstruction of building for industrial purposes and offices along the street Voronianskogo***

in the city of Minsk***

Foundation of an enterprise on repair, reconstruction and city roads construction***

The creation of the scientific manufacturing company «ADANI-Rentgenotechnika» in order to develop

and manufacture the advanced X-ray equipment***


Organization of the Modern System for Separate Collection and Processing of Solid Domestic Waste***

Construction object of roadside service with servicing station of cars, a gasoline station and hotel on highway М1 Moscow-Brest in 13 km from the Minsk ring highway***

Construction an industrial-warehouse complex in Hatezhino***


Reconstruction of JSC «Bobruisk meat processing plant» meat-fat workshop***

Construction of an all-year-round and fitness complex***

The construction of the shop of the half-finished potato products***


Construction of pectin producing plant with the capacity 600 t per year***

Foundation of a modern plant producing high quality building materials on the basis of a magnesia astringent

for building low rise-houses***

Foundation of modern dolomite recycling plants and production magnesia cement, lime and astringent gypsum materials using energy-saving technology***


Organization and development of import substitution production of hygienic feminine sanitary pads

and children diapers***

Paper single-use utensils production organization***

Organization of CD-R and DVD-R production, CD-R and DVD-R boxes production within FEZ «Gomel-Raton» territory***

Creation of transport and logistic center on Free Economic Zone Gomel-Raton territory***

Soft tiles production organization on FEZ Gomel-Raton territory***

Thin basalt fiber production organization***

Organization of 5-layer metal-polymer tubes production***


Establishment of enterprise on polyurethane foam manufacture***

Creation of a production of disposable sanitary-hygienic products on the territory of FEZ «Grodnoinvest»***

Creation of a transport-logistics centre on the territory of free economic zone «Grodnoinvest»***

Setting up an enterprise majoring in manufacture of photoelectric transducers***

Modernization of silex brick production at «Grodno Building Materials Plant» JSC***

Starting production of thermal insulating materials using short flax-fibre at the free production spaces OF the unitary enterprise «Groniteks»***

Construction of a wind-driven plant factory***


Organization of manufacture of bacterial concentrates according to new technologies on production facilities OF PRUE «Exmolltech»***

Organization of manufactures on production of semiexpendable hygiene and sanitary goods***

Organization of manufacture of tin corks with plastic ring «ring pull»***


Ministry of Architecture and Civil Engineering of the Republic of Belarus

Construction of the 5th process line for crushed stone production the GRANIT RUME

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:CSP-3

b. Full name:Crushing-and-sorting plant No.3

c. Summary description:Development of non-metallic building materials production. Capacity - 3,820 thousand tons

А2. Progress Status:Exploratory development of the Grodnogyprostroy OJSC and the Giprorud institute (St.-Petersburg)

А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) The GRANIT RUME- Director General Stepan Petorovich Turovez; phone - +375 1647 36650; fax - +375 1647 43600; e-mail - info**[ta]** 2) Ministry of Architecture and Civil Engineering: 39, Miasnikova Str., Minsk, 220048, Republic of Belarus. Kobigcha Tatiana Sergeevna, tel.: (+375-17) 227-8***

А4. Project Description:Secondary power for crushed stone production can be made as a result of completion of construction of the 5th process line (CSP-3), which is in a temporary closing-down stage; installation of modern efficient equipment, providing production of crushed stone fines (according to Eurostandards), which is the main goal of the project. Construction period - 3 years. Production profitability (2013 - complete plant development) - 35.1 %

А4a. Project cost (mln USD): A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:Increase in demand for crushed stone, own raw materials - the Mikashevichi open-cast mine

A6. Environmental impact summary:Environmental conditions in the area of the industrial estate will not change

A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:Lack of investments

A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):3/15

A9. Project’s branch:Construction materials production

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Purchase of manufacturing equipment [including contract supervision and commissioning]

Building and assembly jobs

Other jobs

Purchase of new equipment instead of that of complete amortization***


C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Crediting. D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Foreign investment funds: Credit, Foreign direct investments

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:Manufacture of rubble by the enterprises of Byelorussia in 2006 year - 11095 thousand tons. The forecast of need for rubble in view of export for the period makes 2007-2015 years 11566-19423 thousand tons. E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

Total: 2***

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:Costs are calculated by costs components

F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Materials and components: 1***

Personnel expenses: Deductions on social needs: Capital consumption depreciation: Other expenses: Total: 2***

