А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) The GRANIT RUME- Director General Stepan Petorovich Turovez; phone:+375 1647 3*** fax:+375 1647 4*** E-mail:in**[ta]**IT.by
2) Ministry of Architecture and Civil Engineering:39, Miasnikova Str.,
H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:L.A.Olgomets, Head of Planning Department H2. Organisation (address):The GRANIT Republican Unitary Manufacturing Enterprise, 225680, the Granitnoye p/o, Mikashevichi, Brest Region H3. Phone:+375 1647 3*** fax:+375 1647 4*** E-mail:in**[ta]**IT.by H4. Supreme Organization:Ministry of Architecture and Civil Engineering of the
А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) The GRANIT RUME-Director General Stepan Petorovich Turovez; phone:+375 1647 3*** fax:+375 1647 4*** E-mail:in**[ta]**IT.by
2) Ministry of Architecture and Civil Engineering:39, Miasnikova Str.,
H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:N. M. Bazylik, economist H2. Organisation (address):The GRANIT Republican Unitary Manufacturing Enterprise, 225680, the Granitnoye p/o, Mikashevichi, Brest Region H3. Phone:+375 1647 3*** fax:+375 1647 4*** E-mail:in**[ta]**IT.by H4. Supreme Organization:Ministry of Architecture and Civil Engineering of the
А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) Grodno «Belcard» JSC-object of implementation:Victor Ivanovich Kravchenko, Manager,tel.:(+375-152) 52-41-00; tel./fax:(+375-152) 52-41-01 (reception room). Ghenady Alexandrovich Kostiukovich, Scientific and Technical Centre, Director. Tel.:(+375-152) 52-4*** E-mail:belcardmarket**[ta]**by
2) Ministry of Industry:2, building 4,
H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Tatyana Vasylievna Ghavrylenko, economist of Scientific and Technical Center of Belkard JSC. H2. Organisation (address):«Belcard» Open Joint-Stock Company:38, Schastny Str.,
А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) RUIE «Borisov plant «Autogydrousilitel» fax:(+375-177) 73-15-44, 73-3*** E-mail:ost**[ta]**by; http://www.agu.by
2) Ministry of Industry:2, building 4,
H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Scorupo Vasiliy Valentinovich, chief of ORiNT H2. Organisation (address):RUIE «Borisov plant «Autohidrousilitel»:
А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) JSC «BATE» is the initiator of the project, General director Anatoly A. Kapsky tel.:(+375-177) 73-2*** fax:(+375-177) 73-4*** E-mail:in**[ta]**ter.by
2) Ministry of Industry:2, building 4, Partizansky Ave., Minsk, 220033, Republic of Belarus, Head of departament foreign relations Korchik Dmitrij Aleksandrovich tel.:(+375-17) 222*** fax:(+375-17) 224-8***
H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Lyudmila K.Sokolovskaya, deputy director on economics tel.:(+375 177) 735431. H2. Organisation (address):BATE JSC:95, Daumana Str., Borisov,
А3. Organizations involved and their roles:JSC «Shchuchin plant «Autoprovod» is the project initiator, the borrower is Alexander I. Simonovich, the director. tel.:(+375 1514) 28-*** fax:(+375 1514) 28-*** E-mail:in**[ta]**provod.com, ouk-in**[ta]**by
H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Victor E. Volchek, the chief technologist. H2. Organisation (address):JSC «Shchuchin plant «Autoprovod»:15, Sovetscaya Str.,
А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) Petr Mikhailovich Rudnik, Chief manager RUE works "Mogilevliftmash" Phone:(+375 222) 26 1*** fax:(+375 222) 47 4*** E-mail:liftmach**[ta]**tmach.bу
2) Ministry of Industry:2, building 4, Partizansky Ave.,
H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Afanasij Ivanovich Prudnikov, deputy production manager H2. Organisation (address):RUE works "Mogilevliftmash", av. Mira, 42, 212030 Mogilev H3. Tel.:+375 222 26 1*** fax:+375 222 47 4*** E-mail:liftmach**[ta]**mach.by H4. Supreme Organization:Ministry of Industry of the
А3. Organizations involved and their roles:«Zenit» OM RUE-the project developer, director-Alexander V. Radchenko,,tel./fax:(+375 1771) 39955, 3*** E-mail:zenit**[ta]**t-belomo.com
H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Tatyana G. Suboch, the chief economist H2. Organisation (address):«Zenit» OM RUE:
А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) UE «MZAL of a name of P.M. Mascherova»-Enterprise making reconstruction. Visocki Stanislav Ivanovich-General Director. Phone (+375-17) 230-2*** phone/fax (+375-17) 230-3*** Gurinovich Victor Nikolaevich-Technical Director/Chief Engineer. Phone (+375-17) 230-1***
2) Committee of Architecture and Town-planning Minsk-Sanction of performance of design and exploration work. Kaschirina Tatyana Petrovna-Executive. Phone (+375-17) 200-5***
3) Institute «Belpromstroiprojekt»
H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Safronenko Wladimir Iosifovich, Deputy Chief of DM end IS H2. Organisation (address):Industrial republican unitary enterprise «The
А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) Open joint-stock company «Mozyr machinery production works», 17 Portovaya st., 247760, c.Mozyr fax:+375 2351 6*** tel.:+375 2351 6***
