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Brand Manager: Mr Jerry Ranger

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Vicki Parlour

Tel: 01420 542***

Email: vicki**[ta]**


CEO: Mr Graham Mackie

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Graham Mackie

Tel: 07801 049***

Email: graham.mackie**[ta]**


Scientifica Ltd

Kingfisher Court

TN22 1QQ

Scientifica Ltdhas beenin operation since 1997 and currently manufactures scientific instruments, specifically high precisionelectrophysiology micromanipulators and microscopes. It wins the Award for the first time for its outstanding achievementin thesuccessful development of its overseas sales and markets with growth of 146% over the last three years. The company’s salesstrategy matches the specialist nature of the products. It focuses on identifying and contacting electrophysiology researchersthrough its international sales teams and distributors. At the same time the company maintains astrong brand profile throughattendance at trade and research events as well as supporting education and research.


Stanhope-seta Limited

London StreetKT16 8AP

Originally incorporatedin 1940, Stanhope-seta Limited

design and manufacture test equipmentf or the hydrocarbon industries. Itwins the Award for the first time for its continuous improvementin overseas sales showing positive growth and performance overthe six year period, with an overall growthin sales recorded at 133%. The percentage of sales exported also increases from 77% to 89% over the period. This performance is aresult of the successful implementation of an adaptive strategy; aproactive approachin brand development predominantly via trade fairs; and through an investmentin the development of new products.


The aP M Group Ltd

Sword House

Totteridge Road HP13 6DGthe aP M Group Ltd.

aUKAS accredited certification body, has won the Queen’s Award for International Trade for continuousimprovement over the last six years. APMG accredits professional training organisations and manages certification schemes fo rknowledge-based workers. aprovider of accreditationin project and service management, APMG worksin partnership with ***

training companies worldwide. Overseas sales have increased steadily contributing to overseas earnings growth of an impressive

1940%. This has been fuelled by APMG’s commitment to adding value to its accredited training companies by expanding itsproduct range, translating exams and opening up new markets. APMG’s distribution model is supported by abespoke IT system,which underpins its business processes. Each new market is established as alocal operation supporting anetwork of local accredited training providers. APMG has language capabilityin 21 languages and representativesin 12 countries.


Managing Director: Mr Mark Johnson

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Mr Adrian Corbin

Tel: 01825 749***

Email: adrian.corbin**[ta]**


Commercial Director: Mr Giles Verity

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Giles Verity

Tel: 01932 564***

Email: gv**[ta]**


CEO: Mr Richard Pharro

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Kate Winter

Tel: 07866 518***

Email: kate.winter**[ta]**


Thomas Keating Ltd

Station Mills


RH14 9SH

Thomas Keating Ltd

began lifein the 1780s making flea powder. After moving into precision toolmaking at the beginning of World War II, they currently design and manufacture terahertz scientific instruments that are usedin astronomy, cosmology, atmosphericremote sensing and electron spin laboratories as far afield as Korea and the West Coast of the US, the company’s instruments are helping engineers develop controlled nuclear fusion, allowing atmospheric scientists to track trace pollutants inthe stratosphere and also enabling astronomers and cosmologists to probe the early Universe. arecent growth area has beenthe application of its electron spin resonance technologies to structural biology: the US National Institute of Health is using thecompany’s hardware to study prions linked to Alzheimer’s disease. They are winning the Award for the first time for outstandingachievementin generating a193% growthin overseas earnings over three years.



Brickworks House

Spook Hill

North Holmwood

Dorking, Surrey RH5 4HR


establishedin 2004 provide equipment and services to the electricity industry. Basedin Dorking the company has won the Queen’s Award for International Trade, increasing overall sales with exports accounting for 90% and contributing to overseas earnings growth of 549%. The company has developed amore efficient on-line molecular sieve that continuously removes water from the insulating oil of apower transformer. Quality and reliability are paramount given that customers are usually national power stations and technical approval is required before sales can be made. The company has had two of its key productsinternationally recognised and has now established anetwork of overseas agents to represent the product and provide expertise andtechnical back up. Agents have been appointedin Europe, South America, India and Australia.

Veritek Global Ltd

Veritek House

Edgeland Terrace


BN22 9NJ

Veritek Global Ltd

a provider of technical service and support has won the Queen’s Award for International Trade for outstandingachievement over the last three years. This award arises from their successful focus on delivering the highest quality service and support to its growing client base across Europe. Foundedin 1985, Veritek has become aleading European supplier of technical service and support to the healthcare, retail and commercial categories. They provide field technicians and back to base repair capability that ensure maximumavailability and uptime for large estates of technically challenging equipment. They successfully deliver solutions across Europein sectorsfrom diagnostic imaging, through digital cinema and graphics to photo image productionin thousands of healthcare environments,commercial enterprises and retail outlets. The company continues to strengthen its proposition through growth and diversification.