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

Net profit: H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:L.A.Olgomets, Head of Planning Department H2. Organisation (address):The GRANIT Republican Unitary Manufacturing Enterprise, 225680, the Granitnoye p/o, Mikashevichi, Brest Region H3. Phone - +375 1647 36650/ fax - +375 1647 43600/ e-mail - info**[ta]** H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Ministry of Architecture and Civil Engineering of the Republic of Belarus


Construction of the Sitnitsa Ore Mining and Processing Enterprise

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:The Sitnitsa OMPE

b. Full name:Construction of the Sitnitsa Ore Mining and Processing Enterprise

c. Summary description:Construction of the technical complex for extraction of raw materials, production of non-metallic building materials in the volume of 8.1 mln. m3, including crushed stone - 6.0 mln. m3

А2. Progress Status:Validation of choice of the effective engineering solution of the Sitnitsa OMPE (The GRANIT RUME, Stroyekonomika) construction has been worked out

А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) The GRANIT RUME - Director General Stepan Petorovich Turovez; phone - +375 1647 36650; fax - +375 1647 43600; e-mail - info**[ta]** 2) Ministry of Architecture and Civil Engineering: 39, Miasnikova Str., Minsk, 220048, Republic of Belarus. Kobigcha Tatiana Sergeevna, tel.: (+375-17) 227-8***

А4. Project Description:Construction of the Sitnitsa Ore Mining and Processing Enterprise is meant for making up a deficit in crushed stone and crushed stone production for export. The construction of the following building projects is planned: the Sitnitsa open cast mine with overburden dump, a crushing and screening plant, the development of the existing storage facilities of explosives, objects of power economy, haul roads and an unloading platform with descent, external communications and transport structures, communications, water supply, sewerage system, power supply, development of railroad facilities. Production techniques can provide the output of crushed stone fractions according to Eurostandard: 4-16, 16-32 mm. Breakage screening - 0-4 mm. А4a. Project cost (mln USD):3***

A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:The idea of the Sitnitsa OMPE construction and its putting into operation is connected with the necessity to raise the volume of crushed stone output because of the steady growth of construction work. Making up a deficit in crushed stone is possible by exploitation of new sources of raw materials. The Sitnitsa building stone field which is situated next to the operating enterprise GRANIT is considered to be most prepared for developing. A6. Environmental impact summary:The operation of the Sitnitsa Ore Mining and Processing Enterprise will complicate the ecological situation: there is possible wind erosion on the open cast mine slope, ablation of disturbed soils. The main harmfulness of crushed stone production is mineral dust, containing up to 70% free silicon dioxide. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:There maybe conflict situations with the inhabitants of the village of Sitnitsa, which gets into the zone of a new industrial complex and consequently needs migration. A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):-/1***

A9. Project’s branch:Construction materials production

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Purchase of manufacturing equipment

Building and assembly jobs [including construction engineering] 3***

Preinvestment working and research***

Total: 3***

C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Foreign investment funds: Credit, Foreign direct investments 3***

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:The forecast of need for rubble in view of export for the period makes 2007-2015 years 11566-19423 thousand tons. E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

Total: 9***

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:Cost estimating for production and sales of products is made by cost components in accordance with legislation of the Republic of Belarus

F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Materials and components: 5***

Personnel expenses: Deductions on social needs: Capital consumption depreciation: 1***

Other expenses: Total: 8***

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

Net profit (clear profit + capital allowances): 1***

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:N. M. Bazylik, economist H2. Organisation (address):The GRANIT Republican Unitary Manufacturing Enterprise, 225680, the Granitnoye p/o, Mikashevichi, Brest Region H3. Phone - +375 1647 36650/ fax - +375 1647 43600/ e-mail - info**[ta]** H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Ministry of Architecture and Civil Engineering of the Republic of Belarus


Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus

Starting the production of cardan shafts for cars equipped with the joints of equal angular velocity and driveshafts

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Starting the production of cardan shafts for cars equipped with the joints of equal angular velocity and driveshafts

b. Full name:Starting the production of cardan shafts for cars equipped with the joints of equal angular velocity and driveshafts. c. Summary description:Setting up the production of cardan shafts for cars equipped with the joints of equal angular velocity and driveshafts. А2. Progress Status:Find below the stages which have been realized in accordance with this project: all the necessary scientific and technical, research and development works done; working design documentation worked out; the lot of sample cardan shafts for cars equipped with the joints of equal angular velocity and driveshafts produced and positive findings got. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) Grodno «Belcard» JSC - object of implementation: Victor Ivanovich Kravchenko, Manager , tel.: (+375-152) 52-41-00; tel./fax: (+375-152) 52-41-01 (reception room). Ghenady Alexandrovich Kostiukovich, Scientific and Technical Centre, Director . Tel.: (+375-152) 52-41-18, E-mail:belcardmarket**[ta]**.by ; 2) Ministry of Industry: 2, building 4, Partizansky Ave., Minsk, 220033, Republic of Belarus. Head of departament foreign relations Korchik Dmitrij Aleksandrovich, tел.: (+375-17) 2224769, fax: (+375-17) 224-87***

