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Oxford Instruments NanoAnalysis

Halifax Road, Cressex Business ParkHP12 3SEan Innovation Award is made to Oxford Instruments NanoAnalysis for developing an X-ray detector to be incorporated into scanningelectronic microscopes. Innovative features of the detector enhance performancein three areas. The first is through-put speedmeasured by the number of counts that can be detected per second. The second is the consistency with which characteristic X-ray energy emissions are identified and the third is the number of emitted X-rays that can be captured. Scanning electron microscopesare ubiquitousin materials research and quality control laboratories, where identifications are made by analysing characteristic X-rays emitted when electrons strike samples. There are huge scientific benefits arising from the enhanced resolution and speed of detection of the new device. aworld-leading product has been created and successfully penetrated the marke***

Racelogic Limitedwins an Innovation Award for developing LabSat, adevice to enable satellite navigation systems to be testedwithout leaving the laboratory. As the range of GPS-enabled products continues to grow world-wide, the device provides reliableand repeatable testing for such products. The development overcame difficulties associated with the complex nature of real wo***

GPS satellite signals. It enabled testingin situ and replaced expensive simulations. Not only have the processes become cheaper,easier and quicker than alternatives, but the new device enables testing of world-wide systems from offices, without the traditionalneed for road-testing. The innovation has taken validation of satellite navigation systems to new levels, thus increasing confidencein their performance. LabSat sales have contributed significantly to the growth of the company. Racelogic also wins the Award fo rRFEL Ltd

Innovation CentreMonks Brook

PO30 5WBFor continuously developing real-time monitors of radio signals, the small company, RFEL Ltd.

wins an Innovation Award.

Incorporating patented signal processing techniques and radio receivers capable of constantly detecting all radio-spectrum signals,the monitors have applicationsin surveillance and satellite communications. They have the capacity to extract, from awide inputsignal, any number of channels simultaneouslyin real time. The innovations have extended monitoring capability significantly. They have enabled the activity to be carried out with high accuracy and speed, using low power and minimal space and at lowcosts. They have provided the company with opportunities to achieve high levels of commercial succe***



Immediate Parent: Oxford Instruments Nanotechnology Tools Ltd

Managing Director: Dr Ian Barkshire

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Dr Ian Barkshire

Tel: 01494 479***

Email: Ian.Barkshire**[ta]**



Immediate Parent: Rheinmetal Defence UK Limited

CEO: Dr Alex Kuhrt

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Nigel Robson

Tel: 01481 233***

Email: Nigel**[ta]**


Siemens plc MR Magnet Technology Wharf Road Eynsham

OX29 4BP

Siemens plc MR Magnet Technology wins an Innovation Award for developing arange of high-strength magnets usedin medicaldiagnostic imaging. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) produces detailed images of soft human tissue, safely, painlessly and noninvasively.

Using its cutting edge technology, the company has asignificant share of the high end market with its 3 Tesla magnets.

The value added by the latest innovations has brought 3 Tesla MRI scanners within the budgets of many hospitals and, because of weight reductions, enables them to be installed on any storey. The developments have also significantly reduced the intrinsic carbon

footprint and enhanced the sustainability of its magnets. This award was possible owing to the global power of Siemens Healthcarein the MRI market and by having aworld class team at the Oxford based company that is very well served by asupply chain that isboth local and global.


30 Stilebrook Road Olney MK46 5EAFor the development of intelligent lockers, TRAKA PLC wins an Innovation Award. The lockers, which automatically provideregistered users access to specified items, are designed for managing sensitive assets. Users are identified by scanners, includingchip and pin card-readers and biometric-readers. Radio-frequency identification devices (RFID) are covertly located within assetsand RFID-readers, within the lockers, register issues and returns. Incorporating bespoke software, the products link users withassets. For example, through scanning driving licences, hire companies allocate car keys with hidden RFID-tags to authori***

drivers. The devices, which provide usage reportsin written and graphical forms, are applicable to environments as disparate ashospitals, casinos and warehouses. As well as increased security, benefits include reduced staffing and capital costs. Through theinnovation, business has expanded to world-wide markets.

