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Construction of the heavy oil residue hydrocracking plant at JSC «Mozyr Oil Refinery»

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Heavy oil residue hydrocracking plant

b. Full name:Construction of the heavy oil residue hydrocracking plant at JSC «Mozyr Oil Refinery», Republic of Belarus. c. Summary description:The aim of this project is to produce an additional volume of motor fuels due to the oil residue conversion. А2. Progress Status:Pre-investment stage. The company has performed preliminary technical researches of the project. The development of the basic engineering design is in progress. The contract on architectural project development is executed. The bidding for the construction project development is announced. Investors are invited. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) JSC «Mozyr Oil Refinery» - the initiator of the project, the borrower Mozyr-11, 247760, Gomel region, Republic of Belarus Mr. Kupriyanov, Director General Phone: (+375 2351) 73220, Fax: (+375 2351) 30543 E-mail:OFFICE**[ta]** 2) Concern «Belneftekhim»: 73, Dzerzhinskogo Ave., Minsk, 220116, Republic of Belarus, E-mail:koncbnx**[ta]**, Plotnikow Victor N., tel.: (+375-17) 2719728, leadership , tel.: (+375 17) 2717901, fax: (+375 17) 2719700 . А4. Project Description:The particular feature and advantage of the fluid bed hydrocracking process is the possibility to renew the catalyst during the operation, which provides the opportunity to process virtually any heavy residue at the constant pressure drop and other process variables during the whole turnaround period. The planned volume of heavy oil residue conversion is 3000 thousand tons per annum. А4a. Project cost (mln USD):2***

A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:JSC «Mozyr Oil Refinery» was commissioned in 1975. Up to year 1994 it was a state enterprise and starting from 01.04.1994 was reorganized into a joint stock company. In the authorized fund of JSC «Mozyr Oil Refinery» the share of Republic of Belarus makes up 42,7%, that of JSC «NGK «Slavneft» - 42,6% and of other entities - 14,7%. The main activities of the refinery are oil refining, production and sale of oil products. Actually the Joint Stock Company forms a part of the state concern «Belneftekhim». Main products are motor gasoline, including high-octane gasoline, different fuels, including environmental friendly diesel fuel with sulphur content of 0,005, household gas, technical butane, isopentane, vacuum gasoil, bitumen, sulphur. From 2003 the refinery has an ISO 9001-2000 Quality Certificate. The share of certified products makes up 95% of the total output. A6. Environmental impact summary:Assessment of the environmental impact requires an additional study. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:The following factors have a positive impact on the risk of project implementation: - JSC «Mozyr Oil Refinery» is sufficiently stable financially and has a good credit history. - The principal crude-oil supplier is JSC «NGK «Slavneft», which is a shareholder of the refinery. Besides, the alternative crude oil suppliers are elaborated. - Guaranteed sales of products both in the foreign and domestic markets. A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):4/-

A9. Project’s branch:Chemical and petrochemical industry


B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Design and engineering

Purchase of equipment and materials 1***

Building and assembly works 1***

Costs for common facilities construction

Total: 2***

C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

Internal funds: 2***

D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Crediting

D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Foreign investment funds: Credit, Foreign direct investments

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:The products planned under the project: low-sulphur heating fuel according to ISO 8217, increase in the gasoline production by 200 mln. tons per year, increase in diesel fuel production according to Euro 5 by 1 mln. tons per year. E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

Proceeds from the products sales considering customs fees. 5***

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:The refinery has engineering services and energy sources required for the production. Additional allotment of land is not required. F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Feedstock and materials 5***

Process power resources***

Personnel costs***


TOTAL 5***

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

Net profit

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Mr. Leshnevsky - the director of management on reconstruction and development of JSC «Mozyr Oil Refinery» H2. Organisation (address):JSC «Mozyr Oil Refinery» Mozyr-11, 247760, Gomel region, Republic of Belarus. H3. Phone/fax: (+375 2351) 74630, E-mail:OFFICE**[ta]** H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Concern «Belneftekhim»


Construction of a delayed coking unit at JSC «Naftan»

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Construction of delayed coking unit

b. Full name:Construction of a delayed coking unit at JSC «Naftan», Republic of Belarus

c. Summary description:The project’s goal is organization of production of new products targeted to export, increase of output