А4. Project Description:Within the limits of realization of the investment project one foresees setting up the production of cardan shafts for cars equipped with the joints of equal angular velocity and driveshafts. The project realization will require the additional equipment of 110 units of modern equipment. Total value of the equipment including VAT will make 24 397,1 thousand USD. А4a. Project cost (mln USD): A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:«Belcard» Joint-Stock Company has been continuously updating the driveshaft and gimbal drives design. However, the major task remains both optimization of the serial production and working out of driveshafts of new prospective design. The major attention in part of raising the technical standard of the serial driveshafts is paid to lowering the specific consumption of materials, improving the quality of complete items, implementing of new materials and progressive technologies. Among the major tendencies of cooperation with automobile companies in Russia one should point out the woks for driveshaft wheels and gimbal drives with the joints of equal angular velocity. Based on the marketing research done on this topic one can draw a conclusion that in case of mastering the mass output of the joints of equal angular velocity «Belcard» JSC will get the possibility to more widely extend the spheres of cooperation with the leading producers of automobile facilities. That is why «Belcard» JSC has been processing its work within limits of working off research and development design of this shafts. A6. Environmental impact summary:The realization of the project does not have unfavorable ecological consequences. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:1. Risk of insufficient demand for the goods produced. 2. Technological risks. 3. Risk of resources supply. A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):9***

A9. Project’s branch:Mechanical Engineering and Metal-working

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Purchase and installation of equipment, transportation costs included

Total: C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:To realize the project they plan to take the currency credit the value of which equals the value of the necessary equipment to be purchased. The reason is financing gap

D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Means of investor: Foreign direct investments

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:Major users of «Belcard» JSC users are the companies of conveyer type producing automobile, autotractor, road-building and agricultural facilities which use gimbal drives and parts to them as complete items -CJSC SP «GM-****TOVAZ» (80000 pieces per year), -JSC «AvtoVAZ» (60000 pieces per year), -JSC «IzhAvto» (30000 pieces per year), -CJSC «Avtotor» (10000 pieces per year), and other Russian motor-car factories. E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

Takings from sale (deducting the taxes from takings) for the period of realization 1***

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:Project realization assumes purchasing of new kinds of raw materials and complete items, mainly, produced in the Republic of Belarus and Russian Federation using of highly effective labour potential (361 people), extra charge of sinking fund by linear method. F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

1. Material costs

2. Expenses for labor pay

3. Deduction for social needs***

4. Amortization of major facilities and non-material actives

5. Other expenses***

6. Sales costs***

TOTAL 1***

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

Net income value (E2 revenues minus F2 costs minus taxes from the income): H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Tatyana Vasylievna Ghavrylenko, economist of Scientific and Technical Center of Belkard JSC . H2. Organisation (address):«Belcard» Open Joint-Stock Company: 38, Schastny Str., Grodno, 230026, Republic of Belarus. H3. Tel.: (+375 152) 524132; E-mail:belcardmarket**[ta]**.by H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus


The Investment project 2006-2011 on mastering of manufacture of perspective hydraulics of steering control for automobile technical equipment with use of new and high tech at the RUIE «Borisov plant «Autogydrousilit***

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Mastering of manufacture of perspective hydraulics of steering control for automobile technical equipment with use of new and high tech

b. Full name:The Investment project 2006-2011 on mastering of manufacture of perspective hydraulics of steering control for automobile technical equipment with use of new and high tech at the RUIE «Borisov plant «Autogydrousilite***

c. Summary description:Project is developed with the purpose of mastering of manufacture of new hydraulics of steering control with use of new and high tech and it is directed on development of new manufacture of hydraulics of steering control, provides increase of competitiveness, quality of manufactured products and increase in production volume. А2. Progress Status:The project is worked out by specialists of RUIE «Borisov plant «Autogydrousilitel», approved by the Borisov Executive Committee, by the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belar***

А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) RUIE «Borisov plant «Autogydrousilitel» fax: (+375-177) 73-15-44, 73-35-46; E-mail:ost**[ta]**.by; 2) Ministry of Industry: 2, building 4, Partizansky Ave., Minsk, 220033, Republic of Belarus, tel.: (+375-17) 2224769. Pozniak S.E., tel.: (+375-17) 289-18-30, fax: (+375-17) 224-8***