Turbosound Ltd

Units 1-6

Star Road Partridge Green

RH13 8RY Turbosound Ltd

wins an Innovation Award for manufacturing high quality loudspeaker systems. Used to support concert tours,they incorporate two advanced technologies developed by the company. The first, the Polyhorn, addresses problems of destructiveinterference between adjacent sources, and thus provides better sound quality from multiple-speaker arrays. The second, theDendritic, enables high quality concert sound to be uniformly distributed across widely differing indoor and outdoor audiencespaces. The new technologies combine to ensure better quality sound throughout auditoria, both from side to side and from front to rear, thus enhancing the concert experience for all audience members. The lightness and compactness of the loudspeakersystems facilitate easy transportation and deployment. Products designed incorporating these new technologies have provided

commercial success for the company.



Immediate Parent: Siemens plc

Managing Director: Mr Craig Marshall

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Laura Bennett

Tel: 01276 696***

Email: laura.bennett**[ta]**


Chairman: Mr John Kent

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Mr John Kent

Tel: 01234 712***

Email: jbk**[ta]**


Immediate Parent: Proel S.p.A. - Italy

Managing Director: Mr Simon Blackwood

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Martin Reid

Tel: 01403 712***

Email: martin.reid**[ta]**



B&Q House

Chestnut Avenue

Chandler’s Ford

Eastleigh SO53 3LEa Sustainable Development Award is made to B&Q PLC for the continuous implementation of sustainability initiatives. Actively encouraging customers, employees and suppliers to embrace appropriate behaviour, the company has worked at many addition to campaigning to change European policies on timber acquisition, it has engaged with its supply chains to improvewood, peat and paint sourcing. For example, it has influenced forest management practices globally. It has created arange of new, environmentally-friendly products and introduced acorporate objective to deliver the One Planet Home programme, entailing

rigorous staff training and new practices. Having established,in 2007, ambitious long-term targets for its products, by 2011, thecompany had achieved 20% reductionin carbon dioxide emission and the re-cycling of 85% of its waste.

Big Yellow Group PLC

1-2 The Deans

Bridge Road Bagshot

GU19 5AT

Big Yellow wins aSustainable Development Award for maintaining an appropriate emphasis on its environmental responsibility. Thecompany owns, operates and develops self-storage facilities, located throughout the UK. It provides storage spacein purpose builtfacilities constructed of, mostly, re-cycled, low-energy materials and its storage services are provided for domestic and businesscustomers. The company committed resources to social and environmental objectives and,in 2007, appointed aCorporate socialResponsibility Manager. Thus,in designing new sites,in retro-fitting existing stores andin managing its services to all of its stores,sustainability was given high priority. Through measuring and reporting appropriate parameters and incorporating energy-efficienttechnologies, the carbon foot-prints of the company and its customers were significantly reduced. The company has workedcontinuously with its stakeholders to minimise waste, water-usage and carbon dioxide emissions.

Greenham Common Community Trust Ltd

Liberty Housethe Enterprise CentreGreenham Business ParkNewbury RG19 6HW

Greenham Common Community Trust Ltd

wins aQueen’s Award for Sustainable Developmentf or the third time. The Trust hasagain been recognised for its contribution to social welfare and cohesion, stable economic growth and ecological balance, havingwon the Awardin 2003 and 2008. Its diverse community initiatives and charitable grants are possible through the sustainablemanagement of its main asset Greenham Business Park. The scale and breadth of recent projects are impressive. Since 2010 they include, establishing aBasingstoke Innovation Centre for local entrepreneurs, a£2.1m centre for the voluntary sectorin Newbury,£650,000 for supported homes for young adults with learning disabilities, helping to transform an under-utilised hall into acommunity centre and £3m for social, educational, leisure and environmental initiativesin West Berkshire and North Hampshire. intotal the Trust has distributed £16.2m of charitable income, enhancing the lives of thousands of local residents.


