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Creation of a production of disposable sanitary-hygienic products

on the territory of FEZ «Grodnoinvest»

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Creation of an enterprise majoring in sanitary-hygienic products manufacture

b. Full name:Creation of a highly-technological enterprise majoring in the production of disposable sanitary-hygienic products: baby diapers, sanitary towels, etc. on the territory of FEZ «Grodnoinvest»

c. Summary description:The purpose of the given project is to organize a production of baby diapers and sanitary towels. The project stipulates for the creation of a manufacture of sanitary-hygienic products and their wholesale. А2. Progress Status:Pre-investment stage. An investor is needed. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:FEZ «Grodnoinvest» Administration: 2/1, Dzerzhynsky Str., Grodno, 230023, Republic of Belarus. Sergeichik Semen Antonovich, head of the department of investments and foreign economic activity, tel./fax: (+375-152) 77-07-39, 77-11-28, S.V. Tkachenko, Chief of the FEZ «Grodnoinvest» Administration, tel.: (+375-152) 77-11-83; E-mail:invest**[ta]**, E-mail:info**[ta]**;

А4. Project Description:The enterprise will manufacture high-demand goods: sanitary towels, baby diapers, disposable products meant for medical purposes. The enterprise’s production will have different price diapason and will be available to people of different income levels. According to preliminary accounts the project is to be realized during 3-4 years and includes acquisition or rent of about 10 thousand sq.m. of work areas. To ensure its effectiveness and quality, the enterprise will be outfitted with modern automated equipment of Italian or German origin. Initially it is planned that the enterprise will manufacture 100 mln. sanitary-hygienic items per year. The project’s financing - an investor’s attracted means. А4a. Project cost (mln USD)***

A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:At present in the Republic of Belarus there is practically no production of disposable sanitary-hygienic products. About 95% of sanitary-hygienic products represented in the Belarusian market is imported from abroad. The need in these products in Belarus makes up 30 mln. USD annually. A recent market research shows that disposable hygienic products sector is constantly and rapidly growing. A6. Environmental impact summary:Was not considered. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:The main threat to the project is the growth of competition in Russia and other CIS countries. A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):3 - 4

A9. Project’s branch:Wood-pulp and paper industry

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Business-plan and design estimates development, premises construction, equipment acquisition (Italy, Germany) and assembling: Total: C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Creation of joint venture, share holding. D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Foreign investment funds: Direct foreign/portfolio investments***

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:The production will be supplied to healthcare organizations, Belarusian population, exported to Russia, other CIS and Western Europe countries. E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Beliaev Michael, a leading specialist of the department of investments and foreign economic activity of FEZ «Grodnoinvest». H2. Organisation (address):FEZ «Grodnoinvest» Administration: 2/1, Dzerzhynsky Str., Grodno, 230023, Republic of Belarus. H3. Tel./fax: (+375-152) 77-07-39, 77-11-28; E-mail:invest**[ta]** H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:FEZ «Grodnoinvest» Administration


Creation of a transport-logistics centre on the territory of free economic zone «Grodnoinvest»

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Creation of a transport-logistics centre. b. Full name:Creation of a transport-logistics centre on the territory of free economic zone «Grodnoinvest»

c. Summary description:The purpose of the given project is creation of international transport-logistics centre in the north-western part of Belarus which deals with the organization of inter-modal transportations in the united logistics chain which includes: - Customs-terminal facilities with the treatment of free customs area; - Warehouse, industrial-trading and hotel facilities; - Service centre. Probable infrastructure of a transport-logistics centre: - customs warehouses; - container terminals; - space for placing of vehicles; - facilities for conducting of customs operations; - information-logistics centre; - office facilities; - car-care centre; - filling station; - car parking and car wash; - hotel, restaurant, shops, cafes. For the realization of the project a land plot with the total space of 24 hectares will be offered. The land plot has an entrance to international railway and transport road netwo***

А2. Progress Status:Land plot with the space of 24 hectares within the boundaries of Grodno with necessary transport infrastructure (highways, railroad tracks with the width of gauge 1520 mm и 1435 mm) is available which has an entrance to automobile and railroad frontier checkpoints with the Republic of Poland and Lithuanian Republic. It is possible to be connected to heating, electro, natural gas, water supply, sewer, telecommunication syste***