А2. Progress Status:The project is at a pre-investment stage

А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) JSC «Naftan» - project initiator. 211440, Novopolotsk, Vitebskaya oblast, Republic of Belarus Director General - Mr. V. V. Yakushev phone: (+375 214) 598257, 598677 fax: (+375 214) 598888 E-mail:com**[ta]**, Gdirector**[ta]** 2) Concern «Belneftekhim»: 73, Dzerzhinskogo Ave., Minsk, 220116, Republic of Belarus, E-mail:koncbnx**[ta]**, Plotnikow Victor N., tel.: (+375 17) 2719728, leadership , tel.: (+375 17) 2717901, fax: (+375 17) 2719700 . А4. Project Description:Project’s advantages: - delayed coking process is technically well worked out; - in the world, especially in the USA, a significant number of such units is in operation; - high yield of light oils, although subsequent treatment (purifying) is required; - lower expenses compared to other processes of deep refining; - sales markets of oil coke in the Western Europe and Russia; - possibility of incineration of oil coke on site with production of heat and electric power. А4a. Project cost (mln USD):2***

A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:In 1999-2004 JSC «Naftan» has fulfilled a program of plant modernization and revamping, developed on the basis of world refining trends, as well as on the basis of recommendations of a number of engineering companies that are leading in the sphere. In the process of revamping engineering infrastructure of non-operating plants was maximum utilized. This enabled to reduce expenditures for the projects to a substantial degree. Redesigning was made to increase intensification of raw oil refining, to improve quality of the products produced in accordance with new standards of European Union. As the result of plants modernization and revamping primary refining capacities and secondary processes (hydrtreatment, reforming, etc) were mainly balanced at the level of 9.0 MTY of raw oil: - intensification of refining attained 70-72%; - diesel fuel quality complies with existing and prospective requirements of EU countries. Program of JSC «Naftan» development in 2005-2010 provides for fulfilling the task of increasing oil refining capacity up to 12 MTY, increasing of production efficiency and quality of the products to the level of existing and prospective market demands. As the result of Program of JSC «Naftan» development in 2005-2010 accomplishment: - refining capacity will be increased from 9.4 MTY up to 12 MTY (127.7 %); - refining intensification will achieve 90-92%, while fuel oil production will be reduced down to 1.3 MTY; - high octane gasoline production will be increased by 1.2 MTY; - aromatics production will be increased by 40 thousand ton; - low sulphur diesel fuel production will be increased by 2.2 MTY. A6. Environmental impact summary:Negative environmental impact as a result of the project realization will be minimized. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:In general, risk level for this project is estimated as minimal. A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):4/6

A9. Project’s branch:Chemical and petrochemical industry


B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Construction of delayed-coking unit , «Claus» of sulfur dioxide utilization unit , of hydrogen unit


equipment purchase 1***

construction and assembly

TOTAL: 2***

C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

Own funds: D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Crediting

D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Foreign investment funds: Credit, Foreign direct investments 1***

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:The whole output of oil coke (422,000 tpy) is intended for domestic sales. The whole output of diesel fuel (about 610,000 tpy) and about 80% of high-quality sulfur acid output is intended to export. E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:To accommodate the production, no new land allocation required

F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Production costs 1***


TOTAL 2***

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

Profit from sales 1***

Net profit

Net income 1***

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:V. A. Ilyasov, head of investment project economy department H2. Organisation (address):JSC «Naftan», 211440, Novopolotsk-1, Vitebskaya oblast H3. (+375 214) 594285 fax: (+375 214) 594228, E-mail:VIlyasov**[ta]** H4. Date:Decemberr, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Concern «Belneftekhim»


Construction of Paraxylene Production Complex at JSC «Mozyr Oil Refinery»