Employees: 2***

Immediate Parent: Kingfisher PLC

CEO: Mr Martyn Phillips

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Z-PR

Tel: 020 7896 ***

Email: bandq**[ta]**.com



Corporate Social Responsibility Manager: Mr Paul Donnelly

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Paul Donnelly

Tel: 01276 478***

Email: pdonnelly**[ta]**


Chief Executive: Mr Stuart Tagg MBE

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Julian May

Tel: 01635 817***

Email: julian**[ta]**


Mrs. Elizabeth (Hammie)

Tappendenin To Biz Limitedthe Isle of Wight Elizabeth (Hammie)

Tappenden has a20 year history of engaging with the most disadvantaged groupsin the Isle of Wight andthe wider community to help them to take self-employment as aroute out of their difficulties. She has supported over 6,000 individuals, helping them explore the opportunities for starting their own business. These include the long-term unemployed,people with disabilities or long-term sickness, ex-offenders and women returners. These social groups find it difficult to secureemployment and have substantial social and health issues to overcome. She has helped them to deal with these issues and to choose self-employment through development of arange of specialist materials to support differing learning needs, oftengoing the extra mile and making herself available out of hours and, by creating strong networks with local, regional and national

organisations and businesses to assist them.

Mr. Hugh Burnett OBE DL

Enterprise worksHugh Burnett had been actively involved with regenerationin Newhaven and East Sussex for anumber of years, all on anunpaid basis. On retirement from his position as Executive Chairman of Cash Bases Ltdin 2004, he set up afamily trust fund to acquire a23,000 sq ft facilityin Newhaven to set up acharity to promote enterprisein the manufacturing sector. ‘Enterprise Works’ provides incubator space and support to fledging businesses. Hugh has devoted time to promoting learning, trainingand development of the businesses involved and his achievement is demonstrated by the fact that no business that has receivedsupport from Enterprise Works has yet failed and many have flourished into award winners creating 80 new jobsin an area withhigher than average unemployment.

Professor Russell Smith

Business Boffins Ltd


Professor Russell Smith established the educational organisation, Business Boffins, promoting business enterprise skills in1999. Business Boffins is an innovative, structured business support programme delivered over 16 months and comprisesa book: ‘How to set up asuccessful business’, supporting CD ROM modules and interactive workshops. He obtained £1m funding for the programme to license it to auniversityin five Regional Development Areas increasing its availability. His otherachievements include establishment of the Hamilton Project, which provides ex-service personnel with the programme, andincludes aspecial edition of the accompanying book for them and an EU projectf or disabled people and carers which hassupported 70 people. To date the programme has been distributed to over 3,000 people, and helped them raise atotal of over £50 million from backers.

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Michelle Russell

Tel: 07929 847***

Email: michelle**[ta]**

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Hugh Burnett

Tel: 07710 101***

Email: hugh.burnett**[ta]**

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Professor Russell Smith

Tel: 01844 690***

Email: russell**[ta]**



TradeIncorporatedin 2007, Advanced Insulation plc specialisesin phenolic fire protection and insulation materials which are generally sold to the oil production industry. It wins the Award for the first time for its outstanding achievementin growing overseas sales overthe last three years, measured at 205%, which is also reflectedin risesin staff levels, turnover and profit. The company applies ahigh level of research and continuous technology development to ensure that its products remain competitivein asector that isboth highly technical and well regulated. This approach is partnered with asales strategy that identifies and supports existing andnew markets alike.