А3. Organizations involved and their roles:FEZ «Grodnoinvest» - project’s coordinator. Tkachenko Sergej Valentinovitch - head of the administration of FEZ «Grodnoinvest», contact person - Sergejchik Semion Antonovitch - chief of the department for investments and foreign economic activity. Tel + 375 152 770739; Tel +375 152 771128; Tel/fax: +375 152 771176; E-mail:invest**[ta]**,

А4. Project Description:The implementation of the project is planned to be conducted by means of the construction of a transport-logistics centre within 3-5 years which provides comprehensive logistics service, customs registration and cargo operations with a set of attendant services. Basic advantages: - proximity with the borders with the Republic of Poland; - minimization of expenditures and terms of the project realization; - possibility of offering tax and customs preferences. А4a. Project cost (mln USD):50

A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:Space for the construction of a transport-logistics centre is located within the distance of 15 kilometers form the Byelorussian-Polish frontier check point «Bruzgi». Provided with necessary infrastructure. It has an entrance to international railroad and transport network. It is part of the territory of FEZ «Grodnoinvest». A6. Environmental impact summary:Construction of cleaners is necessary with the purpose of minimization of negative influence on environment. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:Not considered. A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):3 - 5

A9. Project’s branch:Transport and communication

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Business-plan and design estimates development, premises construction, equipment acquisition (Italy, Germany, Check Republic,China) and assembling***


C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:It is necessary to finance the elaboration of a business-plan, designing estimates, construction of facilities, purchase and assembling of equipment. D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Foreign investment funds: Foreign direct investments Borrowed current assets and attracted mean***

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:Probable consumers: foreign transport and logistics companies, enterprises-residents of FEZ «Grodnoinvest», enterprises of Grodno region. E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:Not considered. F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Beliaev Michael Michailovoch, specialist of the department for investments and foreign economic activity of the administration of FEZ «Grodnoinvest». H2. Organisation (address):The administration of FEZ «Grodnoinvest»: The Republic of Belarus, 230023. г. Grodno, Dzerzhinsky str., 2/1. H3. Tel./fax: (+375-152) 77-11-76; е-mail: info**[ta]** H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:FEZ «Grodnoinvest» Administration


Setting up an enterprise majoring in manufacture of photoelectric transducers

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Setting up an enterprise majoring in manufacture of photoelectric transducers

b. Full name:Setting up an enterprise majoring in manufacture of photoelectric transducers in the territory of FEZ «Grodnoinvest»

c. Summary description:The purpose of the present project is the construction of a contemporary manufacture of competitive goods from monocrystal silicon for photoelectricity. А2. Progress Status:Pre-investment stage. Investor is required for the realization of the project. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:FEZ «Grodnoinvest» Administration: 2/1, Dzerzhynsky Str., Grodno, 230023, Republic of Belarus. Sergeichik Semen Antonovich, head of the department of investments and foreign economic activity, tel./fax: (+375-152) 77-11-76, S.V. Tkachenko, Chief of the FEZ «Grodnoinvest» Administration, tel.: (+375-152) 77-11-83; E-mail:invest**[ta]**, E-mail:info**[ta]**;

А4. Project Description:In accordance with the preliminary calculations the project must be conducted within 3-4 years and includes purchase or rent of the production space around 1000 м2 and also 500 м2 for the assembling of energy-saving equipment, equipment for waste neutralization, 400-600 м2 for office facility and 400-600 м2 for storage. Total space constitutes 2300-2700 м2. With the purpose of providing maximum effectiveness and quality, the enterprise will be equipped with state-of-the-art automatized equipment produced by the leading world companies. First it is planned to set up an enterprise with the productivity about 10 megawatt per year which is equivalent to approximately 4, 5 mln. solar elements. Solar elements gather into groups and are pressurized under the glass. Such a construction is called a solar module and it is the major part of a solar electric power station. A number of modules in an electric power station determine its power and technical characteristics (voltage, current). Assembling of an electric power station can be done in any place including roofs of the buildings or hard-to-get places. Modules are safely protected from unfavourable weather conditions and serve for many yea***