Immediate Parent: Churchwood Trust Ltd

Managing Director: Dr Richard Wylde

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Richard Wylde

Tel: 01403 782***

Email: r.wylde**[ta]**


Immediate Parent: Bowden Bros Ltd

Managing Director: Mr Ian Bowden

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Ian Bowden

Tel: 01306 743***

Email: ian.bowden**[ta]**



Managing Director: Mr Jim Edgar

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Vicki Blaber

Tel: 01323 500***

Email: Vicki.Blaber**[ta]**


Establishedin 1964, W Durston Ltd

manufactures rolling mills for the jewellery trade used by jewellers to primarily roll down goldand silver for making jewellery. The company is recognised for its continuous achievement having demonstrated solid year onyear growthin overseas sales; exports have risen to represent 90% of total company turnover. Durston sells to over 45 countriesand maintains its market position through establishing and reinforcing its high quality product, trading on its name and existingreputation. New markets recently entered include Poland, Suriname, Uganda, Latvia, Ecuador, Philippines, Korea and Austria. They have been able to expand into new larger premises as aresult of these successes.

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Matthew Durston

Tel: 07736 381***

Tel: 07703 731***



Nan Innovation Award is made to the small company Revector (which is the brand name used by Agento Limited) for continuously developing innovative solutions to combat fraud on mobile phone networks worldwide, particularly the fraudulent diversion of international calls on mobile phone networks. The company has designed software and infrastructure to detect SIM cards used to illegally terminate international calls that by-pass local mobile network operators. Revector provides detection empoweringoperators to disconnect SIM cards immediately. The technology’s speed and accuracy enables operators to significantly reducefraud, financial losses and increase productivity. The system’s sophistication facilitates dealing with large numbers of clientsby asmall operations team within the company. This leads to acost-effective, competitive service, used by major mobilecommunications companiesin more than 60 countries. It also wins the Award for International Tra***

Aurox Limited Culham Science CentreOX14 3DBthe small company Aurox Limited

wins an Innovation Award for designing and manufacturing novel equipmentf or opticalmicroscopy. The new equipment, which is easily added to the camera port of any microscope, provides an economical approachFor the high speed acquisition of high quality images of thin sections within thick specimens. It is particularly usefulin applicationsin the life sciences where high-resolution, artifact-free images of dynamic processes may be obtained with high light efficiency.

The innovative patented technology facilitates measurementin amore straightforward way than was previously possible whenlaser-based systems were employed. The equipment meets agrowing market needin the bio-sciences. The company has achievedcommercial successin this sector and sees the potential for wider applicationin the materials area.

B & W Group Limited

Dale Road BN11 2BH

Bowers & Wilkins, the British audio brand, has won the Queen’s Award for Enterprisein Innovationin joint partnership with itstechnology partner Element Six, one of the leaders globally,in synthetic diamond supermaterials. The Award was granted fo rthe joint development of the synthetic diamond tweeter dome, which is usedin Bowers & Wilkins reference 800 Series models,widely considered to represent the state of the artin sound reproduction. 800 Series models are the reference loudspeakers at Abbey Road Studios and Skywalker Sound but are predominantly boughtf or domestic use by music lovers. Bowers & Wilkins’development of the synthetic diamond dome tweeter, using the manufacturing expertise of Element Six, allowed its engineeringteam to make dramatic improvements to the resolution of musical detail and clarity through extending high frequency (treble)

response considerably beyond the range of human hearing.


Managing Director: Dr Rimas Juskaitis

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Dr Rimas Juskaitis

Tel: 01865 407***

Email: rimas.juskaitis**[ta]**



Immediate Parent: B&W International Limited- Bermuda

Executive Vice President Operations: Mr Geoff Edwards

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Anna Roll (of JCPR)

Tel: 020 3047 ***

Email: Anna_Roll**[ta]**.com


control & Display Systems Ltd t/a CDSRail

Unit 1 Fulcrum

4 Solent Way Whiteley PO15 7FTan Innovation Award is made to Control & Display Systems Ltd

for designing and manufacturing the MiniLogger range of dataloggers for monitoring rail infrastructure. The devices incorporate patented technology for the measurement of parameters relating to the performance & availability of vital signalling & power systems on rail networks. They provide detailed diagnostic data to predict the failure of awide range of fixed assets including points, signalling equipment and level crossings. Automated alerts allowmaintenance intervention before assets failin service, preventing delays and unplanned track access. Due to amodular hardwarearchitecture and flexible software, the MiniLogger is easy to install and rapidly re-configured to accommodate avariety of railway systems and asset monitoring/management platforms. These products were designed for ease of manufacture and assembly,leading to high productivity. They have been commercially successfulin domestic and export markets.

