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Setting-up of the wholesale-and-logistic centre on the basis of the facility, located in the town of Mogilev

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Setting-up of WLC in the town of Mogilev

b. Full name:Setting-up of the wholesale-and-logistic centre (hereinafter referred to as WLC) on the basis of the facility, located in the town of Mogilev (centre of the region), RUE «Mogilevoblresursy». c. Summary description:The main objective of the present Project is setting-up of the wholesale-and-logistic warehouse on the basis of the available facility in the town of Mogilev, and further on its functional amalgamation to WLC for servicing of transit goods, wholesale trade operations and rendering other sorts of logistic services. А2. Progress Status:Pre-investment stage. Up to the present there have been carried out preliminary feasibility studies on the Project with subsequent development of the business plan; also there have been identified types of goods and services to be provided and made up the list of primary equipment. The Investor is currently wanted for continuation of the Project. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) State commercial-and-production enterprise «Belresursy» (Belarus Resourses) - Initiator of the Project, management company: Gennady I. Guriev, Director General, tel.: (+375 17) 2788017; E-mail:Belres**[ta]** 2) RUE «Mogilevoblresursy» - Borrower: Vasilij I. Goncharov, Director General, tel.: (+37522) 2478537, fax: (+37522) 2459816; E-mail:mogresyrs**[ta]**.by

А4. Project Description:The WLC Project is planned to be implemented through redesign, technical reequipment and upgrading of the facility in the town of Mogilev, allocation of extra lands is possible. А4a. Project cost (mln USD)***

A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:The main directions of activities of RUE «Mogilevoblresursy» are as follows: - working clothes and underwears production; - sawing, planning, presepvation of wood; - veneers, playwoods and wallboards production; - furniture and millwork production; - board containers production; - wholesale trade in agricultural machinery; - processing and wholesale trade in wastes and scraps of ferrous and non-ferrous metals; - processing and wholesale trade in non-metal wastes and scraps; - wholesale trade in chemical substances and products; - retail trade in building materials; - retail trade in food-products and tobacco goods. A6. Environmental impact summary:Emissions into the atmosphere are estimated as insignificant and within allowable emission threshold. The use of up-to-date equipment and technologies will allow to decrease the emission rate through reducing consumption of fuel resources. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:The most substantial risk that can affect implementation of the Project is a sluggish demand for the complex of the services offered. Also, there a risk because of the list of the offered logistic services being defined without adequate accuracy. A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):1/11

A9. Project’s branch:Trade

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Redesign and renovation of buildings/structures: Purchase of equipment and materials: Expenditures connected with formation of the net working capital: Other costs: Total: C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

Own resources: D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:The Project calls for providing finance for redesign and renovation of buildings and structures, and also for purchasing equipment. Setting-up of a joint venture is considered as an option. D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Financial facilities of investors: Foreign direct investments and/or a loan***

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:The export logistic services to be rendered by WLC to transit carriers can both have a positive impact on the balance of the foreign trade of the Republic of Belarus and give an extra boost for the development of the national economy. E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

The complex of logistic services and leasing of storage areas in the course of payback period***

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:For implementing the Project on setting up WLC on the basis of the inactive facility under incompleted construction (warehouses and the administrative building) there is availability of free production spaces, engineering networks and communications, power supply sources and a certain part of the required equipment. The Project may call for construction of some new buildings and structures as well as for allocation of land. Thus, the WLC Project implementation requires redesign and renovation of production spaces, purchasing and installation of equipment. F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Purchases of products for wholesale trading: Fuel and supplies for technological processes: Salaries and social package expense: Amortization: Other: Total: G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

Net profit: H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Yurij G.Pautino, Head, Summary Analysis and Logistics Department H2. Organisation (address):State commercial-and-production enterprise «Belresursy» H3. Tel./Fax: (+375 17) 2227866; E-mail:Paug**[ta]** H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Belarus