А4a. Project cost (mln USD): A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:Analyses of the modern market of photoelectric production in surface power engineering showed that surface power engineering will seriously compete with such traditional energy sources as coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear fuel by 2010. Photoelectric transducers of solar energy into electric one are the most prospective among non-traditional, renewable sources of electric energy. Photoelectric transducers have a wide spectrum of application starting from power supply of calculators and clocks to the creation of a central solar electric power station. Modular construction of solar batteries will make it possible to create sources of power supply for various power and voltage which is an advantage in comparison with other suppliers of energy. According to the adopted state programs the EU countries must fix electric power equal to 10 % of all power consumption of those countries to 2020. Each from 10 states of the USA, which accepted a development programme of photovoltaics must fix solar modules with the power of 800 megawatt during 6 years. In money terms the market of solar batteries values 3 billion USD annually, tendency of the market volume increase is on average 25% annually. Commercial success of the project is confirmed by commercial success of the analogous companies all over the world and governmental support of the European, Asian and North-American countries of the alternative solar power engineering. A6. Environmental impact summary:The production will be outfitted with modern equipment for wastes recycling to observe the requirements for environmental protection. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:Considerable expenses for the project’s realization - 14,5 mln USD. A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):3 - 4

A9. Project’s branch:Industry

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Acquisition of equipment and its assembling (Spain, USA, Russia): Premises rent and maintenance: Personnel training: Circulating capital: Total: C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Creation of joint venture, share holding. D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Foreign investment funds: Direct foreign/portfolio investments

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:Most perspective markets for the next decade are EU countries and Asian countries, USA and Australia. Besides, there are markets across Africa and Latin America. E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Michael Beliaev, specialist of the department for investments and foreign economic activity of the administration of FEZ «Grodnoinvest». H2. Organisation (address):FEZ «Grodnoinvest» Administration: 2/1, Dzerzhynsky Str., Grodno, 230023, Republic of Belarus. H3. Tel./fax: (+375-152) 77-11-76; е-mail: info**[ta]** H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:FEZ «Grodnoinvest» Administration


Modernization of silex brick production at «Grodno Building Materials Plant» JSC

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Modernization of silex brick production

b. Full name:Modernization of silex brick production at «Grodno Building materials plant» JSC

c. Summary description:The aim of this project is to modernize the existing silex brick production at «Grodno Building materials plant» JSC: - installation of 2 German press arrangements (1 press arrangement replaces 4 existing ones); - preparation and reconstruction of production premises. А2. Progress Status:At the stage of investor searches. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) Administration of the free economic zone «Grodnoinvest», contact person - Ruslan Kizelevich, Dzerzhinskystr. 2/1, Grodno 230023, Belarus; tel/fax: + 375 152 770739; +375 152 771176; E-mail:info**[ta]**, 2) Project initiator: «Grodno Building Materials Plant» JSC, Gorkystr. 100, Grodno 230015, Belarus Tel/Fax: +375 152 43-05-50, E-mail:mailbox**[ta]**

А4. Project Description:«Grodno Building Materials Plant» JSC is the leading manufacturer of silex brick in the Republic of Belarus. The company produces silex brick since 1965. The annual capacity comprises 120 mln. bricks per year. The last large reconstruction of the production was made in 1985-1986. So the service life of the machines (12 presses, 15 autoclaves) with the necessary communication systems is now more than 20 years. The demand in silex brick has shown the tendency of increasing. With the aim to decrease the production costs and rise the quality of the products, the management of «Grodno Building Materials Plant» JSC has decided to carry out a large-scale reconstruction of the existing production of silex brick. With a view to this an investor is searched for the implementation of the project. For the realization of the investment project there are two production placements at «Grodno Building Materials Plant» with the total space of 20.000 m. The modernization of silex brick production will include: - installation of four presses «Lasko» (Germany); - preparation and reconstruction of production spaces. It is planned to manufacture silex brick with the improved quality (the improved shape of brick) and to produce new types of brick (tapestry brick, split brick, lacerated brick). The main raw materials are produced by the «Grodno Building Materials Plant» JSC . А4a. Project cost (mln USD)***

A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:Specialists forecast the increasing demand in silex brick and at present the building and projecting of brick factories is increasing. Silex brick is one of the main building materials used in construction. The offered to the production brick has high aesthetic characteristics, durability, abrasion resistance and cold endurance. The attracted investments will be used for the preparation of project documentation, carrying out of construction works, acquisition and installation of equipment. A6. Environmental impact summary:New production technology fulfills requirements of environmental and manufacturing safety. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:Project is financially realizable. A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):5/4