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Construction of Paraxylene Production Complex

b. Full name:Construction of Paraxylene Production Complex at JSC «Mozyr Oil Refinery», Republic of Belarus

c. Summary description:This project is aimed to meet requirements in domestic feedstock for JSC «Mogilevkhimvolokno» and other entities of the Concern. А2. Progress Status:Pre-investment stage. The enterprise has performed feasibility study of the project. The Basic Engineering is in progress. Investors are invited. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) JSC «Mozyr Oil Refinety», the Borrower Republic of Belarus, Gomel region, Mozyr -11, 247760 Mr. Kupriyanov, Director General Tel. (+375 2351) 73220, Fax (+375 2351) 30543 E-mail:OFFICE**[ta]** 2) Concern «Belneftekhim»: 73, Dzerzhinskogo Ave., Minsk, 220116, Republic of Belarus, E-mail:koncbnx**[ta]**, Plotnikow Victor N., tel.: (+375 17) 2719728, leadership , tel.: (+375 17) 2717901, fax: (+375 17) 2719700 . А4. Project Description:A complex of Benzene Extractive Distillation Units (BEDU) is put into operation at the refinery. The BEDU by-product is heavy reformate produced after extraction of benzene fraction from products of catalytic reforming. The heavy reformate will be the main source for production of xylene isomers and basic feedstock for paraxylene production. The planned output capacity makes up 120 000 t/y. А4a. Project cost (mln USD):1***

A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:JSC «Mozyr Oil Refinery” was commissioned in 1975. Up to year 1994 it was a state enterprise and starting from 01.04.1994 was reorganized into a joint stock company. In the authorized fund the share of Republic of Belarus makes up 42,7 %, that of JSC «NGK «Slavneft» - 42,6 % and of other entities - 14,7 %. The main activities of the refinery include oil refining, production and sale of oil products. Actually the Joint Stock Company forms a part of the state concern «Belneftekhim”. Main products are motor gasoline, different fuels, including environmental friendly diesel fuel with 0,005 % sulfur content, household gas, technical butane, isopentane, vacuum gasoil, bitumen, sulfur. From 2003 the refinery has an ISO 9001-2000 Quality Certificate. The share of certified products make up 95 % of the total output. A6. Environmental impact summary:Assessment of environmental impact requires an additional study. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:The following factors have a positive impact on the risk of project implementation: - JSC «Mozyr Oil Refinery» has stable financial situation and good credit history. - The main supplier of crude oil is JSC «NGK «Slavneft», a shareholder of the refinery. Besides, alternatives for crude oil suppliers are elaborated. Guaranteed sales of products both in the foreign and domestic markets. A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):3,5/9

A9. Project’s branch:Chemical and petrochemical industry

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Total [Construction of a complex «on a turn-key basis»] 1***

C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Crediting

D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Foreign investment funds: Credit, Foreign direct investments 1***

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:Planned output of products as per project: paraxylene, raffinate. Paraxylene serves as basic feedstock for production of dimethylterephthalate and terephthalic acid used for making of polyester fibres and plastics. E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

Proceeds from sales of products

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:The refinery has engineering services and energy sources required for the production. Additional allotment of land is not required. F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Feedstock, materials

Power resources for processing purposes***





G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

Net profit

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Mr. Leshnevsky - the director of management on reconstruction and development of JSC «Mozyr Oil Refinery» H2. Organisation (address):JSC «Mozyr Oil Refinery» Mozyr-11, 247760, Gomel region, Republic of Belarus H3. Phone/fax: (+375 2351) 74630, E-mail:OFFICE**[ta]** H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Concern «Belneftekhim»


Construction of new petrochemical plants at JSC «Polymir»

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Construction of new petrochemical plants

b. Full name:Construction of a new olefins production plant EP-400, construction of plants for production of high-density polyethylene (HDPE), polypropylene

c. Summary description:To provide ethylene and propylene for the new plants for production of high-density polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene. А2. Progress Status:Pre-investment stage. An investor is required. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) JSC «Polymir» - the initiator of the project Novopolotsk-5 , Vitebsk Region, 211440, Republic of Belarus. A.Shamashov, General Director, tel.: (+375 214) 577210, fax: (+375 214) 577221; 2) Concern «Belneftekhim»: 73, Dzerzhinskogo Ave., Minsk, 220116, Republic of Belarus. E-mail:koncbnx**[ta]**, Plotnikow Victor N., tel.: (+375 17) 2719728, leadership , tel.: (+375 17) 2717901, fax: (+375 17) 2719700 . А4. Project Description:The investment project envisages the supply of complete equipment, auxiliary materials, basic and detailed engineering for construction, process and technical documentation. Base of the project is the construction of ethylene complex for production of 400,000 MT of ethylene for polymerization and not less then 225,000 MT of propylene for polymerization This will allow to supply the olefin feedstock for the following processing production plants: production of low pressure polyethylene 150,000 t/y; production of polypropylene 150,000 t/y;