Setting-up of the wholesale-and-logistic centre on the basis of the facility, located in the town of Gomel

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Setting-up of WLC in the town of Gomel

b. Full name:Setting-up of the wholesale-and-logistic centre (hereinafter referred to as WLC) on the basis of the facility, located in the town of Gomel (centre of the region) and in the suburb, RTPUE «Gomelchimtorg». c. Summary description:The main objective of the present Project is setting-up of the wholesale-and-logistic warehouse on the basis of the available facility in the town of Gomel, and further on its functional amalgamation to WLC for servicing of transit goods, wholesale trade operations and rendering other sorts of logistic services. А2. Progress Status:Pre-investment stage. Up to the present there have been carried out preliminary feasibility studies on the Project with subsequent development of the business plan; also there have been identified types of goods and services to be provided and made up the list of primary equipment. The Investor is currently wanted for continuation of the Project. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) State commercial-and-production enterprise «Belresursy» (Belarus Resourses) - Initiator of the Project, management company: Gennady I. Guriev, Director General, tel.: (+375 17) 2788017; E-mail:Belres**[ta]** 2) RTPUE «Gomelchimtorg» - Borrower: Alexandr M. Petrovskiy, Director General, tel.: (+375 232) 742020, fax: (+375 232) 987778; E-mail:oblresurs**[ta]**

А4. Project Description:The WLC Project is planned to be implemented through redesign, technical reequipment and upgrading of the facility in the town of Gomel and in the suburg, allocation of extra lands is possible. А4a. Project cost (mln USD): A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:The main types of activities of RTPUE «Gomelchimtorg» are as follows: - wholesale trade in chemical substances and products; - wholesale rade in timber materials, building materials and sanitary equipment; - wholesale trade in agricultural machines; - trade in cars, technical service and repair of cars; - paint, varnish, enamel, mineral production, production of pigment for them; - wholesale trade in pig iron, steel and their casting, rolled stock, pipes; - wholesale trade in non-metal wastes and scraps; - retail trade in food-products and tobacco goods. A6. Environmental impact summary:Emissions into the atmosphere are estimated as insignificant and within allowable emission threshold. The use of up-to-date equipment and technologies will allow to decrease the emission rate through reducing consumption of fuel resources. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:The most substantial risk that can affect implementation of the Project is a sluggish demand for the complex of the services offered. Also, there a risk because of the list of the offered logistic services being defined without adequate accuracy. A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):1/15

A9. Project’s branch:Trade

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Redesign and renovation of buildings and structures: Purchase of equipment and materials: Expenditures connected with formation of the net working capital: Other costs: Total: C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

Own resources: D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:The Project calls for providing finance for redesign and renovation of buildings and structures, and also for purchasing of the equipment. Setting-up of a joint venture is considers as an option. D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Financial facilities of investors: Foreign direct investments and/or a loan

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:The export logistic services to be rendered by WLC to transit carriers can both have a positive impact on the balance of the foreign trade of the Republic of Belarus and give an extra boost for the development of the national economy. E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

The complex of logistic services and leasing storage areas in the course of payback period. F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:For implementing the Project on setting up WLC on the basis of the inactive facility under incompleted construction (warehouses and the administrative building) there is availability of free production spaces, engineering networks and communications, power supply sources and a certain part of the required equipment. The Project may call for construction of some new buildings and structures as well as for allocation of land. Thus, the WLC Project implementation requires redesign and renovation of production spaces, purchasing and installation of equipment. F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Purchases of products for wholesale trading: Fuel and supplies for technological processes: Salaries and social package expense: Amortization: Other: Total: G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

Net profit: H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Yurij G.Pautino, Head, Summary Analysis and Logistics Department H2. Organisation (address):State commercial-and-production enterprise «Belresursy» H3. Tel./Fax: (+375 17) 2227866; E-mail:Paug**[ta]** H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Belarus


«Business Center on Zagorodnyj»