2) PA «MTW»:29, Dolgobrodskaya str.,
3) Ministry of Industry:2, building 4, Partizansky Ave., Minsk, 220033, Republic of Belarus, Head of departament foreign relations Korchik Dmitrij Aleksandrovich tel.:(+375-17) 222*** fax:(+375-17) 224-8***
H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Head of the Department of Technical and Economic Substantiation of Investments of RUE «MTW»-S.M. Glebko, tel. (+375-172304416); head of the Department of Independent Economic Analysis and Planning of RUE «MTW»-O. V. Ignatova, tel. (+375-172308503) H2. Organisation (address):RUE «Minsk Tractor Works»,
А3. Organizations involved and their roles:RUPE «BELAZ» is the initiator of the project; borrower is the Director General Peter Aleksandrovich Parkhomchyk, tel. (+375-1775) 3-2*** fax:(+375-1775)
H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Deputy Director General on Economical Affairs V.A.Dostanko tel.:(+375-1775) 7-37-13, Manager of Economic Planning Administration A.I. Dmitriev tel.:(+375-1775) 3-34-67. H2. Organisation (address):RUPE «Belarusian Autoworks», 222160, the Republic of Belarus, Minsk reg., Zhodino, 40 Let Oktiabria str. H3. Tel.:(+375-1775)
А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) JSC «Belzoovetsnabprom»-purchaser, General Director Hylia V.I. tel. 8 017 203***
2) UE «Vitebskaya Biofabrika» Director Udasin A.M. tel. 8 0212 90***
3) Ministry of Agriculture and Food:15, Kirova Str.,
H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Deputy Director, head of the Department of industrial policy, investments and construction-Pankovets E.A. H2. Organisation (address):JSC «Belzoovetsnabprom»-purchaser, General Director Hylia V.I., 30 Rakovskaia Str, Minsk H3. tel. 375-17 2031640, 235 64 62 H4. Supreme Organization:Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the
А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) RUPE «BEREZATARA»-purchaser, Director Punko V.V. tel. +375 1643 4***
2) RO «BELAGROSERVIS», General Director Labushev N.А., +375 17 235***
3) Ministry of Agriculture and Food:15, Kirova Str.,
H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Head of the Department-Lukashevich V.I., +375 17 2943923 H2. Organisation (address):RO «BELAGROSERVIS»
А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) The JSC «Rybhoz «Krasnaj Zorka» -(organizer of the project). «Reconstruction of the Fish Processing Smoking and conservation». Director Pilipenko Sergei Nikoloevich, tel. +375 223 542643 Branch at the OAO Bel APB financing bank at the town of
2) Ministry of Agriculture and Food:15, Kirova Str.,
H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Director-Pilipenko Sergei Nikoloevich +375 223 542643, 28451 H2. Organisation (address):JSC «Rybhoz «Krasnaj Zorka», town of
А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) The RPCUE «Rybhoz «Novoselki» -(organizer of the project). «Reconstruction of the Fish Processing Plant». Director:Ivan Ivanovich Sukharevich, tel. +375 1644 67222 Branch at the OAO Bel APB financing bank at the town of Drogichin, Lenina st.,
2) Ministry of Agriculture and Food:15, Kirova Str.,
H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Director-Ivan Ivanovich Sukharevich H2. Organisation (address):RPCUE «Rybhoz «Novoselki», town of
А3. Organizations involved and their roles:a) Institute for the Meat and Diary Industry, Subsidiary National Research and Manufacturing Unitary Enterprise at the Food Research and Engineering Center, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, National Unitary Enterprise, Short name-NUE «Institute for the Meat and Dairy Industry» 220075 Minsk, 172 Partizanski Ave. b) director:Meleshchenya A.V.; c) tel./fax:3443852,*** E-mail:meat-dairy**[ta]**by bacterial concentration; e) WEB-page:instmmp.by
H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Director Meleshchenya A.V. H2. Organisation (address):
А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) Bereza Feed Mill OJSC, KOZEKA Mikhail Nikolaevich, Director Tel.8-01643-58188, mobile phone.
2) Ministry of Agriculture and Food:15, Kirova Str.,
H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Terpilovsky I.B., Head of Accounting and Economic Department H2. Organisation (address):Bereza Feed Mill OJSC,
А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) Bereza Feed Mill OJSC, KOZEKA Mikhail Nikolaevich, Director Tel.8-01643-58188, mobile phone.
2) Ministry of Agriculture and Food:15, Kirova Str.,
H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Terpilovsky I.B., head of the accounting and economic department H2. Organisation (address):Bereza Feed Mill OJSC,
А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) Slutsk Grain Products Plant OJSC, SHPILEVSKY Valery Eduardovich, Director tel.8-01795-5*** E-mail:slutsk_khp**[ta]**by
2) Ministry of Agriculture and Food:15, Kirova Str.,
H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Shishkin A.M., Chief Production Manager of Minoblkhleboproduct OJSC H2. Organisation (address):Slutsk Grain Products Plant OJSC, 57 Kopylskaya St., town of Slutsk, 223610, Minsk region H3. Tel.:8-