А4a. Project cost (mln USD):9***

A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:Enterprise is found in 1964. Up to 2002 the enterprise had the status of a state enterprise. By the order of Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus №117 dated 28.08.2002 it was reformed into Joint Stock Company «Polymir» . Presently JSC «Polymir» is the modern enterprise manufacturing products of the following directions: 1) Production of Low Density Polyethylene and compositions on its base; 2) Products of organic synthesis (acrylonitrile, methylacrylate, ammonium sulphate); 3) Production of acrylic fibres; 4) Production of small volume chemistry (polyethylene waxes and emulsions, other products) ; 5) Production of consumer goods (polyethylene films of different grades, non-woven (needled) and other products. During the process of the enterprise production-technical base development, the technologies of the largest foreign companies from Great Britain, Japan and Germany were used as well as developments of national science. JSC «Polymir» is the modern, highly automated enterprise. The products fully ensure the feedstock for cable plants, plastics processing plants, packing materials productions, carpets complexes, chemical textiles and artificial fur productions in the Republic of Belarus, and also exported into other countries. The range of products is constantly being renewed. About 85% of the products correspond to the international quality standards. Currently JSC «Polymir» has the quality management system in accordance with the standard ISO 9001-2000 and the ecological management system in accordance with the standard ISO 1400 2***

A6. Environmental impact summary:The negative environmental impact as the result of the project implementation will be minimized. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:Totally the degree of risk on the project is estimated as admissible. Risk of the product demand decrease is very low. A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):3/5

A9. Project’s branch:Chemical and petrochemical industry

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Design, purchase of equipment and materials (China, Germany, England): 7***

Construction and erection works: 1***

Total: 9***

C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

Internal funds: 1***

D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Crediting, direct investments. D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Investment funds: Direct foreign investments 2***

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:70% of low pressure polyethylene, 60% polypropylene will be sold outside of the Republic of Belarus. 100% of mono ethylene glycol will be intended for domestic consumption. E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

Sales proceeds: 4***

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:New manufactures it is planned to place near to operating manufactures of JSC «Polymir» . F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Total costs for the products: 3***

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

Profit: 1***

Net profit: Net Income Value: 1***

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Jebin O.V., Chief Engineer, JSC «Polymir». H2. Organisation (address):JSC «Polymir»: Novopolotsk-5, Vitebsk Region, 211440, Republic of Belarus. H3. Tel.: (+375 214) 577280, (+375 214) 526548, fax: (+375 214) 577221, E-mail:polymir**[ta]** H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Concern «Belneftekhim»



The reconstruction of Chervensky market in Minsk

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:The reconstruction of Chervensky market in Minsk

b. Full name:The stage-by-stage reconstruction of Chervensky market with parceling out of the queues of building and step-by-step demolition of constructions and structures

c. Summary description:Regulation of the housing

А2. Progress Status:There’s technical and economic ground; model; architectural project stag***

А3. Organizations involved and their roles:Project republican unitary enterprise «Belpromproject» - the elaboration of the documents, Belcoopsoyuz - proprietor, PUE «Belcoopmarket» - building owner. А4. Project Description:The housing of the existing territory, increasing the number of indoor trade areas, the place for coming by car, the building of parking place for 950 cars, the construction of a business center. А4a. Project cost (mln USD):32

A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:The decision of Minsk state executive committee №1623 of December 4, 2001 «About the improvement and development of trade in the markets of Minsk». A6. Environmental impact summary:Does not influence. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:There are no risks. The project can be realized financially. A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):5/-

A9. Project’s branch:Trade

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

The costs of construction***

C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Participatory construction, financing

D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Foreign investors funds: Direct foreign investments, credi***

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:Population

E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:The project is planned to locate on the territory of the existing Chervensky market with a stage-by-stage removal of the existing constructions. F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Pogotsky A.O., leading engineer Private unitary enterprise «Belcoopmarket» H2. Organisation (address):Private unitary enterprise «Belcoopmarket», Minsk, Mayakovsky str.4 H3. Tel/ fax (+375 17) 2210510, E-mail H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Belcoopso***