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:«Business Center on Zagorodnyj»

b. Full name:«Business Center on Zagorodnyj» (business center construction on 1st Zagorodnyj alley, Minsk)

c. Summary description:The project is aimed at provision of modern business offices, and getting commercial benefit by sale of business offices. At the present time the most part of business offices and premises of social purposes offered on the Minsk market of commercial property does not comply with the requirements of the time. «Business Center on Zagorodnyj» (Category «B+») will be of high interest for small and middle-sized business and will be little less leveled than business centers of category «A». А2. Progress Status:The business-plan has been developed. The construction documents are ready. The investor is required. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) «Beltorgstroj» OJSC: 31 Khoruzhaya Str., Minsk, Republic of Belarus; the director - Galobicki N.V.; tel./fax (+375 17) 2345554. 2) Ministry of Trade: 8/1, Kirova Str., Minsk, 220050, Republic of Belarus. Shashkov Andrei Alexandrovich, tel.: (+375 17) 2272018, E-mail:mintorg**[ta]**

А4. Project Description:Reconstruction of production base owned by «Beltorgstroj» OJSC, situated on 22, 1st Zagorodnyj alley and construction of 10-storeyed public administration building for 800 employees with a built-in parking for 35 places and an underground garage for 98 places. According to the general layout of Minsk development for the years of 2006 - 2010 a business development center will be constructed in the area and a belt high will be built nearby, grade-crossing elimination structure will be organized, viaduct extended, etc. Thanks to well-developed transport infrastructure the business center will be easy reached by the employees without cars. The start-up time - the end of the year 2006. Start-up of the object - the 2nd quarter of the year 2010. Business offices will be available for purchase from the 1st quarter of the year 2008 up to 1st quarter of the year 2009 inclusive (quarterly). А4a. Project cost (mln USD): A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:«Beltorgstroj» OJSC was created in the year of 2001 in the result of reorganization of the state enterprise «Trest Beltorgstroj». The share of the Republic of Belarus in the authorized fund «Beltorgstroj» OJSC as 01.01.2007 makes up 98.61%, other shares belong to natural persons, including the employees of the company. The main types of company's activity are as follows: construction, erection and repair works, incidental material commercial output (production and sale of floorboards, moldings and millwork), services rendering to the people. A6. Environmental impact summary:Measures on reduction of construction environmental impact are provided by the construction project. It is planned to construct a wheels and car bodies washer and a device for sewage and filtration products reuse in construction. Waterproofing will be carried out in accordance with modern technologies (use of nontoxic and incombustible materials). A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:At the time there are financial risks as the investor has not been determined yet, and there is no the exact contractor's consolidated estimate. There are also market risks due to complexity of the next 4 years forecast due to possible changes on commercial property market. A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):3/3

A9. Project’s branch:Trade

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)


Expenses on purchase and use of equipment

Construction and erection works

Other expenses [loan charge, unanticipated needs]

Total: C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Crediting. D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Foreign investment funds: Credit

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:Commissioning of the business center will reduce small and middle-sized business demand for business offices. Starting sales value of 1 m2 of business offices without finishing will be in the amount of 1,200 USD. E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:The company has engineering communications and power source necessary for construction of the business center. Additional allotment of land is not required. F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Materials: 4.***

Operation of machines and devices: 0.***

Personnel expenditures: 1.***

Other: 0.***

TOTAL 6***

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

Net profit 0.***

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Gennadiy Mikhajlovitch Gitlik, the director of «Beltorgstroj» OJSC. H2. Organisation (address):31 Khoruzhaya Str., Minsk, Republic of Belarus, 220003 the director - Gitlik. H3. tel. (+375 17) 2345554; fax: (+375 17) 2345534 H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Bela***

Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic OF Belarus

Purchase of vessel by CJSC «Belarusian Shipping Company»

