Project co-funded by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund
within the framework of the Operational Programme Development of Eastern Poland 2007-***
Project co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund
within the Operational Programme Development of Eastern Poland 2007-***
machines 27 tools and fasteners 15 steel and aluminum 3
Machines suppliers Tools and fasteners suppliers
Steel and aluminium suppliers Table of contents
5Cognor S.A.ul. Plażowa 37, 15-502
tel:+48 85 741 3***
tel:+48 85 748 7***
sales contact
profile rods, pipes, sections and profiles, sheet metal, non-ferrous
metals, reinforcing steel Cognor
Cognor to meet customers’ needs in a the most professional way.Being a member of the Złomrex S.A. Capital Group, Cognor is able to diversify and develop its technical infrastructure, which makes the company’s offer more attractive.ARGO D.Szydłowski
i M.Kamiński Sp.j.ul. Mełgiewska 7-9, 20-952
tel:+48 (81) 749 2***
tel:+48 665 506***
sales contact
tel:+48 (81) 749 2***
production and assembly of elements of aluminium and steel win-dows and doors; doors, windows, facades, glazed roofs, rooflights,winter gardens, fire doors and windows, smoke vents and hatches
Argo is a fast growing and experienced firm with a modern design
office, highly-skilled staff and state-of-the-art machinery, which
guarantee supreme quality certified under ISO 9001:2008. For many
years the company has been exporting its products to France,
tel:+48 (81) 745 50 30 Secretary’s Office
tel:+48 (81) 715 57 84 Marketing Department
sales contact
tel:+48 (81) 745 5***
aluminium systems for construction industry, aluminium profiles and
Aliplast is a leading and renowned designer, manufacturer and dis-tributor of aluminium systems and components. The wide range of
aluminium systems includes window and door systems, façade sys-tems, sliding and accordion door and wall systems, roof systems
and winter garden systems. The company also produces and sup-plies aluminium profiles and elements. Aliplast is a modern company
with state-of-the-art technical and production facilities: vertical and
powder coating chambers, a wood-colour aluminium line, an alu-minium press, and a CNC machining centre by Fom Industrie.Aluteam-Alumeco
Sp. z o.o.ul. Okulickiego 17, 35-022 Rzeszów
tel:+48 17 86 01***
tel:+48 17 86 01***
sales contact
chequered plates, plates with treated surface, rods, anodized pro-files, rolled pipes, cylindrical pipes, connectors and other aluminium
elements, steel and aluminium connectors, additional welding han-dles, special profiles
Aluteam-Alumeco is a business partner supplying aluminium prod-ucts to customers from
its products. To achieve its objectives, Aluteam-Alumeco is develop-ing its work organization, technology and processes. The company
places great importance on improving the skills its employees, effec-tive knowledge sharing safe working conditions.steel and
steel and
Cognor S.A.ul. Lubelska
tel:+48 89 534 5***
tel:+48 89 533 8***
sales contact
rods, pipes, sections and profiles, sheet metal, non-ferrous
metals, reinforcing steel
Cognor S.A. is an international distributor of metallurgical products.It operates in Central and Eastern Europe countries such as Poland,Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Ro-mania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary, where Cognor group has
the leading position. The slogan of the Cognor group is “Together
reach more”. The company’s mission is to distribute products and
provide services of supreme standard at affordable prices. Dozens of years of experience in the sale of metallurgical products allows
Cognor to meet customers’ needs in a the most professional way.Being a member of the Złomrex S.A. Capital Group, Cognor is able to diversify and develop its technical infrastructure, which makes the
company’s offer more attractive.Cognor S.A.Al. W. Witosa, 20, 20-315
tel:+48 81 44 10***
tel:+48 81 44 10 405, w***
sales contact
rods, pipes, sections and profiles, sheet metal, non-ferrous
metals, reinforcing steel
Cognor S.A. is an international distributor of metallurgical products.It operates in Central and Eastern Europe countries such as Poland,Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Ro-mania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary, where Cognor group has
the leading position. The slogan of the Cognor group is “Together
reach more”. The company’s mission is to distribute products and
provide services of supreme standard at affordable prices. Dozens of years of experience in the sale of metallurgical products allows
Cognor to meet customers’ needs in a the most professional way.Being a member of the Złomrex S.A. Capital Group, Cognor is able to diversify and develop its technical infrastructure, which makes the
company’s offer more attractive.Cognor S.A.ul. Przemysłowa 11/44, 35-105 Rzeszów
tel:+48 17 864 2***
tel:+48 17 864 2***
sales contact
rods, pipes, sections and profiles, sheet metal, non-ferrous
metals, reinforcing steel
Cognor S.A. is an international distributor of metallurgical products.It operates in Central and Eastern Europe countries such as Poland,Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Ro-mania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary, where Cognor group has