Shopping centre (hypermarket) of Belcoopsoyuz in the area of Mogilyov highway - Minsk Encircling Highway (MEH) in Minsk

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Shopping centre

b. Full name:Shopping centre (hypermarket) of Belcoopsoyuz in the area of Mogilyov highway - Minsk Encircling Highway (MEH) in Minsk

c. Summary description:Summary description: The shopping centre designed consists of commercial premises, administration block and parking area. The shopping centre is a one-storeyed building entresols. The total area of the shopping centre is about 10 179 square meters. Opened parking area for cars (701 meters/parking place). А2. Progress Status:Design work has been carried on. The draft of this business-plan was defended during the town-planning council. Project lifelengths are almost 40 %. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) Chief designer: private unitary enterprise «Belcoopproject»; 2) Subcontractor: Unitary enterprise «Belpromproect» - their share of design work is more than 50% of full effort. А4. Project Description:The shopping centre is located at the intersection of two highways in the city of Minsk. It is intended to trade in foodstuffs and household goods through the single integrated point-of-sale and also to trade in other goods through separate shops within the framework of the shopping centre. There also planned necessary infrastructure for better serving our visitors: cafe, currency exchange office, children's room, etc. А4a. Project cost (mln USD)***

A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:The main idea of the concept of the development of Belcoopsoyuz is the accumulation of its presence in the inhabited localities with the aim of getting financial resources that will be further directed for the development of country consumer cooperation. A6. Environmental impact summary:The enterprise has no harmful emissions into the environment. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:There are no obstacles to the project realization. The building site is clear. There is no need to transfer underground pipeline. A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):2***

A9. Project’s branch:Trade

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Design work: 0***

Equipment (Germany, Italy): 1***

Building and assembly jobs and other costs: 4***

Total: 6***

C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Participatory sharing and financing are possible

D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Own and attracted funds of international investors: Credit, direct foreign investments***

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:Population - more than 100,000 people living within a radius of 2,5 km. Potential number of buyers a day is 3,500. Potential revenue of an industrial group of products a year is 11,6 million USD. Potential revenue of food products a year is 35,1 million USD. E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

Sales proceeds from article***

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:It is planned to locate the project on a vacant territory on the cross-roads of Mogilyov highway and Minsk Encircling highway in Minsk

F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Labour costs: 1***

Material costs: 1***

Depreciation of fixed and intangible assets: 0***

Salary deduction: 0***

Other costs for goods realization: 0***

Other points: 0***

Total: 3***

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

Net Income: 1***

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Mr. Kashchyshyn V.G. - leading engineer of the capital construction and investments’ department of Belcoopsoyuz H2. Organisation (address):Belcoopsoyuz: 17, Pobediteley Ave., 220004 Minsk, Republic of Belarus H3. Tel: (+375 17) 2266631, 2269698, 2268050; Fax: (+375 17) 2269246; E-maiI: uks**[ta]**.by, info**[ta]**.by H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Belcoopsoyuz


Brest Region Executive Committee

Technical re-equipment of coffee drinks technological line at «Baranovichy plant of food products»

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Technical re-equipment of coffee drinks technological line

b. Full name:Technical re-equipment of coffee drinks technological line at «Baranovichy plant of food products»

c. Summary description:The increasing of coffee production effectiveness, aimed to produce agglomerated coffee drinks and coffee drinks with natural coffee and soluble natural coffee. А2. Progress Status:The project is on the first stage of elaborating. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:PC «Baranovichy plant of food products» 225404, Baranovichy, Churilina str.,15 The of the plant: Tarasevich Alexander Serafimovich, Ph. +375 163 455235, fax +375 163 452293, E-mail:bkpp**[ta]**.by

А4. Project Description:To modernize the equipment involved into the technological process of coffee drinks production. А4a. Project cost (mln USD): A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:The realization of this project will allow to enlarge the assortment of coffee drinks in order to satisfy the needs of consumers. The producing of coffee drinks, fruit wine, alcoholic drinks is controlled by the system of quality ISO 9001-2001. The safety of food products is controlled be the system НАССР. The whole production of the plant is certified. The main production indexes of 8 months 2007 are the following: - the volume of production output is 123,6 % prognosis - 112,5%; - consumers’ goods - 104,7% prognosis -108,5%; - export is 578,5 thousand dollars or 220% compared with year 2006; - the income of realization is 0,906 mln. dollars USA; - the cost effectiveness of the production realization 14,2%. A6. Environmental impact summary:The project is ecologically safe