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Purchase of vessel

b. Full name:Purchase of vessel by CJSC «Belarusian Shipping Company»

c. Summary description:The aim of this project is to purchase a new built vessel or a vessel of not more than 5-year old age. А2. Progress Status:Stage of searching the supplier and vessel corresponding to the required characteristics. The stage of preparation for working out business-plan. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) JSC «Belarusian Shipping Company», Maslennikov Vladimir, Director, tel.:+37517 2101652, fax: + 37517 2101650, e-mail info**[ta]**; 2) The Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Chicherin str. 21, tel/fax +37517 3342321, consultant Sokolov Alexander

А4. Project Description:Acquisition of one marine dry-cargo ship by cargo capacity about 50000 tons for cargo carriage by sea. The project is directed on problem realisation on creation of a national merchant marine fleet according to the Development programme inland water and a sea transport till 2010 and aims at the increase of export efficiency and competitiveness of Belarusian goods by means of transportation’s optimization. А4a. Project cost (mln USD): A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:Joint-Stock Company «Belarusian Shipping Company» is formed in 1994 from 100 % by a private fund. According to the decree of Ministerial council of the Republic of Belarus from 24.12.2004 № 1644 75 % of shares of Company on a gratuitous basis are transferred to the possession of the state. Functions supervision of state-owned shares are realised by the Ministry of transport and communications of the Republic of Belarus. Joint-Stock Company «Belarusian Shipping Company» is one of the leading forwarding companies in Belarus and the leader in the area of carriage of goods by sea. In order to intensify the development of carriage of goods by sea the Government of the Republic of Belarus adopted the inland water transport and sea transport development program. The purchase and use of the first Belarusian vessel will improve the position of CJSC «Belarusian Shipping Company» at sea shipping market. A6. Environmental impact summary: A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:The growth of prices for fuel and for vessels

A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):3***

A9. Project’s branch:Maritime transport

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Purchase of a vessel

C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Financial assistance for purchase of the vessel

D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Foreign investment funds: Сredit, Direct foreign investments, leasing

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:1. Marketing research made it clear that cargo volumes carried by sea are constantly increasing and their further increase is predicted on average by 3-4 % per year. In comparison with other modes of transportation carriage by sea is the cheapest one for large cargo volumes. At present about 15 mln tones of Belarusian export-import goods are carried by sea. E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:Charges on vessel’s registration and certification. Expenses at repairing vessel’s gear, machinery, equipment to keep the vessel in good working order. Maintenance supply, namely expenses at reequipment, change of rigging, etc. Crew living expenses, namely crew salary expenditure and nutrition. Fuel and lubricant costs. Port charges and agencies. Other navigation expenditure such as water supply, disinfestations, defumigation, purchase of equipment, maps and books on sea shipping, laundering, postal and telegraph expenditure, hospitality allowance for captain. Мa(chǎn)nagement expens***

F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:JSC «Belarusian Shipping Company», Maslennikov Vladimir, Director H2. Organisation (address):CJSC «Belarusian Shipping Company». V. Khoruzhey Street, 3-408, Minsk, 220005, the Republic of Belarus, Maslennikov Vladimir, Director. H3. tel.: + 375 17 2101652, fax: + 375 17 2101650, e-mail info**[ta]** H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus


Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus

Introduction of steam and gas technologies at Mozyr HPP

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Introduction of steam and gas technologies at Mozyr HPP

b. Full name:Introduction of steam and gas technologies at Mozyr Heat Power Plant

c. Summary description:Installation of 70 Mw gas turbine along with a waste-heat boiler

А2. Progress Status:Feasibility study is developed. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) Development: «Belenergoremnaladka» Open Joint-Stock Company, Vasily Khomenko, tel.(+375 17) 2926033, fax (+375 17) 2848096, 2) Implementation: «Belenergo» State Production Association (RUP «Mogilevenergo»), Alexei Skalchuk, Head of Perspective Department, tel.: (+375 17) 2182340, fax: (+375 17) 2182639; 3) Ministry of Energy: Nikolai Polyavchenko, Head of the Investment Department, tel.: (+375 17) 2182111, fax: (+375 17) 218***