Allen & Heath Limited

Kernick Industrial Estate Penryn

TR10 9LU

Allen & Heath Limitedhas been designing and manufacturing professional audio mixing consoles since 1969. From its base inPenryn, Cornwall, the company serves aglobal clientele that spans the audio industry, from live bands to recording studios andfrom houses of worship to DJs and clubs. The company wins the Award for its outstanding achievementin export growth since 2008, with overseas earnings growing by 64% along with growthin the company operation and profit. They have built apremiumbrand and has nurtured its relationships with distribution partnersin more than 70 countries. This network is used both to developthe markets and to gather customer feedback which influences future product development. Now part of D&M Holdings I***

Japan, Allen & Heath previously received aQueen’s Awardin 1***

Alvan Blanch Development Company Ltd

Chelworth Manor


Malmesbury SN16 9SG

Alvan Blanch Development Company Ltdhas operated since 1952 and manufactures driers for all kinds of grain and pulses, herbsand spices and other types of biomass along with cleaning and storage systems for grain and animal feed. It wins the Award fo rthe first time for its outstanding achievementin increasing its overseas earnings by some 160%in addition to growth of 111%in overall sales. These results are linked with its approach of providing agood customer experience through detailed research to understand the client’s market, and any associated problems. The company then provides technical support staff to assist withinstallation and aftercare which is seen as asuitable approach given the capital purchase nature of the products.


Contactf or Press Enquiries: Howard Walker

Tel: 01452 880***

Tel: 07740 579***



Immediate Parent: D&M Audio Holdings UK

Managing Director: Mr Glenn Rogers

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Vicky Clark

Tel: 01326 370***

Email: vicky.clark**[ta]**


Managing Director: Mr Andrew Blanch

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Andrew Blanch

Tel: 01666 577***

Email: andrewblanch**[ta]**


Avon Metals Limited

Ashville worksAshville Road GL2 5DA

Avon Metals Limited

establishedin 2001 exports aluminium alloys, non-ferrous scrap and specialty minor metals that are nottraded on any formal exchange for usein awide range of industries including automotive, aerospace and electronics.

The company have achieved a20% share of the global marketin aluminium master alloys and have increased their exports asa percentage of turnover by 20% over the last three years through realising impressive overseas growth earnings of 214%. Avonare committed to developing their international business trading strategy and continue to penetrate new markets - United States,Middle East, Eastern Europe - particularlyin emerging economies which are starting to use the products they handle.

21-22 Balena Close

BH17 7DX

BOFA International Ltd

incorporatedin 1987 design, develop and manufacture fume extraction and filtration systems for avariety of industries. As afirst time winner, BOFA has been recognised for its outstanding achievementsin export sales over the past three years with overseas earnings growth of 108% achieved by awell implemented business strategy. Sales activity is focused onthree primary regions, (Europe, USA and Asia) and the development of OEM partnerships which are reinforced by an expandingdistribution network. Key to the company’s success has been the ability to respond quickly to market change. Rapid developmentswithin the laser and printing sectors have created new applications with differing fume management needs. BOFA’s ability to applyin house resource and expertise to develop and market product solutions has enabled them to capitalise on such opportunities.

Elitehill Trading Ltd t/a DUO

Vallis House

57 Vallis Road Frome

BA11 3EG

Elitehill Trading Ltd t/a DUO wins aQueen’s Award for International Trade for outstanding achievement following overseas earningsgrowth of 421% over the last three years. Establishedin 1972 as adomestic retailerin Bath selling high fashion footwear beforemoving into designing and manufacturing, they have three outlets for direct sales but has harnessed the potential of e-commerce,leveraging its unique on line fitting service to win business. Selling to consumersin 132 countries, it has French, German, andDutch language websites backed up by native speaking customer service teams to underpin the company’s approach to their coremarkets. Driven by acommitment to provide high levels of quality and customer service, 80% of customers get the right fit firsttime compared to afashion sector average of 40%.



Immediate Parent: The Remet Company Ltd

Chief Executive Officer: Mr Steven Munnoch

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Steven Munnoch

Tel: 07980 715***

Email: stevenmunnoch**[ta]**



Chairman: Mr David Cornell

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Dave Cornell

Tel: 01202 699***

Email: dave.cornell**[ta]**


CEO: Mr Nick Sinfield

Contactf or Press Enquiries: Nick Sinfield

Tel: 01373 468***

Email: nick**[ta]**


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