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Establishedin 1971, DB Orthodontics Ltd

is afamily business basedin Silsden, West Yorkshire. Working with clinicalconsultants the company designs and manufactures orthodontic products, including Infinitas Mini-Implants, Ixion Instruments,Evolve Brackets, Duorings, Iconic and Rensa. With astrong network of distributorsin 44 different countries across sixcontinents, DB Orthodontics continually demonstrates its ability to adapt to new markets and overcome challenges. 15 newdistributors have been addedin several new markets over the last three years, with exports now accounting for 29% of turnover.

This outstanding achievement is aresult of awell-structured and integrated export business strategy based on designinginnovative new products and strong product branding, which serves to strengthen links with distributors.

Europlus Direct Ltd

Salts Mill

Victoria Road Saltaire

BD18 3LA


CEO: Mr James Hart

Contactf or press enquiries: Jim Hart

Tel: 07971 92***

Email: jim.hart**[ta]**


Establishedin 2004 and basedin West Yorkshire, Europlus Direct Ltd

is an IT service company that has developed aclosecommercial relationship with amajor US computer and software manufacturer with aglobal reach. The company’s uniqueselling point is amore agile approach to servicesin markets where equipment is being sold with little supporting infrastructureand it also has an established marketin mature economies. This has enabled this small company to achieve significant overseasbusinessin arange of markets. It now has service contractsin 120 countries, officesin six countries and is planning furtherexpansion. asecond-time Queen’s Award winner, the company has achieved significant export led growth with overseas salesaccounting for 95% of the total salesin the last year. Overseas earnings growth was 107% over the three year period.

London & Scandinavian Metallurgical Co Limited

Fullerton Road S60 1DL



Immediate Parent: Metallurg Europe Limited

Managing Director: Mr Itamar Resende

Contactf or press enquiries: David Beare

Tel: 01709 83***

Email: dbeare**[ta]**


Foundedin 1938, London & Scandinavian Metallurgical Co Limited

produces and sells awide range of metals, alloys, powdersand additive solutions to aworldwide export market. Exports accountf or 87% of turnover and have grown over 50%in the lastthree years with growthin mature and new markets including the USA, India, Sweden, Belgium, Turkey and Canada. It conductsextensive research on its markets and new exporting opportunities with market share informationin each subsector welldeveloped, including those areas where there is no standard information. avariety of routes to market are used including directwith the customer, through agents and through exclusive distributors.

Osborn Metals Limited

Brighouse Road Low Moor


BD12 0QL


Managing Director: Mr Ian Gale

Contactf or press enquiries: Mr Ian Gale

Tel: 01274 80***

Email: igale**[ta]**


Establishedin 2001, Osborn Metals Limited

manufacture near net shape profiles, tubes and specialist equipmentf or the miningindustry. The focus of the company’s business is on supplying materials into the aerospace, power generation, and defencemarkets. acurrent holder of aQueen’s Awardin International Trade, the company has increased its overseas sales by 47% overthe last three years. The company has generated most of its export businessin the US and European markets, with newbusiness recently being achievedin India. It is now targeting the aerospace industryin China and Brazil. Due to the specific andtechnical nature of the products, the route into these markets is to obtain quality/technical approval directly from the majormanufacturersin each sector and then sell into the project supply chain.

Panache Lingerie Limited

7 Drake House Crescent


S20 7HT



Managing Director: Mr John Power

Contactf or press enquiries: Jennie Field

Tel: 0114 241***

Email: j.field**[ta]**


Establishedin 1981, Panache Lingerie Ltd

designs, manufactures and wholesales lingerie and swimwear, specialisingin D to Kcup sizes and offering brands that incorporate youthful, fashionable designs and more mature staples. afirst time Queen’s Award winner, the company has increased its overseas sales by 427% over the last six years. akey aim for the company is to raise international brand awareness. It has entered key markets by targeting prestige multi-channel retailers, such as Nordstromand Bloomingdalesin the USA and Manorin Switzerland. The company’s main export markets are the USA, Australia, Poland,Germany and Canada. adirect sales office has been establishedin France that has quickly achieved turnover of £500,000. Thecompany also has sales offices and distributionin the USA, Canada and Germany.

Shand Engineering Limited

Kiln Lane


Grimsby DN41 8DL


Immediate Parent: Sturrock and Robson UK Ltd

Managing Director: Mr Brian Purchon

Contactf or press enquiries: Mr Brian Purchon

Tel: 01469 57***

Email: bep**[ta]**


Shand Engineering Ltd

designs and manufactures hose and flexible pipe coupling systems for oil and gas transportation.