А4. Project Description:At Mozyr HPP a 70 MW gas turbine (with 65-80 MW electric capacity) is to be arranged as a waste heat disposal circuit with a built-in unit at the existing steam power equipment. Due to the inculcation of new technologies specific expenditure of fuel will decrease and electric power generation will increase. А4a. Project cost (mln USD): A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:The facility RUP «Mogilevenergo» was established in 1963. It involves Mogilevskaya heat power station HPS-1, Mogilevskaya HPS-2, Bobruiskaya HPS-1, Bobruiskaya HPS-2, mini-HPS in Osipovichi, Chigirinskaya, Osipovichskaya, Teterinskaya hydro power stations, Mogilev oblast and regional heat and electric networks. Electric power installed is 562 MW. The length of heat network is 470 km, electric network - 37 thousand km. A6. Environmental impact summary:The environmental assessment of the project is not available. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:Characterized by good grade of stability

A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):-/***

A9. Project’s branch:Electroenergetics

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Equipment + construction and installation works

Total: C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

Budgetary fund: D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Funds of a foreign investor: Credit: D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:Supply of electric power to southern areas of Gomel province, the industrial area of Mozyr, Mozyr Refinery. E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Fuel, water, depreciation, labour cost, taxes, other

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Katerine Rybakova, Chief expert of the Investment Department H2. Organisation (address):Ministry of Energy, 14, K. Marx str., 220030, Minsk, Republic of Belarus H3. Tel.: (+375 17) 2182145, fax: (+375 17) 2182468; rybakova**[ta]** H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus


Reconstruction of the substation 330/110/10 kV «Minsk-Severnaya»

in Minsk

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Reconstruction of the substation «Minsk-Severnaya»

b. Full name:Reconstruction of the substation 330/110/10 kV «Minsk-Severnaya» in Minsk

c. Summary description:Reconstruction of the existing substation with the warn out equipment

А2. Progress Status:Architectural project is being developed. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) Development:«Belenergosetproect», A.Chukarev Head Engineer, tel.: (+375 17) 2941241, fax: (+375 17) 2941-16; 2) Implementation: Concern «Belenergo» (RUP «Minskenergo»), Aleksei Skalchuk, Head of the Development Department, tel.: (+375 17) 2182340, tel.: (+375 17) 2182340; fax: (+375 17) 2182639, 3) Ministry of Energy, Nikolai Polyavchenko, Head of the Investment Department, tel.: (+375 17) 2182111, fax: (+375 17) 2182468, E-mail:polyavchenko**[ta]**

А4. Project Description:The following works should be done at the substation: - dismantling of two autotransformers with the subsequent installation of two autotransformers with 200 MVA capacity 330/220/10 kV voltage; - full replacement of the open 330 and 110 kV switchgear with 330 and 110 кV gas-insulated breakers; - installation of new modern direct current shields and storage batteries; - dismantling of the compressor station and airways; - reconstruction of the ground loop; - transfer of 10 kV cable lines from the old closed switchgear to the new one; - installation of a security signal system along the perimeter of the substation; - replacement of the worn out equipment at the communication center; - full replacement of existing analog protection systems for the digital ones; - development and implementation of the automatic control system for the technological process at the substation; - the suspension of fibre optic cable built in the overhead ground-wire cable at the existing 110 kV air-line 110 for the organization of communication channels and telemechanics to transfer the increased volume of information and to control and connect the monitoring protection systems at Minsk HPS-4, National Power Control Centre of Belarus, Central Dispatching Service of Minskenergo, Central Dispatching Service of Minsk electric networ***