А4. Project Description:The major tasks of the enterprise: - to keep the positions on existing market outlet; - to search of new market segments; - to master the new kind of production. Introduction of the project on mastering of manufacture of perspective hydraulics of steering control is planned to carry out by use of new and high technologies due to own funds, due to credits of banks under concessionary interest rates, and also due to attraction of financial assets of potential investors. For the solution of the tasks, which set in the project, the enterprise needs the total amount of investments in the sum 20 million US dollars. Term of realization of the project makes 6 years which consists of separate stages of carrying out competitions on purchase of manufacturing equipment; delivery of equipment; delivery of equipment; installation and putting in operation the equipment; new product release and its disposal. The analysis of financial parameters for 2005 year allows to draw a conclusion, that the means, received from commercial banks on realization of the project, will be completely used according to purposes and paid off in proper time. Realization of the project will allow to increase volumes of manufacture; to expand markets outlet of manufactured products; to master manufactures of new and modernized production of perspective hydraulics of steering control that will promote increase of competitiveness of the enterprise; to increase volumes of export; to raise quality and technological level of manufactured produc***

А4a. Project cost (mln USD):20

A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:Major kinds of activity: Manufacture and sale of hydraulics of steering control of trucks and cars, buses: steering gears with hydraulic booster and hydraulic pumps of mechanical kind, oil tanks, hydraulic cylinders, hydraulic units for road building machines and agricultural machinery; spare parts to cars, hand tools, gadgets for cars, forgings; other products of production and technical purposes and consumer goods. A6. Environmental impact summary:Manufacture of perspective hydraulics of steering control is nonpolluting. The basis sources of pollution in manufacturing process are: emissions of harmful substances in atmosphere, formed during machining of details of hydraulic systems and dump of harmful substances with sewage. Operating system of environmental protection from detrimental effect of industrial activity, that specified by the standard of the enterprise, is corresponds to the modern requirements to organization of manufacture. The level of influence on environment corresponds to requirements, stated by the State Institutes of Environmental Protection and normative documents of the Republic of Belarus in force. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:Alteration of tax law. Increase of refinancing rate

A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):6***

A9. Project’s branch:Mechanical Engineering and Metal-working

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Purchase of modern manufacturing equipment (Germany, the USA, Czech Republic). Equipment is purchased on competitive basis as from domestic suppliers well as from foreign leading firm

Total: C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

Own funds: 15***

Innovation fund: 0***

D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Financing of equipment purchase is needed. Lack of financial assets is 4,175 millions US dollars. Type of financial help - credit at the expense of banks of the Republic of Belarus, innovation fund and other sources. D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Banks of the Republic of Belarus Credit 4***

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:JSC «Belpromstroibank», JSC «Belvnesheconombank», JSC «Priorbank»

E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:1. The main consumers of manufactured products are automobile plants from Russia, the Ukraine and Republic of Belarus. The main consumer in the domestic market is RUE «MAZ»

E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

Proceeds from sale of hydraulics 397***

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:Inputs: raw material, materials, purchased accessories, fuel and energy on technological purposes, wages of industrial workers. Linear and nonlinear ways are used for charge of amortization. The enterprise possesses high-technology manufacture of hydraulics steering with booster of integrated type; is equipped with various equipment, with high degree of mechanization and automation of technological processes, the advanced technical and economic services. Manufacture has significant park of the high-accuracy, high-efficiency and unique equipment and measuring means. Enterprise is worked stable, constantly works on mastering of manufacture of new competitive units for automobile technics are carried out. At processing details of hydraulic systems of steering gears with booster of integrated type various kinds of metal-working machinery are used: automatons, semi-automatic devices, special multihead machine, automatic lines, processing centers, machine with programmed numerical control, the equipment of own machine-tool construction and other kinds. For manufacturing and tests of hydraulics of steering gear the modern technologies used in mass and large-lot production are developed and introduced at the plant. F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Raw material, materials, fuel and energy on technological purposes: 186***

Expenses on staff: Assessments on social needs: 39***

Amortization: 15***

Others: 14***

Total: 354***

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

Net effective income 4***

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Scorupo Vasiliy Valentinovich, chief of ORiNT H2. Organisation (address):RUIE «Borisov plant «Autohidrousilitel»: Chapaeva Street, 56 Borisov, Minsk region 222518, Republic of Belarus H3. Fax: (+375 177) 731544, 733546; E-mail:ost**[ta]**.by; H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus


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