Formedin 1972, the company is now along time exporter and acurrent holder of aQueen’s Awardin International Trade. Thecompany operatein aniche area and has targeted large multi-nationals providing ahigh tech bespoke service, to embed itselfwithin the client company and allow them to position themselves to win more business. New markets enteredin the last threeyears include Turkey and South Africa, with the appointment of adistributor to supply catalogue products throughout subSaharan Africa. Having worked with Brazilian customers since 2007, Shand Engineering’s parent company, Sturrock & Robson International, now plan to open asatellite manufacturing operation therein 2013 to deal with the anticipated grow***

Sheppee International Limited

York Road Elvington

YO41 4AU


Immediate Parent: Sheppee Holdings Limited

Chairman: Mr Elliott Seymour

Contactf or press enquiries: Mr Elliott Seymour

Tel: 01904 60***

Email: ESeymour**[ta]**


Startedin 1993, Sheppee International manufactures machinery and spare parts for the glass container industries worldwide,with ahigh percentage of its sales to the export market. It is afirst time winner of aQueen’s Award. Overseas sales have grownby 133% over the last year and new markets entered include China, with the company seeing real potential within the Asiaregion to the extent that awholly owned foreign enterprise isin the process of being set up. The company operates via acombination of sales managers covering regional territories and agents and distributors. Worldwide market development andproduct performance improvement is undertaken through exhibiting regularly at trade shows and close customer contact.

The University of Huddersfield (Business School)





Vice-Chancellor: Professor Bob Cryan

Contactf or press enquiries: Professor David Taylor

Tel: 01484 47***

Email: d.taylor**[ta]**


The University of Huddersfield was foundedin 1970 and provides Higher Education to international studentsin the UK.

Business School exports have increased over the last three years by 111% as aresult of an ambitious international expansionplan as the University recognised the need to improve its international performancein response to changesin the nationaleducation system. Today it has 1200 international students enrolled from 88 different countries, making up 25% of the studentpopulation. This has been achieved by working with the UKBA to meet new regulations, opening officesin Nigeria and China anddiversifying the channels for student recruitment. The University has also partnered with an English Language group to increaseits potential student market, attracting many students from China, Saudi Arabia, Libya and Iraq.

The Wakefield Shirt Company Limited

P.O. Box 1 Thornes Wharf Lane



Chairman: Mr Richard Donner

Contactf or press enquiries: Mr Richard Donner

Tel: 01924 37***

Email: richard.donner**[ta]**


Establishedin 1940 and basedin Wakefield, the Wakefield Shirt Company Limited

is amedium-sized clothing design wholesaleand retail company. The company has invested heavilyin comprehensive market research and targetingin the clothing market.

Particular attention is paid to competitive sourcing of fabrics purchasingin the best value areas around the world, while at thesame time following very high standards of ethical production and environmental protection. The company operate adirectsales approach utilising agents and distributors and employing multilingual staff to support sales. This mixed approach hasbrought the company success and they export directly to 35 countries and indirectly to 30 more. They have enjoyed particularsuccessin the German market, which accounts for 96% of European sales. Overseas sales growth was 208%in 2***

Weir Minerals Europe Limited

Halifax Road Todmor***

OL14 5RT



Immediate Parent: Weir Group Plc

Managing Director: Mr Anthony Locke

Contactf or press enquiries: Mr Anthony Locke

Tel: 01706 81***

Email: tony.locke**[ta]**


Weir Minerals Europe Limited

formedin 1903 and part of Weir Group PLC

 is an experienced exporting company that designsand manufactures abrasion resistant equipmentf or mining, minerals processing, power and industrial markets. Weir Minerals Europe implements its trading strategies using adirect presence as well as through the use of distributors/ 2011, newsales centres were openedin Turkey and Spain and anew service centre was openedin Essen, Germany. This, together with theacquisition of the Swedish company GEMA, has added significant service capability. Weir Minerals Europe is committed to meeting the evolving needs of its customers through leveraging its extensive service infrastructure to grow its service businessthrough customer contracts and value added services across Europe.

Ideal Boilers Ltd

PO Box***

National Avenue




Immediate Parent: Ideal Stelrad Gr***

Managing Director: Mr Shaun Edwards

Contactf or press enquiries: Mr Shaun Edwards

Tel: 07834 31***

Email: shaun.edwards**[ta]**


Ideal Boilers Ltd

wins an Innovation Award for designing arevolutionary range of gas-fired, domestic heating boilers. Havinginvestigated all aspects of boiler design, mathematically modelled and re-designed for optimum energy efficiency, minimumcarbon emissions and long-term reliability, the new product is light, easy to install and manufacture and requires low levels of maintenance and repair. It incorporates anovel cast aluminium heat exchanger, asingle-skin boiler, innovative gas and watermanagement systems and achassis with fewer parts than competitor products. The new boilers maintain high efficiency over awide range of operations, importantly during periods of changing heating loads. Sales of the new product have been high andcontributed to the company’s commercial success.