А4a. Project cost (mln USD): A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:The facility RUP «Minskenergo» was established in 1963. It involves Minsk Hydro Power Station (HPS-2), Minsk HPS-3, Minsk HPS-4, Minsk HPS-5, Zhodinskaya HPS, Minsk heating networks and regional electric networks. The installed electric power of Minskenergo is - 1814 MW. The length of heating networks is 2585 km. The length of electric networks is more, than 60 thousand km. The start of the project is somewhere in 2007. Financing is to be made from own and borrowed funds. The suppliers preferred: from Germany, France, Sweden, Russia and China . A6. Environmental impact summary:No assessment

A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:No assessment

A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):4/-

A9. Project’s branch:Electroenergetics

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Equipment (Germany, France, Russia, China) + construction and installation

Total: C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

Own funds: D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Loan

D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Foreign investment funds: Credit: D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:Not available

E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:Supply of industrial enterprises and housing with electric power in Minsk city

E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:No assessment

F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Katerine Rybakova, Chief expert of the Investment Department H2. Organisation (address):Ministry of Energy, 14, K. Marx str., Minsk, 220030, Republic of Belarus. H3. tel. (+375 17) 2182345, fax: (+375 17) 2182468, E-mail:rybakova**[ta]** H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus


Reconstruction of Substation 330/220/110/35 kV «Miradino» in Bobruisk district, Mogilev region

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Reconstruction of substation 330/220/110/35 kV «Miradino»

b. Full name:Reconstruction of Substation 330/220/110/35 kV «Miradino» in Bobruisk district, Mogilev region

c. Summary description:Reconstruction of the existing substation due to its complete wear of the equipment, panels, devices of relay protection, communication and telemechanics, exhaustion of building constructions resour***

А2. Progress Status:Architectural project is being developed. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) «Belenergosetproect»- development:, Alexei Gorosh, Acting Head Engineer, ph.: (+375 17) 2941241, fax: (+375 17) 2361216; Concern «Belenergo» (RUP «Brestenergo») - implementation: Aleksei Skalchuk, Head of the Development Department, ph.: (+375-17) 218-23-40; fax: (+375 17) 2182639, 3) Ministry of Energy: Nikolai Polyavchenko, Head of the Investment Department, ph.: (+375 17) 2182111, fax: (+375 17) 2182468, E-mail:polyavchenko**[ta]**

А4. Project Description:Complete dismantling of the 35 kVopen switchgear 35 kV is envisaged involving dismantling of all equipment and building constructions; dismantling of two cells 220 kV (to Mogilev and Slutsk); complete replacement of 330 and 110 kV switchgears with the installation of gas-insulated breakers 330 and 110 kV instead of air ones; installation of new d.c. insulators and batteries, dismantling of pump station and air ways for 330 and 110 kV switchgears, replacement of cable facilities with the installation of cable trays; reconstruction of the outdoor illumination of the substation; installation of ferry-concrete fence with the construction of checkpoint, security and supervision system along the perimeter of substation; replacement of worn out communication equipment and analog security units for digital ones; establishment of automatic control system for the substation «Miradino» including security control subsystems, automatic control system and energy registration system; installation of the unit at the existing 330 kV line «Miradino - Zhlobin» to exchange operational and dispatcher information from substation to Bobruisk electric networks, Mogilevenergo, dispatcher energy system. Start of the project: 2007; financing: budget and borrowed funds. Suppliers of the equipment: Germany, Poland, France, Sweden, Ukraine, Russia. А4a. Project cost (mln USD): A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:The facility RUP «Mogilevenergo» was established in 1963. It involves Mogilevskaya heat power station HPS-1, Mogilevskaya HPS-2, Bobruiskaya HPS-1, Bobruiskaya HPS-2, mini-HPS in Osipovichi, Chigirinskaya, Osipovichskaya, Teterinskaya hydro power stations, Mogilev oblast and regional heat and electric networks. Electric power installed is 562 MW. The length of heat network is 470 km, electric network - 37 thousand km. A6. Environmental impact summary:No harmful emissions