A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment: A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):2/5***

A9. Project’s branch:Food industry

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Extraction (Germany equipment)

Agglomeration [Germany equipment]

Searing [Germany equipment]

Separation [Germany equipment]

Packing [Germany equipment]

Total: C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

Equity: D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:The assistance of foreign investor. D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Investments funds: Foreign credit

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:The strategy, chosen by the plant is aimed to fortify its position on the markets by producing agglomerated coffee drinks and natural soluble coffee. The production will be delivered within Republic of Belarus and without. E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

Coffee drinks based on cereals, agglomerated coffee drinks containing coffee and natural soluble coffee.***

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Cost of production and remuneration of labour 3***

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

Net profit 0***

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Grinlo U.A., chief mechanic H2. Organisation (address):ОАО « Baranovichy plant of food products» Baranovichy, Churilina str.,15 H3. Ph. +375 163 455235, fax +375 163 452293, E-mail:bkpp**[ta]**.by H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Brest Region Executive Committee


Technical re-equipment of manufacture of the JSC «Linovskiy starch plant»

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Technical re-equipment of manufacture

b. Full name:Technical re-equipment of manufacture of the JSC «Linovskiy starch plant»

c. Summary description:Complex reconstruction and technical re-equipment of the enterprise with acquisition of a foreign complete technological line on manufacture of starch

А2. Progress Status:Business-plan is elaborated

А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) JSC «Linovskiy starch plant» 225149, settlement Internatsionalny, Pruzhany district, Brest region Director - V.N. Rudenok Ph.: (+375 1632) 73884 ; 2) Brest Region Executive Committee: 11, Lenina Str., Brest, 224005, Republic of Belarus. Semenovich Dmitriy G., tel.: (+375 162) 234***

А4. Project Description:Realisation of the project will allow: 1. to reduce potatoes’ import and to found an import substituting manufacture; 2. to produce the starch of a first-class sort at reasonable water consumption and low industrial charges; 3. to found a high-technological manufacture on release of dry potato starch. А4a. Project cost (mln USD)***

A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:JSC «Linovskiy starch plant» was founded in 1898. In July, 1999 the enterprise was reorganized in open joint-stock company. In the assessed fund of the JSC «Linovskiy starch plant» the share of the Republic of Belarus makes 93,7 %, agents of management of non-governmental form of ownership - 1,1 %, foreign participants - 5,2 % as to the date January, 1, 2005. The basic kind of the enterprise activity is manufacture of potato starch. The basic feed resource is potatoes. The suppliers of potatoes are potato specialized farms of Brest region, and also rural population. The enterprise production is certified. A6. Environmental impact summary:The project is ecologically safe

A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:Decree of risk at project realization is low

A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):2***

A9. Project’s branch:Food industry

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Building and mounting works, including dismantling of equipment***

Tquipment (Sweden)***



C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Deficit of financial means - 6.7 mln. USD

D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Foreign investment funds: Credit, direct foreign investments***

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:The starch is a most valuable product, used in food industry at production of foodstuffs and sugary matters, in chemical, pharmaceutical, cellulose-paper and other branch of industry. The production is realized both on internal, and on foreign markets of the republic

E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

Revenue from realisation: Budget grants to the manufacturers of first class starch potatoes: TOTAL: F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:Increase of capacity of the plant on starch manufacture, expansion of the nomenclature of output production will demand from proportional increase of volumes of potatoes storage. It is pretended to provide the necessary increase of volumes of potatoes production owing to area widening and introduction of intensive technologies. F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Raw stuff and materials***

Energy supply***

Personnel costs***


Income taxes***

TOTAL: G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

Net Income Value***

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Stepaniuk T.G. - senior expert of the CUE «Brestplodoovoshchprom» H2. Organisation (address):JSC «Linovskiy starch plant», 225149, s. Internatsionalny, Pruzhany district, Brest region H3. Ph./Fax: (+375 1632) 73884 H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Brest Region Executive Committee


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