SPINKO Ltd t/a Harrison Spinks

Westland Road LS11 5SN



Managing Director: Mr Simon Spinks

Contactf or press enquiries: Helen Weaver

Tel: 0113 385***

Tel: 07852 89***

Email: hweaver**[ta]**


SPINKO Ltd t/a Harrison Spinks wins an Innovation Award for the design and manufacture of abed-spring and associatedproduction process. The patented innovations gave competitive advantage to the company’s bed manufacturing business andincreased its international sales of springs to other manufacturers. The new, more effective and comfortable bed-springcomprised asmall spring inserted into astandard pocket spring. The new process facilitated the manufacture of the springs inlinear sheet format. Thus the density of springs per bed could be raised significantly and the range of bed designs incorporatingthe new spring extended. The new design and process combined to provide superior technical performance and reducedmanufacturing costs compared with traditional products. The ‘high-density’ spring technology is being adapted to newapplications. It also wins the Queen’s Awardin Sustainable Development.

Stage One Creative Services Ltd


Marston Business ParkTockwith

YO27 7QF


Immediate Parent: Stage One Creatives Services

Companies Ltd

Partner and

Managing Director: Mr Mark Johnson

Contactf or press enquiries: Mr Mark Johnson

Tel: 07771 91***

Email: mark.johnson**[ta]**


an Innovation Award is made to Stage One Creative Services Ltd

for the design and development of theatrical flying systems.

They support sophisticated productions, such as the ‘Olympic Cauldron’in London 2012, stagedin ‘three-dimensional’ arenawith back-stage scenic capabilities associated with West End theatres. The innovative engineering package, which has led to commercial success, comprises three main elements. First is the pioneering use of steel-wire rope ‘cable-nets’ installed overstadia enabling scenic objects or performers to be ‘flown’in three-dimensional spaces above ‘fields of play’. Second is anautomated motion control system supporting the simultaneous suspension of multiple flying objects safely, predictably andwith pre-planned movements. The third element is the application of new materials and fabrication methods to create novelback-drops and theatrical artefacts.

SPINKO Ltd t/a Harrison Spinks wins aSustainable Development Award for developing innovative, sustainable mattresses andassociated products and setting an industry benchmark regarding sustainability of operations and products. The comfortablemattresses are fully recyclable, using materials sourced on the basis of their sustainability credentials. To ensure provenance of the materials, it manages its own farm and woodland. The company’s products are produced by sustainable processes and itsEco Visitor Centre informs consumers about the processes and sustainable development more generally. The company sets highstandards regarding social and environmental credentials of suppliers, with whom it works to improve their own health, safety and environmental performances. It has avision of aclosed-loop production process, using only locally sourced services andmaterials and eschewing non-environmentally friendly materials. It also wins the Queen’s Awardin Innovation.

Professor Elizabeth Towns-Andrews

Director of Research and Enterprise

University of Huddersfield

Contactf or press enquiries: John Ramsdin

Tel: 01484 47***

Email: j.p.ramsdin**[ta]**


Professor Elizabeth Towns-Andrews has been the Director of Research and Enterprise at the University of Huddersfield for threeyears during which time she has established an enterprise infrastructure which is internationally recognised as an exemplar fo rHigher Education business engagement. The facilities include adedicated enterprise service and business start-up unit fo rstudents and staff. The University of Huddersfield has been voted Entrepreneurial University of the Year 2012 (Times Higher Education Awards, Nov 2012). Her activities also extend to heading up a£2.7m ERDF-funded Graduate Entrepreneurship Project (GEP) and also the establishment of the £12m 3M Buckley Innovation Centre that provides accommodation for 100 businesses.

Elizabeth also holds anumber of voluntary posts including Kirklees Economy and Skills Board and Deputy chair of Yorkshire Universities Knowledge Transfer Directors Group.

FOR ENTERPRISE PROMOTION Back to winners:Gapuma UK Limited

London School of Business & Finance (UK) Ltd

Niftylift Ltd(International Trade)

Niftylift Ltd(Innovation)

Pentland Group Plc

Reid Lifting Limited(International Trade)

Reid Lifting Limited(Innovation)

SPINKO Ltd t/a Harrison Spinks (Innovation)

SPINKO Ltd t/a Harrison Spinks (Sustainable Development)






April 1966, the first Queen’s Awards to Industry were 1976 they were replaced by two separate Awards - ‘The Queen’s Award for Export Achievement’ and ‘The Queen’s Award for Technological Achievement’.

Athird Award was addedin 1993 - ‘The Queen’s Award for Environmental Achievement’. aCommittee chaired by HRH ThePrince of Wales carried out acomprehensive review of the schemein 1999. They recommended that from the year 2000the Awards be collectively known as ‘The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise’ with three categories of Award for outstandingachievementin International Trade, Innovation and Sustainable Development (the last replacing the environmentalAchievement categoryin 2001).

The Awards have been for ‘business units’ of at least two people but anew Award was introducedin 2005 to rewardindividuals who have played an outstanding and significant rolein promoting the growth of enterprise and/orentrepreneurial skills and attitudesin othersin the UK. This is ‘The Queen’s Award for Enterprise Promotion’. Up to ten Awards are granted each year and asingle Lifetime Achievement Award may also be given for consistent and highquality promotion of enterprise skills and attitudes over asubstantial period of


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