A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:Good grade of stability

A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):4/-

A9. Project’s branch:Electroenergetics

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Equipment (Germany, Poland, France, Sweden, Ukraine, Russia) + construction

Total: C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

Own funds: D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Loan

D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Foreign investment funds: Credit

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:Not available

E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:Supply of industrial enterprises and housing with electric power in Bobruisk region. E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

Revenues depend on acting tariffs for electric power Not available

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Heat, water, amortization, labor cost, taxes Not available

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Katerine Rybakova, Chief Specialist of the Investment Department (contact person) H2. Organisation (address):Ministry of Energy: 14, K. Marx Str., Minsk, 220030, Republic of Belarus. H3. Tel.: (+375 17) 2182145; fax: (+375 17) 2182468; E-mail:rybakova**[ta]** H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus


Construction of Vitebsk hydro-electric power station on the Western Dvina river

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Construction of Vitebsk hydro-electric power station on the Western Dvina river

b. Full name:Construction of Vitebsk hydro-electric power station on the Western Dvina river

c. Summary description:Construction of a hydro-electric power station on the Western Dvina river

А2. Progress Status:Feasibility study is in progress

А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) The «Belnipienergoprom» institute - development: fax: (+375-17) 226-53-17, Director: Mr. Andrei Rykov, phone: (+375-17) 226-52-72; 2) The Production association «Belenergo» (RUP «Vitebskenergo»), - implementation: Mr. Alexey Skalchuk, Chief of the perspective department, phone: (+375-17) 218-23-40, fax: (+375-17) 218-26-39; 3) The Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus: Mr. Nikolai Polyavchenko, Head of the Investment Department, phone: (+375-17) 218-21-11, E-mail:polyavchenko**[ta]**

А4. Project Description:The project involves construction of an inundated-type waterworks facility, a building of a hydro-electric power station with an enclosed turbine chamber, a reinforced-concrete overflow dam with flat sectional water-gates to discharge floodwater, a single-chamber shipping lock to ensure navigation on the river. The power station will have the following parameters: installed power - 50 MW; maximum operating pool elevation - 140 m; designed head - 14 m. An open distribution system with SF6 circuit breakers for 110 кW will be constructed in the building of the closed distribution system with a distribution device of 6kW of the hydro-electric power station to release into the energy system the electrical energy produced. The approximate date to launch the project: 2011; funding: budgetary funds, resources of the enterprise, direct investment, loan. А4a. Project cost (mln USD):2***

A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:The republican unitary enterprise «Vitebskenergo» was set up in 1963. The energy system includes the Lukoml state district electric station, Novopolotsk heat and power plant, Vitebsk heat and power plant, Belarusian state district electric station, Orsha heat and power plant, Polotsk heat and power plant, Eastern modular heat and power plant, the town of Vitebsk, Vitebsk regional and district networks. The installed electric power of the republican unitary enterprise «Vitebskenergo» is 3105.5 МW. The length of heat networks is 576 km. The length of electric networks is more than 50 thousand km. A6. Environmental impact summary:Impact is observed, but without harmful emissions

A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:The project is characterized by a good grade of stability

A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years): A9. Project’s branch:Electric energy

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Equipment (Checks Republic, Germany, China) + construction works 2***

C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

Budgetary funds, own funds

D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Budgetary funds, own funds

D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Foreign investor resources Direct investment, credit 1***

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:Production of electric energy with water resources of the Western Dvina river for partially covering the burden of Vitebsk energy system

E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Fuel, water, depreciation, labour cost, taxes, other

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Ms. Ekaterina Alekseevna Rybakova, Chief specialist of the Investment Department. H2. Organisation (address):The Ministry of Energy in the Republic of Belarus: 14, K. Marx street, 220030, Minsk, Republic of Belarus H3. Phone: (+375-17) 218-21-45, fax: (+375-17) 218-24-68; rybakova**[ta]** H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus


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