A9. Project’s branch:Production of building materials

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Costs of production design works***

Equipment purchase (Germany) - installation of 2 presses***


C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Own or attracted resources Share holding of several investors may as well be considered***

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:Not considered

E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:Native and foreign construction companies. Planned production volume - 100 million bricks per year. Sales area: Russian Federation, the Baltic states (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia), Ukraine. E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

Incomings from sales 1***

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:The implementation of the project is planned at free production spaces of «Grodno Building Materials Plant» JSC, situated in the free economic zone «Grodnoinvest». F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Prime cost of sold products incl. amortization expenses

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Ruslan Kiezelevich - chief specialist of the department of investments and foreign economic activity of the administration of FEZ «Grodnoinvest». H2. Organisation (address):Administration of FEZ «Grodnoinvest» Dzerzhinskogo str. 2/1, Grodno 230023, Belarus; tel/fax: + 375 152 770739; +375 152 771176; E-mail:info**[ta]**, H3. Tel/Fax: (+375-152) 77-11-76; е-mail: info**[ta]** H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:FEZ «Grodnoinvest» Administration


Starting production of thermal insulating materials using short flax-fibre

at the free production spaces of the unitary enterprise «Groniteks»

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Starting production of thermal insulating materials using short flax-fibre

b. Full name:Starting production of thermal insulating materials using short flax-fibre at the free production spaces of the unitary enterprise «Groniteks». c. Summary description:The aim of the investment project is to organize the production of modern energy-saving thermal insulating materials made of natural short flax-fibre using modern technological equipment of the German company «Dilo» GmbH. А2. Progress Status:At the stage of investor searches. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) Administration of the free economic zone “Grodnoinvest”, contact person - Ruslan Kizelevich, Dzerzhinskystr. 2/1, Grodno 230023, Belarus; tel/fax: + 375 152 770739; +375 152 771176; E-mail:info**[ta]**, 2) Project initiator: Grodno Unitary Enterprise «Groniteks», Gorkystr. 91, Grodno 230005, Belarus Tel/Fax: +375 152 43-04-92, E-mail:market_gronitex**[ta]**.by

А4. Project Description:Grodno Unitary Production Enterprise «Groniteks» is one of the main enterprises of the textile industry in the Republic of Belarus. In the course of 40 years the enterprise has been the major belarussian manufacturer of different kinds of yarn (cotton yarn, composite yarn), cottonized flax-fibre, cotton-wool. In 2005 there was installed on the production spaces of «Groniteks» new preparatory, spinning and winding equipment of the leading European companies. It increased considerably the quality of the manufactured goods and made the products more competitive. The analysis of different countries experience in energy-saving shows that one of the most efficient ways in its solutions is the shortening of heat losses by the use of filler structures for buildings, constructions, industry equipment, heating systems. That is why the production of thermal insulating materials is widely spread in Western Europe. Recently the production of thermal insulating building materials from natural fibres has increased significantly (mainly from flax). With the aim of production of new, modern and required types of goods and also due to the existence of the necessary infrastructure for production start-up of modern energy-saving thermal insulating materials on the basis of natural short flax-fibre the Unitary enterprise «Groniteks» proposes to implement the joint investment project for production of such goods. For the implementation of the investment project there are free production spaces at the Unitary enterprise «Groniteks». The implementation of the investment project will include: - purchase and installation of equipment - preparation and reconstruction of the production spaces. Main raw materials for the production of thermal-insulating goods are purchased by the «Groniteks». А4a. Project cost (mln USD)***