Edwards Group plc

Crawley Business Quarter

Manor Royal

RH10 9LW

Edwards wins an Innovation Award for designing and supplying turbo-molecular vacuum pumps for scientific instruments. Thevacuum pumps are used, particularly,in laboratories where they are akey part of mass spectrometers and electron microscopes.

The new devices are the result of considerable research and development and provide ultra-high vacuum performances andexceptionally fast pumping speeds. Incorporating patented technology, they are highly reliable, easy to service and have low energy consumption. Compared with alternative pumps, they have lower vibration and less stray magnetic fields - critical features whenthey are to be incorporated into scientific instruments with nano-scale resolutions. Since being introduced to the market, theinstruments have enjoyed outstanding commercial success.

Element Six Limited

2 Kings Ride ParkSL5 8BP

Element Six, the global leaderin synthetic diamond supermaterials,in partnership with Bowers & Wilkins (B&W), wins aQueen’s Award for Enterprisein Innovation. To meet B&W’s requirement, Element Six developed achemical vapour deposition (CVD)

manufacturing process to achieve the world’s first large-scale commercialisation of synthetic diamond tweeter domes. Element sixdrew upon over 50 years of engineering materials knowledge and expertisein developing the synthetic diamond speaker domeswhich B&W usein their premium 800 Series Diamond speaker range - recognised by most industry commentators as amongstthe world’s finest loudspeaker range. Element Six has asuccessful track record of applying the extreme properties of syntheticdiamond within both abrasive applications and adiverse range of advanced technology applications, including usesin otherelectronic systems.



Immediate Parent: voestalpine Hytronics - Austria

CEO: Mr Kainne Clements

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Kainne Clements

Tel: 07971 183***

Email: kainne.clements**[ta]**



Chief Executive Officer: Mr Matthew Taylor

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Miles Firth, GM Corporate

Tel: 01293 603***

Email: miles.firth**[ta]**


Immediate Parent: Element Six Technologies SARL - Luxembourg

Head of Technologies: Mr Adrian Wilson

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Iain Hutchison

Tel: 020 8742 ***

Email: Iain.Hutchison**[ta]**om


Fianium Limited

20 Ensign Way Hamble

SO31 4RAan Innovation Award is made to Fianium Limited

for the development of Supercontinuum Fibre lasers. The company’s range of lasers generate white light many million times brighter than the sun. Developed by Fianiumin 2004, the supercontinuum fibrelaser is now utilised within avast range of scientific, medical and industrial applications. asingle WhiteLase source can replaceup to sixteen individual lasers at afraction of the cost. Moreover, the stability and reliability of the technology is now enabling thereplacement of powerful lamps for illuminationin established markets. Fianium’s continued investmentin WhiteLase developmenthas delivered not only ten-fold laser power increase with industrial reliability for 24/7 operation but also created more than 30 jobsin Hampshire. With the commercial success of WhiteLase lasers, Fianium has become aglobal-leaderin ultrafast technology andemploys 35 peoplein the UK with global sales and support infra-structure.

Metricell LimitedFor developing software that analyses data about mobile networks, the company, Metricell Limited

wins an Innovation Award.

The expanding demands for mobile communications have prompted the need to operate large complex networks at the highest levels of technical and commercial efficiency. Typically, UK network-providers service 15 million customers from 20 thousand base stations, generating vast amounts of data on equipment performances, signal strengths, customer locations and servicequality. Incorporating advanced data mining and processing techniques, the new software provides management information ona geographical basis to support decision-making about resource allocation and investmentin new infrastructure. This has led to improved service, higher customer satisfaction and less customer transfers between operators. The software is supplied to all UK mobile phone operators and many overseas clients and has led to outstanding commercial success.

Milmega Limited

Park Road Ryde

PO33 2BEFor designing and developing Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) testing equipment, Milmega Limited

wins an Innovation Award.

The tests evaluate the susceptibility of electronic products to electromagnetic emissions by irradiating them with signals generatedby high-powered amplifiers. International standards, introducedin 2005, required the tests to be undertaken at frequencieshigher than previously, rendering them expensive and unreliable with existing equipment. New equipment, the result of anoveldesign methodology and incorporating recently-developed gallium nitride-based transistors, was introduced. It constrained costsand enabled reliable testing to be carried out. The new instruments, using amodular design, have higher efficiency and lowerrunning costs relative to previous equipment. The development has brought to the company commercial success, warranting theestablishment of aglobal distribution network.


Immediate Parent: Fianium Holdings Limited

Managing Director: Dr Anatoly Grudinin

Contactf or Press Enquiries: John Clowes

Tel: 02380 458***

Email: john.clowes**[ta]**



Metricell Limited: Dr Stephen Mockford

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Dr Stephen Mockford

Tel: 01403 251***

Email: steve.mockford**[ta]**



Immediate Parent: Frameflair Limited

Finance Director: Mr Graeme Goodall

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Joeley Messer

Tel: 01983 618***

Email: Joeley.Messer**[ta]**


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