the leading position. The slogan of the Cognor group is “Together
reach more”. The company’s mission is to distribute products and
provide services of supreme standard at affordable prices. Dozens of years of experience in the sale of metallurgical products allows
Cognor to meet customers’ needs in a the most professional way.Being a member of the Złomrex S.A. Capital Group, Cognor is able to diversify and develop its technical infrastructure, which makes the
company’s offer more attractive.HONKER Sp. z o.o.Automobile Plant
ul. Mełgiewska 7-9, 20-952
tel:+48 (81) 749 3***
tel:+48 509 974***
, dzt.lublin**[ta]**.com.pl
sales contact
509 974 334 Cezary Jakubowski (commercial and off-road
501 653 886 Marta Szymczak (parts, components, services)
commercial vehicles with a GVW up to 3.5 t, 4x4 off-road vehicles with
a GVW up to 3.5 t
HONKER Automobile Plant, formerly known as DZT Sp. z o.o. Automo-bile Plant in
vehicle weight up to 3.5 t) and automotive parts. In 2009, the bankrupt
automobile plant in
is also planning to introduce panel vans, extended panel vans, insulat-ed vans, refrigerated vans and special-purpose vans. In autumn ***
HONKER 4x4 was approved for civil use and can be used e.g. by power
grid maintenance services, surveying services or in forestry and mining
sectors. Moreover, the company offers a wide range of sheet metal press-ings and services in the field of electrophoretic coating of metal surfaces
steel and
FH Mat-Bud-Stal
ul. Zagnańska 149 K, 25-563
tel:+48 41 362 4***
tel:+48 41 362 4***
sales contact
sheet metal, rods, pipes, sections, open-end, box, tubular and al-len spanners, screwdrivers, pliers, saws, crowbars, vices, carpen-try clamps, staplers, trowels, floats, construction sieves, buckets,rakes, pitchforks, shovels, spades, hoes, garden shears, axes, gum,fabric, leather and welding gloves, locks, lock inserts, padlocks, han-dles, bolts, all types of hinges, hasps, hooks, wooden meters, steel
tape measures, levels, straightedges, indoor and outdoor sweeping
brooms, hand brushes, metal dustpans, purchase of scrap metal
Mat-Bud-Stal has been selling metallurgical products since 1995.Since its creation, the company’s core business has been the whole-sale and retail sale of metallurgical products. All the products on offer
have been approved for sale and certified for high quality. The shop
stocks materials and tools for do-it-yourself, assembly and finish-ing works. Mat-Bud-Stal also sells its products to large construction
companies.Instal Białystok S.A.administration: ul. E. Orzeszkowej 32, 15-084
warehouse: ul. Składowa 14, 15-399
tel:+48 85 741 6***
tel:+48 85 742 6***
tel:+48 85 742 4***
tel:+48 85 732 0***
tel:+48 85 742 6***
tel:+48 85 742 4***
sales contact
steel and galvanized sheet metal; sections - U-sections, T-sections,I-sections, angle sections, flat bars; hollow profiles, channels; rein-forcing steel - bars and rods, wire rods; seam and seamless pipes,galvanized; metallurgical products made to order; services: steel
structures, piping and piping elements, bridges, rails, stairs
The basic activity of Instal Białystok S.A. is the production of com-plete steel structures as the general contractor. The company spe-cializes in the assembly of all types of industrial, technological and
sanitary installations, as well as production of steel structures, pre-fabricated ventilation units and pressure vessels. It also offers trans-port and equipment rental services and wholesaling of metallurgical
and installation products.Investa Sp. z o.o.ul. Pilnik 19, 11-100 Lidzbark Warmiński
tel:+48 89 767 4***
tel:+48 89 767 4***
sales contact
aluminium, stainless steel, acid-resistant steel, industrial installa-tions; services: laser cutting of sheet metal and precise cutting of
sheet metal with laser and waterjet cutters, precise bending of sheet
metal elements with edge presses, cutting of aluminium sheets and
plates, finishing stainless sheets with swirl pattern, grinding of stain-less sheets, foiling of sheet metal, grinding and polishing of stainless
pipes, waterjet cutting of pipes and rods, bending of sheet metal
A leading company in the metallurgical sector, operating across the
whole country. It is successfully engaged in the distribution of stain-less steel and has achieved a leading position in the sale of alumin-ium. The company pioneers in implementing cutting-edge technolo-gies. The service centre offers a wide range of services like laser and
waterjet sheet metal cutting and precise bending with edge presses.The centre is a one-step shop where customers can purchase sheet
metal and have it processed.IWAMET Sp. z o.o.ul. Władysława Grabskiego 28, 37-450 Stalowa Wola
tel:+48 (15) 813 6***
sales contact
tel:+48 (15) 813 6***
alluminium alloy castings (
die casting, low pressure sand casting and gravity die casting tech-nologies, CNC precision machining of steel, non-ferrous metals and
plastics, manual machining, tool shop services, design of casting
moulds and structural elements, dynamic balancing, length and an-gle measurement
Based in the Tarnobrzeg Economic Zone, the company was estab-lished in 2003 as a private enterprise. Currently it employs about***
people and owns production facilities with a total area of
alloy castings.8
Konsorcjum Stali S.A.ul. Boya-Żeleńskiego 11, 35-105 Rzeszów
tel:+48 604 119***
tel:+48 17 850 4***