A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:After the introduction by the World Health Organization of restrictions for the use in construction of asbestic and fibrous raw materials on the basis of plastic binding substances, the construction industry turned out to be without effective ecologically safe thermal insulating materials. The engineering and introduction by the specialists of the European Union of high technologies in the production of thermal insulation materials from natural fibres made a breakthrough in the production of building materials of the European Union. The advantages of flax as a material for thermal insulating are hard to overemphasize: they do not concede but often exceed mineral and synthetical materials in physical characteristics. Flax possesses antibacterial properties, does not arouse allergy and doe not emit formaldehydes and chlorine-containing fluorite carbons (CFC). Finnish research institute of building technologies has placed flax thermal insulting materials into the group of the most preferable materials for the civil construction. Due to the accounts of specialists the total necessity in thermal insulating materials for different industries will comprise by the year 2010 50-55 mln. m only in the Russian Federation. The attracted investments will be used for the preparation of project documentation, carrying out of construction works, acquisition and installation of equipment. A6. Environmental impact summary:New production technology fulfills requirements of environmental and manufacturing safety. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:Project is financially realizable. A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):4/4

A9. Project’s branch:Textile industry

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Purchase and installation of equipment***

Construction works and floating assets***

Total: C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Required 6 mln USD

D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Own or attracted resources Share holding of several investors may as well be considered***

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:Native and foreign companies. Planned production volume - 129 thousand m per year. Sales area: Russian Federation, the Baltic states (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia), Ukraine. E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

Incomings from sales***

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:The implementation of the project is planned at free production spaces of «Grodno Building Materials Plant» JSC, situated in the free economic zone «Grodnoinvest». F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Ruslan Kiezelevich - specialist of investments and foreign economic activity department of the Administration of FEZ «Grodnoinvest». H2. Organisation (address):Administration of FEZ «Grodnoinvest» Dzerzhinskystr. 2/1, Grodno 230023, Belarus; tel/fax: + 375 152 770739; +375 152 771176; E-mail:info**[ta]**, H3. Tel/Fax: (+375-152) 77-11-76; е-mail: info**[ta]** H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:FEZ «Grodnoinvest» Administration


Construction of a wind-driven plant factory

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Construction of a wind-driven plant factory

b. Full name:Construction of a wind-driven plant factory with the capacity of 2,5-5 MW in the territory of FEZ «Grodnoinvest»

c. Summary description:The purpose of the project is the construction of a wind-driven plant factory with the capacity of 2,5-5 MW in the territory of FEZ «Grodnoinvest». It is planned to produce supports, pods, vanes and to assemble wind-driven plants’ power electronics and wind-driven plants. А2. Progress Status:At the stage of an investor search

А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) Administration of the free economic zone «Grodnoinvest», contact person - Semion Sergejchik, Dzerzhinskogo str. 2/1, Grodno 230023, Belarus; tel/fax: + 375 152 770739; +375 152 771176; E-mail:info**[ta]**,

А4. Project Description:The implementation of the project is planned in the territory of FEZ «Grodnoinvest», on the land plot of 3 hectares. To organize the production it is necessary to build a production area with the total area of 10 000 m2. The organization of the production and assembling of wind-driven plants will include: -acquisition and installation of equipment; -building of production area; -acquisition of raw materials. It is planned that the enterprise will produce 100 wind-driven plants per year. The project will be financed out of the attracted funds

А4a. Project cost (mln USD): A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:Wind-power engineering is a quickly developing industry. At the end of the year 2007 total capacity of all the wind power generators constituted 94,1 GW having increased fivefold since 2000. In 2007 wind-power engineering gross power in the whole world increased up to 93849 MW. In 2007 wind-driven plants produced 200 billion kW per hour (1,3% of energy world consumption). 350 thousand people are occupied in the wind-power engineering industry. 61% of wind-driven plants are located in Europe, 20% - in North America, 17% - in Asia. In 2007 German wind-driven plants produced 14,3% of all the energy produced in Germany; Danish wind-driven plants - 20%. Wind energy content is 100 times bigger than water energy content of all the world’s rivers. The European Union has set a goal: to install 40 thousand MW of wind power generators by 2010, 180 thousand MW of wind power generators - by 2020. The demand for wind-driven plants will be increasing in subsequent years. A6. Environmental impact summary:The production process will correspond to all the requirements of ecological and production safety

A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:Not considered

A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):5***

A9. Project’s branch:Industry

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Capital costs (manufacturing engineering works, building and construction works, building materials costs, equipment acquisition)

Working capital


C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Investor’s own funds Share holding of several investors may as well be considered

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:Not considered

E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:Sales area: Western Europe, CIS countries, Baltic countris

E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

Incomings from sales***

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:The project will be implemented in the territory of the free economic zone «Grodnoinvest»

F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Prime cost of sold products incl. amortization expenses***

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Kizelevich Ruslan - specialist of the department of investments and foreign economic activity of the administration of FEZ «Grodnoinvest» H2. Organisation (address):Administration of FEZ «Grodnoinvest» Dzerzhinskogo str. 2/1, Grodno 230023, Belarus; tel/fax: + 375 152 770739; +375 152 771176; E-mail:info**[ta]**, H3. Tel/Fax: (+375-152) 77-11-76; е-mail: info**[ta]** H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:FEZ «Grodnoinvest» Administration


FEZ «Minsk» Administration

Organization of manufacture of bacterial concentrates according to new technologies on production facilities of PRUE «Exmolltech»

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Organization of manufacture of bacterial concentrates

b. Full name:Organization of manufacture of bacterial concentrates according to new technologies on production facilities of PRUE «Exmolltech»

c. Summary description:Manufacture of bacterial concentrates for production of cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, sour milk beverages, meat products, for siloing of plant mass. А2. Progress Status:The working-out of investment project business plan is completed, the business plan is given for examination, preproject procedures are completed, tender for developer is held. Investments and modern technology of production of bacterial concentrates in dried and frozen conditon are required. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) 220075, Minsk, PRUE «Exmolltech», Partizansky ave., 172, tel. (+375 17) 244-38-81; 2) State Institution «Administration of FEZ «Minsk», Head of Administration Tsedrik Nikolai Nikolaevich, tel./fax: (+375 17) 227 46 96; E-mail:info**[ta]**,

А4. Project Description:Purpose - partial import substitution of made abroad products, supply of Belarusian enterprises with bacterial concentrates. А4a. Project cost (mln USD)***

A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:«Programm of development of meat, dairy, sugar industry and potato processing branch for 2005-2010» approved by the Decision of the Council of Ministers N 792 of 15.07.2005. Realization of this project will provide enterprises of dairy and meat branches with bacterial concentrates. In the republic there is a research section on production of bacterial concentrates in UE «Institute of meat and diary industry». A6. Environmental impact summary:This production is environmentally appropriate. There are no harmful atmospheric emissions. Emissions into sewage water will not increase after project realization. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:Not know. There are no risks. A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):1,3***

A9. Project’s branch:Food industry

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Purchase of equipment (Bulgaria, Germany)***

Building and assembly jobs***

Design work***

Total: C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

Resources of innovation fund: Own resources: D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Borrowed funds. D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Foreign investment funds: Credit***

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:Innovation Fund of the Ministry of agriculture and foodstuffs of the Republic of Belarus

E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:1. Enterprises of diary, meat and agricultural industry. Consumption capacity - more than 8000 kilograms per year. Eproximate market capacity - about 20 million Euro. Net discounted profit from project functioning during 7 years will amount to 3970,2 thousands of Euro. E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

revenues from bacterial concentrates sale***

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:for project realization an enterprise has free production areas, engineering networks and communications, energy sources. Construction of new buildings and premises is not required. F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

purchase of equipment

building and assembly jobs

design work

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Goshko Viktor Alexandrovich, Deputy Chief Engineer, tel. 244-38-81 H2. Organisation (address):220075, Minsk, PRUE «Exmolltech», Partizansky ave., 172, tel. 244-38-81 H3. +375 17 244-38-81, 244-39-91, info**[ta]** H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:FEZ «Minsk» Administration


Organization of manufactures on production of semiexpendable hygiene and sanitary goods

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Manufacture of a wide range of hygiene and sanitary goods

b. Full name:Organization of import-substituting and export-oriented manufactures of sanitary and hygiene goods in the territory of FEZ «Minsk»

c. Summary description:Purpose of project: creation of enterprises for production in the republic of a wide range of sanitary and hygiene goods to satisfy growing needs of home market: nappies for babies of different ages, sanitary tampons and towels for women; cotton sticks, balls, disks; moistening napkins; disposable napkins for doctor’s examination, disposable cotton sheets, hygiene obstetric sets, handkerchiefs, etc. А2. Progress Status:The necessity to set up these productions is stated in the Programm of measures on organization in the republic of manufacture of sanitary and hygiene goods and other disposable goods (approved by the Decision of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 28.02.2006 N 300). The project needs an investor. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:Administration of FEZ «Minsk»: 12A, Partizansky Ave., Minsk, 220070, Republic of Belarus. Tsedrik N.N., Head of Administration, tel./fax: (+375-17) 227-46-96. Aleksander Kendysh, Chief of Investment Projects Department, tel.: (+375-17) 214-54-38, E-mail:info**[ta]**,

А4. Project Description:The project is planned to be realized by a new foreign enterprise (group of enterprises) which will be further registered as a resident of free economic zone «Minsk». А4a. Project cost (mln USD): A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:Today in the Republic of Belarus such goods are produced in small quantities (sanitary towels). Needs of organizations of public health system and population of the republic for sanitary and hygiene goods are satisfied basically thanks to import. A6. Environmental impact summary:No negative effect to the environment. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:Not know. There are no risks. A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):3/4

A9. Project’s branch:Wood-pulp and paper industry

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Purchase of equipment (Italy, China), other works (assembly, transportation): Total: C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Creation of joint venture, share holding. D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Foreign investment funds: Direct foreign investments

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:Main consumers are organizations of public health system and population of the republic. E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Kendysh Alexander Nikolaevich, Chief of the Marketing and Investment Activity Department. H2. Organisation (address):Administration of FEZ «Minsk»: 12A, Partizansky Ave., Minsk, 220070, Republic of Belarus. H3. Tel./fax: (+375-17) 227-46-96, 214-54-38, E-mail:info**[ta]**, H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:FEZ «Minsk» Administration


Organization of manufacture of tin corks with plastic ring «ring pull»

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Manufacture of «ring pull» cork

b. Full name:Organization in the territory of FEZ «Minsk» of import-substituting and export-oriented production of tin corks with plastic ring «ring pull»

c. Summary description:Purpose of the project - creation in the republic of production of a wide range of corking goods, alternative to exported ones, to satisfy the ever-increasing needs of the home market and existing high demand for such goods on the markets of UIS countries. А2. Progress Status:The necessity to set up such production is determined by the demand for goods of this type and complete absence of similar productions in the territory of UIS and EU countries. Similar goods are manufactured in Japan and some other south-east countries. The project is at preinvestment stage. For its realization a partner is required - investor who manufactures «ring pull» corks or equipment for production of «ring pull» corks. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:Enterprise-resident of FEZ «Minsk» JV «UNIBOX» LLC. The Director General is Rusak Sergej Grigorjevich, tel. +375 172 44 21 21, e-mail:board**[ta]** А4. Project Description:The project is planned to be realized by creation of joint venture with its further registration as a resident of free economic zone «Minsk». To place the production the following variants are possible: - redemption of production premises allocated in the FEZ territory with necessary infrastructure and engineering communications; - rent of production areas of the project initiator; - other variants of production placement on rental terms; - construction of a new building. А4a. Project cost (mln USD): A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:Today the enterprise JV «UNIBOX» LLC manufactures different kinds of corks to cork up soft drinks and low alcohol drinks. But many consumers in the Russian Federation as well as many Belarusian enterprises preffer a cork with a ring, considering it more convenient and attractive for customers. Taking into consideration the reliable reputation of JV «UNIBOX» LLC as supplier of a wide range of high-quality corking goods, several inernational beer corporations suggested to organize production of such corks to satisfy their demand. The demand for «ring pull» corks on the Russian market is evaluated at 8,5 million EURO per year and tends to increase. A6. Environmental impact summary:There is no negative effect. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment: A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):3/4

A9. Project’s branch:Food industry

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Purchase of equipment, other works [assembling, transportation]

C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

Share holding: D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Creation of a joint venture

D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Investor’s own funds, credit funds: Direct foreign investments

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:1. Main consumers are enterprises manufacturing nonalcoholic beer. The goods are exported to UIS and EU countries. The average year volume of supply - 1000000000 units. Market price is today approximately 0,0125 EUR/un***

E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

Profit from goods realization

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Permanent and variable expenses

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

Net profit: H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Tukalenko Marina Borisovna - Deputy Director General H2. Organisation (address):JV «UNIBOX» LLC, Minsk, 220075, Selitskogo street, 9B H3. +375 17 299 67 56/244 94 41/ E-mail:unibox**[ta]**, H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:FEZ «Minsk» Administration


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